Report of Pinebrook Bible Conference to BFC Conference: 1989

Report of Pinebrook Bible Conference

                  Fiscal year 1988-89 has been exciting and challenging. It has been a year filled with spiritual blessings, as well as dramatic improvements in many areas. Financially, this has been a banner year. The deficit condition of the last two years has been virtually wiped out and we are almost dead even at this point in time. This turnaround is due to a staff which has responded to the requirements, and at the same time kept operating costs at a minimum.

                  In spite of the fact that we have operated under a lean budget this year, a great many physical improvements have been accomplished, some of which are listed here: Extensive renovations including carpeting, repairs, painting, bathroom tile replacement, etc. have been completed in Sunnybrook rooms 1-8, the Nursery (Echobrook 3), and the Book and gift shop. A Steam kettle was purchased and installed in the kitchen. Air conditioning was purchased and installed in all of Sunnybrook (16 rooms), Nursery (Echobrook 3), Crafts (Echobrook 2), Fours and Fives (Echobrook 1), and Children (Underbrook). In all of these cases extensive rewiring was required. Repairs made to deteriorated roadways at the cabin circle, in front of Honeybrook and in front of the dining hall. Ceilings were installed in the Fellowship Hall entrances and Fellowship Hall was completely repainted with weatherproofing material. The Campground building was repaired with aluminum soffett and siding. We also created a Pinebrook promotional slide presentation and showed it in 12 Bible Fellowship Churches.

                  Additionally you will note through an examination of the financial report that almost $50,000 has been raised toward our Pinelodge II project. This project is a dormitory style building, similar to our existing Pinelodge building situated in the campground. Its purpose is to provide new summer staff housing, as well as additional retreat group housing and meeting area. It is projected that the objective of $75,000 will be reached within the first several weeks of our summer season. We thank God for the dear one whose significant matching gift toward Pinelodge II has helped make this project a reality.

                  Our summer season continues to represent the largest financial drain. This is due to the extremely attractive rates for Bible Fellowship people, and the high level of expenditures to meet the cost of increased necessary services.

                  It has been this director’s emphasis, along with the director of youth ministries, to provide a spiritually enriching experience to all of our weekend and summer staff. I believe this has been accomplished through our “Retreat within a retreat” and “Summer staff discipleship” programs. These programs emphasize the Christian Service aspect of our staffing requirements in unique ways, and should be aggressively continued if we expect to effectively minister to the needs of those whom God sends us as staff – and in turn meet the spiritual needs of our guests.

                  This director expresses his sincere gratitude to all of the volunteers who have been so willing to help in many ways. Countless hours and skills have been donated and have contributed to the above list of accomplishments.

                  Then too, we thank those whose faithful giving has enabled the ministry to continue and expand. Many of our Bible Fellowship churches regularly contribute to Pinebrook as do our dear friends.

Respectfully submitted, Edwin W. Ahlum – Director

Board of Directors, Pinebrook Bible Conference: John H. Riggall – Chairman, William C. Rapp – Secretary, Lee Boyles – Treasurer, Daniel P. Allen, Robert Breitegam, Bert N. Brosius, Kermit K. Gehman, Frank L. Herb Jr., Dale Kemmerer, John F. Moran, Philip E. Morrison, Gerald Schlonecker, John Stengele.

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