Report of the Board of Christian Education to BFC Conference: 1991

Report of the Board of Christian Education

                  The Board of Christian met four times during the 1990-91 Church year. Much of the work of the Board is carried out by four committees made up of Board members as well as other members of the Bible Fellowship Church. Our Board and committees are actively involved in strengthening the ministry of the local church.

Audio-Visual Materials Committee:

                  The Audio-Visual Library has thirty titles in its video collection. A total of twenty four churches/agencies borrowed forty videos or video series during the past year. A limited number of churches continue to use the large collection of quality filmstrips. The library contains a wealth of resource material suitable for use in Sunday School, Bible studies, children’s church and other ministries. We are open to suggestions for additional purchases. Please contact David Schoen in Emmaus.

Christian Education Training Committee:

                  “Christian Education In Every Stage of Life” was the focus of the 1991 Convention. A variety of workshops covering all age levels were offered utilizing resource people from within the denomination. There were 120 participants from 24 different Bible Fellowship Churches.

                  Mr. Terry Hall will be the seminar leader for the upcoming March 28, 1992 Convention. Mr. Hall has been a pastor and taught at the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago for ten years. He is now vice president of Media Ministries in Wheaton, Illinois. Terry is the author of over one hundred articles and ten books, including, Bible Panorama, Getting More From Your Bible, and How To Be the Best Sunday School Teacher You Can Be. The 1992 Seminar will be an action filled, interesting and informative learning experience.

                  Surveys circulated to pastors and key Christian Education lay people are presently being worked on in an effort to better determine the needs and issues of concern in the denomination. The results will be utilized to plan new ways of helping the local congregation to train and equip their people for greater service.

Pastor, Elder, Deacon Advance Committee (PED):

                  Dr. Gene Getz was the speaker for the 1990 PED Advance held November 9-10 at Pinebrook in the Poconos. There were 233 men in attendance from 46 Bible Fellowship Churches.

                  On November 8-9, 1991, the Board will present the 1991 PED Advance sharing the ministry of Church growth expert, Win Arn. His topic will include “Reaching a Changing World With the Changeless Gospel.”

Youth Committee:

                  A very active committee, the Youth Committee gives oversight to the Sno-Glo Ministries, Thanksgiving Youth Rally, and Youth Leadership training sessions.

                  The Thanksgiving Youth Rally was held at Pinebrook Jr. College and Quakertown Bible Fellowship Church for 287 teens and leaders from 22 different churches.

                  Sno-Glo Weekends allowed us to minister to 700 teens from 30 churches. Teaching by Pastor Randy Grossman, multi-media ministries, and contemporary Christian music concerts provided the teens with enjoyable, stimulating weekends. Dan DeLozier, Gil Vining, and their co-workers gave excellent leadership to these weekends.

                  No Youth Leadership Seminar was held this year.

                  The Board appreciates the input and support of the local church. Your increased financial support has allowed us to expand our ministries. It is our desire to continue to provide you with valuable resources in both materials and personnel to meet your needs in the area of Christian Education.


Year Ending, August 31, 1991

Beginning balance as of September 1, 1990                                                     $ 3,336.40

                                                                  Receipts       Expenditures                  Totals

         Church Pledges                                 $ 4130.00                $ –               $ 4,130.00

         Sno Glo                                             37,397.60            38,398.33             (1,000.73)

         Thanksgiving Rally                             1,437.00              1,344.26                   92.74

         1991 CE Convention                              720.95                 750.82                  (29.87)

         1992 CE Convention                                  0.00                 550.20                (550.20)

         Audio-Visual Aids                                    70.00                 707.96                (637.96)

         PED Advance                                       2144.00               2781.33                (637.33)

         Committee Expenses                                   –                   1,038.44              (1038.44)

         Board of Publication & Printing                  –                      250.00                (250.00)

         First Aid Kit                                                –                      134.05                (134.05)

         Miscellaneous                                          -.                  100.07              (100.07)

         Total                                                  45,899.55            46,055.46                (155.91)

Ending Balance as of August 31, 1991                                                             $ 3,180.49

Bible Fellowship Church Board of Christian Education funds are held in checking account #1501-1734 at the Meridian Bank, Emmaus branch.

Audited by Dana E. Weller

Board of Christian Education: Richard T. Paashaus, Chairman; W. David Armstrong, Vice Chairman; Timothy D. Cole, