2012 Report of Victory Valley

Report of the

Victory Valley Camp

            This last year was a year of God’s abundant blessings being poured over Victory Valley Camp. God blessed through Victory Valley’s programs, facilities, finances, and most importantly through the spreading of His Word.

            God blessed the 2011 summer camp program abundantly. Lowering the price for a week of camp to $299 was received very well with a 17% increase in campers over 2010. Isaiah 55:11 says “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” God’s Word was shared with more children and it did not return empty. Children made confessions of faith every single week of summer camp in 2011! Praise the Lord for His work in the hearts of the children that attended Victory Valley.

            The summer program consisted of Overnight Cabin Camp, Outpost Adventure Camp, and Valley Day Camp. In all of these programs, children learned that they did not have to fear because God is in control. God used 64 summer missionaries throughout the summer to share this message with the children and provide godly role-models for them to follow.

            The four 2012 Winter Blast weekends (formerly known as Winter Weekends and Sno Valley) were also greatly used by God. Children from many BFC churches came and heard about the importance of “Fishing For Men”. Even without snow for most of the weekends, the campers had a blast enjoying things like a fishing festival and treasure hunt all while learning how they can follow Jesus’ call to His disciples to be fishers of men.

            Victory Valley Camp continues to improve and upgrade facilities each year. Another cabin was winterized allowing for increased capacity in programs such as Winter Blast and winter rentals. The dining hall windows were also replaced. Despite the destructive storms in the fall (14 inches of snow in October and a hurricane), God protected His camp. The camp was without power for 5 days in a row twice during these storms and many trees and branches fell, but there was no damage to buildings!

            God has continued to bless Victory Valley Camp financially for several years. Even with filling the position of a full time program director, Victory Valley Camp operated for a third year with a positive bottom line. The faithful gifts of BFC churches and supporters continues to provide Victory Valley with the funds necessary to ensure that hundreds of children hear God’s Word each year through this ministry.

            God’s Word has been shared faithfully for 56 years at Victory Valley Camp and every year, God has made sure that it has accomplished His purpose. Thank you for your prayers and support of God’s ministry at Victory Valley Camp. For more information about what is happening right now at Victory Valley, please go to our website at www.victoryvalleycamp.org

2012 Calendar of Events
March 23-25 Core Challenge
March 30-April 1 Prospective Jr. Staff Retreat
May 12 Open House
June 23 Summer Staff Dedication Banquet
June 24-30 Cabin and Outpost Adventure Camp, Valley Day Camp
July 1-7 Cabin and Outpost Adventure Camp, Valley Cay Camp
July 8-14 Cabin and Outpost Adventure Camp, Valley Day Camp
July 15-21 Middle School Cabin and Outpost Adventure Camp, Valley Day Camp
July 22-28 Venture Quest , Valley Day Camp
July 29- August 4 Cabin and Outpost Adventure Camp, Valley Day Camp
August 5-11 Cabin Camp and Outpost Adventure Camp and Valley Day Camp
October 6 Golf Challenge
November 3 Fall Family Festival
November 23 Thanksgiving BFC Youth Rally
December 1 Friends of the Valley Banquet

Respectfully Submitted,
Doug Manwiller, Director

Department – Victory Valley Camp: Timothy J. Bertolet, Chairman; Bruce Ellingson, Vice Chairman; Carolyn Cruise, Secretary; Timothy J. Schmoyer, Treasurer; Colin Bartholomew, Kevin Derr, Jason Englehart, James Ernst, Rachel Norris, Mark R. Orton

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