2012 Report of Church Health

Report of the

Church Health Committee

            The Committee met four times in 2011 to consider the health of our particular churches. When we observed growth and development and the strengthening of local ministries, we praised God together and sent words of encouragement and affirmation to the particular churches. When we became aware of decline and difficulties, we offered our support and resources. This year we have seen encouraging signs of growth, evidence of the stabilization of some ministries, and the evidence of great struggle in some churches as well.

            In June each BFC pastor was contacted by the Church Health Committee with an offer to meet with them as needed and to provide input or means to evaluate their ministries. Each year it has been our goal to give priority to four of our churches that appear to be in the greatest need. In 2011 we had extensive interaction and provided significant input to four such churches that are facing the impact of major decline or that have had difficulties in the area of leadership. We have ongoing interaction with the pastors of these fellowships and will continue to give input and pray with them. In addition, we met with the pastors of several stable churches to review their status, encourage them in their work, and give feedback as necessary. It is our desire to encourage healthy, stable churches as well as to bring help to churches in need.

            One major concern facing our committee and the BFC involves declining churches. Clear requirements have been stated for the establishment of a particular church including the number of lay elders, their need to be self-sustaining, and being led by a qualified BFC pastor. Difficulties arise when a declining church no longer has adequate lay eldership, is no longer financially viable, or no longer has a qualified pastor. Who has responsibility and oversight of such “churches?” An ad-hoc committee has been formed to consider such situations and to make recommendations to the Church Health Committee as well as other appropriate BFC boards and committees. We will seek to accomplish this task in 2012 and report back to the Conference.

            We began the Conference year lacking one layman on our Committee. John W. Sullivan has willingly stepped in to fulfill his term and has already been a big help to the team. We are also very grateful for the ongoing input of our Executive Director, David T. Allen, who meets with us on a regular basis.

            It is our desire to be of assistance to our brothers in ministry and to the local churches that have special needs. If our prayers, listening ears, counsel, and resources can be of help to you in 2012, please contact one of us and we will respond.

Church Health Committee: Carl K. Spackman, Chairman; Richard T. Paashaus, Secretary; Byron T. Widger, Vice-Chairman; David N. Schoen, Clyde W. Snyder, Jason L. Hoy, Ronald E. Miller, John W. Sullivan.

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