2012 Report of Christian Education

Report of the

Christian Education Committee

For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus.

And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more,

with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent,

and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,

filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ,

to the glory and praise of God.

(Philippians 1:8-11 ESV)

            As of the date of this report, our committee has met two times since our previous report (to the 128th annual meeting of the BFC Conference). Another competent and highly motivated Adult Curriculum writer has been found, for which we praise God. Our writer of Children’s Curriculum has also continued with her work. Curriculum has now been drafted for the first seven articles of faith, and is available for anyone to review on our interactive website: http://bested.ning.com/

            We are very pleased that in addition to our own ten committee members, sixteen additional members of the BFC at large have joined our interactive website as an “Advisory Council” to help guide us in our work. Any member of the BFC is invited to join our ranks by simply writing to our chairman at chaplain_john@verizon.net and requesting an online invitation.

            The Exec.Brd of the BFC has assigned a new duty to our committee: “It shall promote the cause of Christian post-secondary education on both the undergraduate and graduate levels. This may be done in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, providing information about Christian institutions and encouraging members and other participants of our churches to attend them.”

            As a result of requests like these, our committee voted at our last meeting to form several subcommittees to help expedite our work:

            1) a curriculum writing subcommittee;

            2) a post-secondary education subcommittee; and

            3) a “BFC Creativity” subcommittee.

            More recently the Nominating Committee of the BFC has requested our committee to “consider ways and means by which ministry to women in the local church could be supported and strengthened. We would love to see the Christian Ed Committee make a concerted effort to develop ministries of encouragement, teaching, and fellowship in the local churches. Could your committee provide Evaluation? Resources? Encouragement? Corporate gatherings for the ladies?”

            Pray for our committee to have much wisdom from the Lord as we seek to honor Him

with these challenges.

Christian Education Committee: John C. Studenroth, Chairman; J. Richard Vroman, Secretary; Davis E. Duggins, Treasurer; Mark E. Barninger; Timothy J. Bertolet; Richard Mastronardo; Rachel Norris; David J. Peters; Michael D. Roberts; Thomas J. Sorg.

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