Report of Pinebrook Junior College to BFC Conference: 1988

Report of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College

   Pinebrook means developing the commitment of students to our Lord and to learning. A recent informal study showed that 127 were graduated from 1981-1985. These graduates are now involved in the following ways:

   Still enrolled in schools                                                                                          3

   Employed in church or Christian organization (or spouse)    28

   Employed in other types of organizations                                               56

   Nature of employment unknown                                                             40

   Significant “lay leadership” in churches                                  28

   We thank God for the privilege of participating in their preparation.

Graduates and Students

   Thirty-four were graduated in May, 1988. E. Margaret Clarkson, the hymn writer, spoke and conducted a church music seminar on the following Tuesday.

   As classes began in September, 1988, there were 142.6 full-time equivalent students; 137 are full-time students and 12 part-time. Ninety-two are new, and 57 returning.


   Three new administrators began to serve the College in summer, 1988. Gilbert P. Kitchen became Dean of Students as of June l; he has taught history and economics for three years at Pinebrook and has served as an administrator at Phil Mont Academy and at another school in Maine. Kirk W. House assumed the responsibility of being Academic Dean on July l; he was Headmaster of Lehigh Christian Academy before coming to Pinebrook. T. Robert Wilcox became Director of Development on August l; he served Philadelphia College of Bible and Northeastern Bible College in development work for nine years.

   Renee Younger has begun to teach English and Public Speaking; Claudia Bloom is now Librarian; Margaret Bossard is now a full-time teacher in Business and Computer Science after three years of part-time teaching at Pinebrook.

   These new people are similar in ability and commitment to the faithful faculty and staff which have been serving the College. The faculty is a group of people well trained in their fields of teaching. Both faculty and staff are deeply committed to our Lord and His truth.


   The Middle States Association denied the College’s request to become a candidate for accreditation. The visiting team acknowledged progress has been made, but decided not enough had been realized, particularly in the area of financial stability, to warrant candidacy. While this decision was disappointing, the Lord has opened another door.

   In the last year the American Association of Bible Colleges (AABC) changed its Bible requirements for two-year colleges. This change allows Pinebrook to apply to become a candidate for accreditation. On October 25, the Accrediting Commission of AABC will consider reinstating Pinebrook Junior College as a candidate for accreditation on the basis of Berean Bible School having been a candidate for accreditation until 1971. Acceptance to candidacy by AABC will open new doors of opportunity for Pinebrook. The visit of Dr. Gilbert Peterson, President of Lancaster Bible College, representing AABC and work with other representatives of the Association in preparing the application has produced new emphasis in the way the College presents itself. Although the concern to see students sense a call to ministry is present as demonstrated by the alumni study mentioned earlier, little evidence of this emphasis is in the publicity. The College seeks a new clarity in its way of presenting itself, greater precision in showing how the curriculum can be used in church-related service and more emphasis given to vocational clarification and the call to ministry.


   Contributions increased again this year to $183,888. These contributions helped, but they were below the expectations of the College. Lower enrollment and unexpected expenses produced an operating deficit. Action has been taken to avoid repetition and to eliminate the deficit in the next two years.

   Despite the commitment of the Bible Fellowship Churches to contribute at least $45,000 annually, and the actual contribution of $48,893 in the year closed June 30, 1988, the Middle States visitors called for increased contributions from the Bible Fellowship Churches. Without significant increases in contributions from churches, Middle States Association questions the seriousness of the desire of the denomination to have a college. Pinebrook continues to seek more students from our churches. It is a joy to have young people from four pastors’ families in this year’s freshman class.

   Trexler Trust, Allentown, Pennsylvania, has made another grant of $15,000 to Pinebrook for library resources and the fine arts program. Efforts are underway to secure help from additional foundations in this year.

Board Activity

   The Board met four times for business and once in a workshop during the year. Quakertown National Bank was approved as the primary depository for College funds, but Meridian Bank is also a depository. The Board urges approval at second reading of changes in the Faith and Order allowing women to be elected to the Board and increasing the size of the Board. See pages 39-40 of the 1987 Yearbook for this material.

Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College: Raymond R. Dotts, Chairman; John H. Herb, Secretary; Jay H. Fasnacht, Treasurer; Carl C. Cassel, President; Kenneth F. Barber, W. Wayne Batten, Alva C. Cassel, Rodney A. Muthard, Robert C. Newman, Ronald W. Reed, L. James Roberts, Jr., C. Robert Roth, Russell M. Ruch, Thomas P. Shorb, Dana E. Weller and Robert H. Zentz

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