Report of Pinebrook Junior College to BFC Conference: 1993

Report of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College

                  The educational program of Pinebrook Junior College was concluded on September 30, 1992. The Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College has functioned in a limited way in the past year to oversee residual concerns in the closing of the college. Since most current business relates to legal, property, and financial concerns, a Joint Committee composed of selected members of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church and the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College continues necessary oversight and reports to both boards. This Joint Committee is composed of Carl C. Cassel, Raymond R. Dotts, Jay H. Fasnacht, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Jansen E. Hartman, L. James Roberts, Jr., and Robert H. Zentz.

                  The sale of the property formerly used by the college is of utmost concern. The property at 428 South Main Street was sold in 1992, and the proceeds of that sale have been used to meet operating expenses in the 1992-1993 fiscal year. The Linden Hall property and a small segment of the original Sacred Heart property adjacent to the Linden Hall property were sold in June, 1993, and the entire proceeds of this sale have been applied to reduction of indebtedness. William A. Emerick, Inc., Lansdale, PA, continues to seek a buyer for the main campus tract. Pray diligently for God to provide a buyer for the property.

                  The Board gratefully reports that contributions of $11,717.25 were received from 25 Bible Fellowship churches in the 1992-1993 fiscal year; $21,672.75 was received in gift income from individuals and other sources. This income assisted in making it possible to conclude the fiscal year with no additional indebtedness. A large portion of the college inventory of equipment and furnishings has been sold. However, cash resources have been exhausted, and without sale of the property or gift income from churches and individuals, additional indebtedness will be incurred. The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church has made available to the college $50,000.00 for use by the college for cash flow purposes, if needed, to be repaid after the sale of the property.

                  Many former college employees have found new employment for which we praise God. Some, however, have still not found new positions. Pray fervently that these folks would find suitable employment.

                  We wish to remind the Bible Fellowship Church constituency that Nyack College is the custodian of the permanent academic records of all Berean Bible School and Pinebrook Junior College graduates and non-graduates. Any former student desiring an academic or financial aid transcript should request it in writing from: Office of the Registrar, Nyack College, Nyack, NY 10960.

                  The Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College gives thanks to God for the able administrators, faculty, staff, and Board members who have served at Berean Bible School and Pinebrook Junior College during 42 years of Christian education. We praise God for the individuals and churches who have faithfully supported this ministry in prayer and financial support. We rejoice that there are graduates and former students faithfully serving the Lord in many places in many ways.


1.               WHEREAS, a new edition of the FAITH & ORDER is to be published in the next year; and

WHEREAS, the educational ministry of Pinebrook Junior College is no longer in operation; but

WHEREAS, there are reasons not to dissolve the corporation of the Pinebrook Junior College and its Board of Directors until the sale of the property is concluded; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the material in the FAITH & ORDER relative to Pinebrook Junior College not be printed in the new edition, namely pages 162-163, and Article VII: Miscellaneous By-Laws, 3. Offerings, b. (page 101), though the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College will continue to function under these by-laws until dissolution of the corporation.

2.               WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College continues to be concerned to promote Christian higher education among the Bible Fellowship constituency; and

WHEREAS, there are endowment funds of Pinebrook Junior College that we anticipate continuing to be used for Christian higher education in the Bible Fellowship Church; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College recommends that Annual Conference approve the recommendations concerning the Board of Higher Education and the Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

3.               WHEREAS, twenty-five churches gave contributions to Pinebrook Junior College between July 1, 1992, and June 30, 1993, and such gifts helped provide cash flow to avoid further indebtedness during that period, and

WHEREAS, it is expected that Pinebrook Junior College will begin to incur further indebtedness before the end of October, 1993, because cash reserves have been exhausted, and

WHEREAS, the 108th Annual Conference passed a resolution that states that “to the extent that the assets of the College plus the assets associated with and used by the College which are owned by Bible Fellowship Church are insufficient to pay all of the College’s operating obligations, Bible Fellowship Church hereby accepts the responsibility to pay these obligations” (1991 YEARBOOK, p. 42), therefore be it

RESOLVED, that each particular church continue to support the College through diligent prayer for the timely sale of the property and through regular contributions until the sale of the property is consummated.

Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College: Raymond R. Dotts, Chairman; Carl C. Cassel, President; Thomas P. Shorb, Secretary; Jay H. Fasnacht, Treasurer; Kenneth F. Barber, Dennis M. Cahill, G. Wayne Clapier, Carol A. Gearhart, John H. Herb, Rodney A. Muthard, Robert C. Newman, Ronald W. Reed, L. James Roberts, Jr., C. Robert Roth, Russell M. Ruch, Karen R. Stull, Robert H. Zentz

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