Report of Pinebrook Junior College to BFC Conference: 1986

            The Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College held four business meetings during the year. The Executive Committee of the Board also met periodically to transact business between the scheduled Board meetings.

            The Board organized for the year as follows: Raymond R. Dotts, Chairman; John H. Herb, Secretary; and Jay Fasnacht, Treasurer. The Board membership is also divided into five standing committees: Faculty and Instruction, Student Life, Development, Finance, Marketing and Admissions. The committees provide oversight and evaluation in their respective areas so that the College functions as effectively as possible with the resources that God has provided.

            During the year, George Priestly resigned from the Board of Directors due to the pressure of business and family responsibilities and Ronald W. Reed was elected to fill the unexpired term.

            The past year of the College was a year in which the hand of God was evident in many ways. The College was faced with many challenges that seemed to be insurmountable, but the Lord has provided in most remarkable ways. The College has made significant progress this year under the able and dedicated leadership of President Carl C. Cassel.

            The increased enrollment of 158 F.T.E. students in the Fall of 1985 which was the highest enrollment in the history of the College coupled with increased contributions and careful spending on the part of the administration has greatly improved our financial condition. The fiscal year ending June 30, 1986, shows a gain of $129,545 in current unrestricted funds for the year. This gain reduces the deficit in the current unrestricted funds balance to $12,710. This is significantly ahead of the schedule proposed last year.

            Forty-six students graduated in May 1985. Of these, seven were in the Secretarial Science Program, three in Surgical Technology and thirty-six in Liberal Arts.

            The enrollment of 161 T.F.E. students for the 1986 Fall Semester is again a record enrollment for the College. The 1986-87 Budget projects further improvement in our financial condition by June 30, 1987.

            The increased size of the student body made it necessary for the College to find additional dormitory space to house students. The College was able to purchase an adjoining property to the College campus of 6.5 acres with a house and a barn for $165,000. The house was remodeled to provide dormitory space for 23 men. In June, a group of 15 men and their wives called `Builders for God’ donated a week of labor in the remodeling project.

            Dr. Metro Yurchak resigned as Academic Dean due to a heart attack, but is still serving the College in a reduced role. Elaine Phillips is again serving as Interim Academic Dean.

            The College has strengthened its program with these additional staffing changes and faculty additions: William G. Stephens, a member of our Cedar Crest Church, has been appointed to the position of Business Manager. Bryon C. Cassel, after 13 years of service as Business Manager, will serve as Special Assistant to the President. Lee Richwine joined the staff as Director of Development in September of 1985. Marjorie Mengel who had served fulltime in the classroom has been appointed as Registrar. Three former part-time faculty members have now been added as fulltime instructors. Joanne D. Gerken has been added as an Instructor in English and Public Speaking, Carol S. Campbell as an Instructor in English and Remedial Studies, and Judith Coulsey as an Instructor in Secretarial Science. Marilyn Miles is serving this year at Rift Valley Academy in Kenya.

            Applications for status as Candidates for accreditation with the Middle States Association is planned for the Spring of 1987. Approval has been granted for Federal and State Financial Aid to Students.

            The Five Year Plan was not completed in June 1986 as anticipated, but work on the plan continues to move ahead. We expect approval of the Five Year Plan by the Board in March of 1987.

            It is the continuing desire of the College to serve a greater number of Bible Fellowship Church young people. The College is seeking to improve it effectiveness in making the Bible Fellowship Church aware and appreciative of the excellent quality of the educational program of Pinebrook Junior College.



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