Report of Pinebrook Junior College to BFC Conference: 1991

Report of the Board of Directors, Pinebrook Junior College

                  Pinebrook Junior College and Berean Bible have served our Lord in training students for service to our Lord in the church, in the home and in our world for 41 years. Many people have been associated with this work; they have given of themselves, their prayers and their money to make this work effective in the lives of many. We praise our God for all of the sacrifices made on our behalf and for the blessing which He has poured upon us.

                  During the last several years the College has experienced increasing difficulties in recruiting the number of students needed to support its program. Special efforts have been made, but the results have been continued decline in the level of enrollment. Although contributions have increased significantly during these same times, they have not increased enough to offset the decline in revenue from students. Because of lower enrollment in recent years expenditures have been reduced, but costs of maintaining the program and facilities made it impossible to balance the budget. The result of these things has brought a serious financial crisis. The June 30, 1991, financial statement showed a current unrestricted fund deficit of $310,208 and long-term plant fund debt of $590,758 (mortgages). At the end of the last fiscal year cash contributions of $371,392 had been made toward the $1,000,000 goal of Joshua’s Army. Additional unpaid pledges of $228,608 have also been received. The enrollment as of September 11, 1991, is 85.6 full time equivalent students. This crisis precipitated the unanimous approval of the resolution below by the Board of Directors of the College on September 21, 1991.

                  We have a small but fine student body this year. Because they are being helped by the College in so many ways, students were disturbed by the announcement of the possible closing of the College. Staff regret that this institution which has helped students in so many ways is on the verge of ceasing to offer that help.

                  The College needs to meet its goals for contributions during this year to Joshua’s Army and to the Annual Fund because these go to the support of the education which will be offered to students through June 30, 1992. Continued sacrifice is necessary to complete the task before us.

                  Even as we grieve at the thought of Pinebrook Junior College no longer continuing to exist, we rejoice that our Lord has given us over 40 years of ministry — forty years of helping young people know God, forty years of teaching the truth of God’s Word and the wonders of God’s world, forty years of preparing men and women for lives of service. For this great privilege we thank our Lord.

                  The Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College requests that the Annual Conference consider the following:

WHEREAS, the debt of the College has increased to a critical point during the 1990-1991 fiscal year because of several years of lower enrollment; and

WHEREAS, special efforts have failed to improve enrollment to a high enough level for the 1991-1992 year; and

WHEREAS, the prospects of increasing enrollment to the needed level are severely reduced by lack of funds and by the continued shrinking of the number of traditional age college students; and

WHEREAS, contributions have increased, but the increased need of contributions exceeds the rate of giving; and

WHEREAS, there is no apparent prospect of an immediate and large infusion of gifts; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College concludes that it is no longer financially possible to continue its program of a Christian junior college apart from instruction to the contrary from the Annual Conference of Bible Fellowship Church; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we recommend to the Annual Conference of Bible Fellowship Church in its meeting in October, 1991, that Pinebrook Junior College cease its educational program as of June 30, 1992.

Board of Directors: Raymond R. Dotts, Chairman; Carl C. Cassel, President; John H. Herb, Secretary; Jay H. Fasnacht, Treasurer; Kenneth F. Barber; Dennis M. Cahill; G. Wayne Clapier; Carol A. Gearhart; Rodney A. Muthard; Robert C. Newman; Ronald W. Reed; L. James Roberts, Jr.; C. Robert Roth; Russell M. Ruch; Thomas P. Shorb; Karen R. Stull; Robert H. Zentz.

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