Report of the Board of Christian Education to BFC Conference: 1986


            In the past year (1985-86) the Board of Christian Education sponsored the following ministries:

                        I.         Pastors, Elders and Deacons Retreat held at Pinebrook Bible Conference. 232 were in attendance

                II.     Sno-Glo Winter Youth Retreat held at Pinebrook Bible Conference. We had a record attendance of 615.

               III.     Christian Education Convention held at the Quakertown B.F. Church. 157 were in attendance with 22 churches represented.

            We are grateful to God for the opportunity to minister in the various ways listed above. Many have participated in the ministry of the Board of Christian Education through prayer, attendance, and financial support.

            We are planning to make a purchase of video tapes for the denomination’s audio-visual library. As soon as these tapes are available, churches will receive the necessary information.

            In order for the Board to continue to be effective, we need input from you. Please write down your ideas and send them to any board member. We ask prayer for the ministry of Christian Education in the Bible Fellowship Church. Pray especially for our Sunday Bible School. We need special wisdom and motivation to make them effective tools of edification and evangelism. Thank you for your support.

            We regretfully announce the resignation of our Chairman Richard Taylor. He has been on the Board for 11 years. We pray for the Lord to continue to establish the work of his hands. We also lose Bob Keener. Bob has been very diligent in keeping track of the finances. We thank God for his labor of love. Richard Harris also will be leaving the board and we appreciated his work for the Lord in our midst.

Committee:     Richard E. Taylor, Chairman; Richard D. Harris, Vice Chairman; Willard J. Stull, Secretary; Robert Keener, Treasurer; George Bryson, Terris L. Byrd, Robert Davies, Wayne R. Gehret, Philip E. Morrison, Richard Paashaus, Jonathan Reynolds, David A. Thomann

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