Report of Strategic Planning

Report of the

Strategic Planning Committee

       The Strategic Planning Committee met four times since the last Annual Conference to carry out its assignment of developing a coordinated strategic plan for the Bible Fellowship Church. In July, a letter was distributed to all Bible Fellowship Church pastors seeking concerted prayer support for the denomination and the work of this committee as well as written input regarding ideas related to planning for the future. We express our appreciation for the responses received.

       Much of the Committee’s work this year centered on addressing the following questions:

       1.    At the present growth rate, what will the Bible Fellowship Church look like in the year 2005?

       2.    What impact would denominational offices, headquarters, and/or a denominational executive or coordinator have on the Bible Fellowship Church?

       3.    In response to questions posed by the Study Committee to Clarify the Use of Laymen and Laypersons in the Faith and Order, would the Strategic Planning Committee consider including women as nominees for its Committee?

       4.    If the Bible Fellowship Church were to be regionalized or restructured as a network of church teams, what would the impact be on our pastoral care, Christian education, missions, conference structure, and evangelism?

       In response to these questions, the Committee focused in on a bright future for the denomination with significant growth and development of a wide spectrum of ministries. We saw the need to move beyond maintenance to expansion in all areas of ministry and believe that consideration of denominational headquarters and leadership would be necessary. Due to the nature of our work and the need for varied perspectives and input, we would not be opposed to having women nominated to serve on the Strategic Planning Committee.

       Finally, much of our interaction related to the concept of regionalization. With this in mind, we are asking our brothers in the Annual Conference to provide us input in the form of a one hour discussion during the 113th Annual Conference. This forum would be based on the following material:

Regionalization of the Bible Fellowship Church

A Proposed Restructuring

       Our current structure of organization and leadership is adequate to maintain our current size and ministry. A network of regional church teams can mobilize our denomination for growth. A new paradigm is needed for our thinking if we are to move beyond what we are now and accomplish what God has called us to do. That paradigm will center in a network of regional church teams who are mobilized for ministry to a region of our country.

Regional Church Teams will-

       ◆     regionalize church planting goals and ministry

       ◆     regionalize missionary support and care

       ◆     regionalize Christian Education training and opportunities

       ◆     regionalize youth ministry and activity

       ◆     regionalize fellowship opportunities

       ◆     regionalize news publications

Regional Church Teams represent an advance over our current structure-

       ◆     denominational ministry decisions are brought closer to churches

       ◆     churches can experience greater “ownership”

       ◆     the gap between decision making and decision implementation is smaller

       ◆     directional goals for shared ministry can be established by the churches themselves

       We ask that the members of Annual Conference consider the following questions in light of this material on restructuring:

       1.    What has God been doing in your church? in the BFC agencies, boards, and committees? in the BFC over all?

       2.    What is being done denominationally to further what God has already begun to do?

       3.    What has limited development of effective ministry of the BFC?

       4.    Recognizing that the Strategic Planning Committee is giving initial consideration to regionalization of the denomination which would strengthen fellowship, clarify direction, and encourage unity in the BFC…

              A.   How do you believe regionalization would mobilize the ministry of the denomination?

              B.   What impact might regionalization have over all on you? your church? your agency? the Bible Fellowship Church?

       It is the desire of the Strategic Planning Committee to record the responses in this forum and to review, synthesize, and assimilate responses for further decision making.

       We request your input and prayer support for this important committee as we continue our work. The Bible Fellowship Church has great potential for expanded, effective biblical ministry in the next millennium. May we together seek the Lord’s wisdom and take whatever steps are necessary to fulfill His vision for the Bible Fellowship Church.


The organizational pattern that exists now has maintained us at 6000+ members. A new, more flexible and mobile decision making structure is needed if we will move beyond and break out.


A new structure based on a network of church teams committed to ministry in a geographic region will bring a decentralized decision making structure to facilitate more responsive ministry in a regional area.

Strategic Planning Committee: Robert A. Sloan, Chairman; Richard T. Paashaus, Secretary; Raymond R. Dotts, Richard B. Ravis, Ronald W. Reed, William R. Singletary, Richard E. Taylor.

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