Report of the Board of Christian Education to BFC Conference: 1989

Report of the Board of Christian Education

                  The members of the Board of Christian Education met four times this church year. The primary ministry of this Board is carried out through four sub-committees. The following are reports from those sub-committees.

Audio-Visual Materials

                  The Board approved the purchase of eight new video series this past year, bringing the total of available series to seventeen. In addition to these series which are owned by the denomination an extensive selection of videos have been made available through the particular churches. The compilation of these lists will provide the local churches with an excellent pool of resources from which to choose.

                  A Current Audio-Visual Resource Catalog including listings of videos and filmstrips has been produced and is available for each local church.

Christian Education Training

                  112 participants from 18 churches attended this year’s training and skill improvement program of the Idea and Inspiration Fair. Response from those who attended was very positive and there are quite a few reports of many of the ideas being implemented in the churches. Many thanks to the Bethlehem church for graciously allowing us the use of their fine facilities.

                  The video series, “7 Laws of the Teacher” featuring Dr. Howard Hendricks of Dallas Theological Seminary will be added to the denominational filmstrip/video library during the fall of 1989. Two sessions of this series will be utilized in the 1990 convention in order to demonstrate how it can be implemented in a local church teacher training program. All churches represented will receive a 32-page leaders guide and all participants will receive a 104-page workbook in order to facilitate the use of this series in their own church. The convention will be held at the Emmaus church on March 31, 1990 from 10:00 am – 2:30 pm.

                  A newsletter called the “Bulletin Board” was mailed to all CE Committee chairpersons and SS Superintendents of the denomination two times this year. This periodic news sheet is designed to keep the local lay leaders in a church’s CE program informed of important information as well as to provide a forum for the sharing of ideas and solutions to common problems. This will be continued for the coming year.

Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Advance (P.E.D.)

                  Joe Aldrich, President of Multnomah School of the Bible, was the speaker at the 1988 Advance at Pinebrook in the Poconos on November 11 and 12. Brother Aldrich’s presentation on Lifestyle evangelism was challenging and profitable for the 210 men who attended.

                  The 1989 Advance will be held on Nov. 10-11 at Pinebrook again. James Pickard of “Master’s Fellowship” will be the speaker. The focus of the Advance will be the financial concerns of the local church and its Pastors. We strongly urge each church to participate by encouraging your Pastors, Elders, and Deacons to attend.

                  The 1990 Advance is to feature Dr. Gene Getz of Dallas Theological Seminary. The dates are November 9 & 10.


                  The Thanksgiving Rally was well attended with 225 young people attending from 21 Bible Fellowship Churches. The speaker was Keith Walker. Quakertown B.F.C. and Pinebrook Jr. College hosted the event.

                  Sno-Glo 1989 had 546 participants. We were challenged by the ministry of Earl Cook of Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation.

                  1990 Sno-Glo will be held Jan. 5-7 and 19-21 at Pinebrook Bible Conference. The speaker will be Keith Walker from Lancaster Bible College. The topic of the retreat will be “What are you aiming at?”

                  After many years of faithful service as a committee member and as Chairman of the Board, Philip E. Morrison tendered his resignation on June 8. We express our appreciation to Phil for his commitment to the Board and to the ministries of the Bible Fellowship Church.

Board of Christian Education: Richard T. Paashaus, Chairman; Calvin T. Reed, Secretary; David N. Schoen, Treasurer; David T. Allen, Delbert R. Baker II, George R. Bryson, Timothy Cole, Daniel Delozier, Albert J. Dommel, Jonathan D. Reynolds, Mark Tress

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