Report of the Advisory Committee on Revising the Faith and Order: 1993

Report of the Advisory Committee on Revising the FAITH & ORDER

                  The Advisory Committee on Revising the FAITH & ORDER was appointed by the Chairman of the 109th Annual Conference to assist the Board of Publication and Printing in coordinating the assembling of the necessary revisions for a new edition of the FAITH & ORDER (1992 YEARBOOK, p.52ff.).

                  The Committee met four times in seeking to fulfill its assignment. William H. Bartron and Daniel P. Allen attended all meetings representing the Board of Publication and Printing. Willard E. Cassel assisted the Committee in its research.

                  The Committee has sought to identify and incorporate all legislation adopted by Annual Conference since the 1986 edition of the FAITH & ORDER. The Committee also reviewed the entire FAITH & ORDER, correcting typographical errors and making suggestions for format changes to enhance the appearance and accessibility of the contents. The Committee has communicated with nine Boards and Committees requesting a review of various portions of the FAITH & ORDER.

                  The Board of Publication and Printing plans to publish a new edition of the FAITH & ORDER in the 1993-94 Conference year and will include legislation approved by the 110th Annual Conference.

                  The Committee has made recommendations to the Board of Publication and Printing to implement a plan for the continual oversight of the revisions and publication of the FAITH & ORDER.

                  The Committee has also recommended to the Board of Publication and Printing that future editions of the FAITH & ORDER (excluding the 1994 edition) utilize a numerical outline format to improve the appearance and accessibility of the contents of the FAITH & ORDER (See appendix for sample page). Your reactions to this proposed innovation are valued by this Committee and the Board of Publication and Printing.

                  The Committee makes the following recommendations to the 110th Annual Conference:

1.               WHEREAS, the Advisory Committee on Revising the FAITH & ORDER desires the new edition to be clear and consistent in its language, and

WHEREAS, the footnotes in the current edition are from three different Bible translations (KJV, ASV, NASB), and

WHEREAS, the footnotes in the current edition contain several archaic and misleading translations (e.g. Isaiah 35:7; 1 Thessalonians 4:15), therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the new edition of the FAITH & ORDER contain footnotes from the New International Version.

2.               (assuming recommendation one is approved)

WHEREAS, there are occasions in the Articles of Faith and the Standards of Worship and Life where wording of the articles includes quotations from King James Version passages cited in the footnotes, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the wording of Articles in the following instances be changed to reflect the wording of the New International Version used in the footnotes:

Articles of Faith

                                    1)              Article III, God The Father, line 6 (cf. Exodus 34:5,6)

                                                      presently:                    “forgiving of iniquity, transgressions and sin”

                                                      change to: “forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin”

                                    2)              Article XXVI, The Judgments, line 3 (cf. John 5:22)

                                                      presently:                    “judgment has been committed to the Son by the Father”

                                                      change to: “judgment has been entrusted to the Son by the Father”

Standards of Worship and Life

                                    1)              Article III, Public Worship, line 5, (cf. Hebrews 10:24,25)

                                                      presently:                    “not forsake the assembling of ourselves together”

                                                      change to: “not give up meeting together”

                                    2)              Article IX, Separation from the World, paragraph 4, line 3, (cf. Ephesians 2:6)

                                                      presently:                    “made to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus;”

                                                      change to: “seated with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus;”

                                    3)              Article IX, Separation from the World, paragraph 4, line 6, (cf. Colossians 3:2)

                                                      presently:                    “set our affections on things above, not on things on the earth.”

                                                      change to: “set our minds on things above, not on earthly things.”

                                    4)              Article XI, Apparel, line 1, (cf. I Timothy 2:9)

                                                      presently:                    “adorn themselves with modest apparel with shamefacedness and sobriety.”

                                                      change to: “dress modestly, with decency and propriety.”

3.               WHEREAS, the suggested format of the forms for calls extended to pastors by a BFC agency or particular church which was approved at Second Reading (1990 YEARBOOK, p.27-30; cf. FAITH & ORDER, p.107) is:

                                    (1).            Call for Bible Fellowship Church Agencies

                                    (2).            Call to a Minister to Serve Bivocationally

                                    (3).            Call to be Used by Particular Church


WHEREAS, it seems appropriate for this order to be revised since the call used by a particular church is the norm and the other calls are a variation from the norm; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the format of Article IX: Pulpit Supply Procedure, section 6.j. be revised with the following order:

                                    (1).            Call to be Used by a Particular Church

                                    (2).            Call for Bible Fellowship Church Agencies

                                    (3).            Call to a Minister to Serve Bivocationally,

and be it further

RESOLVED, that this action be approved at one reading since this is a change in format and not in content.

4.               WHEREAS, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has noted that the 1986 edition of the FAITH & ORDER is in error on pages 173 and 174, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the 110th Annual Conference clarify that the material that appears on page 174 as 7. and 8. under the category “Procedure” should instead appear as 8. and 9. at the top of page 173 under the category “Duties”, and be it further

RESOLVED, that this correction shall be included in the new edition of the FAITH & ORDER.

5.               WHEREAS, the legislation of the 110th Annual Conference is to be incorporated into the new edition of the FAITH & ORDER, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Advisory Committee on Revising the FAITH & ORDER continue to serve until the publication of a new edition of the FAITH & ORDER.

