Agency Recommendation to Annual Conference to Establish a denominational mailing list
October, 1989
The agencies established and serving the Annual Conference such as Board of Missions, Board of Church Extension, Board of Bible Fellowship Home, Pinebrook Bible Conference, Pinebrook Junior College, Victory Valley and the Stewardship Council seek to serve the particular churches and to be worthy of the support of those churches.
To this end several agencies together recommend that the Annual Conference approve the creation of a mailing list for their use according to the regulations listed.
This mailing list is needed to enable our agencies to solicit involvement of our people. Many organizations outside the Bible Fellowship Church solicit the support of our people. Without such a list, we hinder solicitation from our own people. We want our people to learn more of our work in order to encourage their support.
Therefore, we recommend that the 106th Annual Conference approve the following:
RESOLVED, that each church be requested to provide its directory and/or mailing list and periodic additions to create a mailing list for each agency to use no more than three times in two years to inform all our people of its ministry and to seek to recruit their interest in that agency, and further;
RESOLVED, that the regulations for the use of this list shall be:
1. This list will be made available to any agency or organization in the Bible Fellowship Church to use under these regulations.
2. No individual agency may directly add the names on the denominational list to its mailing list. Names will be added to the agency mailing list when responses from those individuals have been received.
3. This list will never be given or sold outside the Bible Fellowship Church.
4. Mailings will not be made closer than six weeks.
5. Each year the cost of using the mailing list will be established by the Board of Directors to cover cost of providing up-to-date labels and the costs of address corrections returned; if total list is purchased, a user may use part of the list.
6. Each user will use its own bulk mailing permit, pay its postage for mailing, request address correction on every mailing and in a timely way share the corrections with those who maintain the list.
7. A general schedule for mailing will be established, but it will allow flexibility for new mailings.
8. When periodic additions of new names are made to the list, agencies may request lists to send “welcome” communications to those being added.
This proposal has been approved and is recommended by the Board of each of the following agencies: Board of Church Extension, Board of Directors, Board of Bible Fellowship Church Home, Pinebrook Junior College, Stewardship Council, Victory Valley Camp.