Advisory Committee on Revising the FAITH & ORDER: Randall A. Grossman, Chairman; Thomas P. Shorb, Secretary; Kenneth L. Good, Robert W. Smock, Richard T. Paashaus



Article II: The Church

The Church — Universal and Particular

                  Jesus Christ has established His rule on Earth in the church. The universal church consists of all those persons, in every nation, who make profession of faith in Christ and yield submission to Him and His rule. Because this multitude cannot meet in one place for worship and fellowship, the Scriptures indicate that these believers shall be divided into many particular churches.

                  A particular church consists of professing believers voluntarily associated in submission to the Holy Scriptures, for divine worship, godly living, and evangelism. The particular churches seek to demonstrate by their participation in the church universal by forming unions with other particular churches that have a similar understanding of doctrine and organization.

Responsibilities of the Church Toward Members

                  Each particular church has been directed by Christ to minister corporately to the needs of individual members. The elders of each congregation shall endeavor to establish a program that shall honor the body of Christ in fulfilling the following responsibilities toward members:

 1.               To implement the corporate worship of God (John 4:23,24; Eph. 5:19,20;…)

 2.               To promote the development of Christian character and conduct (Rom. 6:1-23…)

 3.               To maintain purity of life and doctrine (I Cor. 5:1-31;…)

 4.               To instruct and train for Christian service and to give opportunity to serve (Rom. 12:1-8; I Cor. 12:1-31; Eph. 4:8-16; Matt. 28:18-20; II Tim. 2:2)

 5.               To impart a vision for evangelism and missions (Matt. 9:36-38;…)

 6.               To assist in building good relationships:

                  a.               Family (Eph. 5:22; 6:4; I Peter 3:1-7)

                  b.               Employment (Eph. 6:5-9; I Peter 3:18-21)

                  c.               Community and state (Rom. 13:1-7; I Peter 2:13-17)

 7.               To promote fellowship and hospitality (Rom. 12:13; Heb. 13:2,16;…)

 8.               To minister comfort (II Cor. 1:3-7)

 9.               To promote unity and harmony (I Cor. 1:10-13; Eph. 4:3)

10.             To care for the needy (Acts 6:1-8; I Tim. 5:3-16)

11.             To settle disagreements and administer discipline (Matt. 18:15-20;…)

Qualifications and Duties of Church Membership

                  Anyone desiring to be a member of the Bible Fellowship Church shall give testimony and evidence of faith in Christ and the new birth. He shall be in sympathy with the Faith and Order, be baptized by immersion subsequent to salvation, and manifest holiness toward God and separation from the world (Acts 2:41-47).

Duties. Commitment to Christ and the Bible Fellowship Church shall be manifested by the joyful acceptance of the following, etc.

New Way

Article II: The Church

1.               The Church — Universal and Particular

                  1.1             Jesus Christ has established His rule on Earth in the church. The universal church consists of all those persons, in every nation, who make profession of faith in Christ and yield submission to Him and His rule. Because this multitude cannot meet in one place for worship and fellowship, the Scriptures indicate that these believers shall be divided into many particular churches.

                  1.2             A particular church consists of professing believers voluntarily associated in submission to the Holy Scriptures, for divine worship, godly living, and evangelism. The particular churches seek to demonstrate by their participation in the church universal by forming unions with other particular churches that have a similar understanding of doctrine and organization.

2.               Responsibilities of the Church Toward Members

                  2.1             Each particular church has been directed by Christ to minister corporately to the needs of individual members. The elders of each congregation shall endeavor to establish a program that shall honor the body of Christ in fulfilling the following responsibilities toward members:

                                    2.1.1          To implement the corporate worship of God (John 4:23,24; Eph. 5:19,20; Col. 3:16)

                                    2.1.2          To promote the development of Christian character and conduct (Rom. 6:1-23; 12:9-21; 14:1; 15:7; Gal. 5:16-26; Eph. 4:22-5:21)

                                    2.1.3          To maintain purity of life and doctrine (I Cor. 5:1-31; I Tim. 1:3-11; Titus 2:1-15; 3:1-11; Heb. 13:9; II John 10,11; Jude 3,4; Rev. 2:2,14,15,20)

                                    2.1.4          To instruct and train for Christian service and to give opportunity to serve (Rom. 12:1-8; I Cor. 12:1-31; Eph. 4:8-16; Matt. 28:18-20; II Tim. 2:2)

                                    2.1.5          To impart a vision for evangelism and missions (Matt. 9:36-38; 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Rom. 9:1ff; Rom. 10:1ff)

                                    2.1.6          To assist in building good relationships:

                                                   Family (Eph. 5:22; 6:4; I Peter 3:1-7)

                                                   Employment (Eph. 6:5-9; I Peter 3:18-21)

                                                   Community and state (Rom. 13:1-7; I Peter 2:13-17)

                                    2.1.7          To promote fellowship and hospitality (Rom. 12:13; Heb. 13:2,16; I Peter 4:9; III John 5-8)

                                    2.1.8          To minister comfort (II Cor. 1:3-7)

                                    2.1.9          To promote unity and harmony (I Cor. 1:10-13; Eph. 4:3)


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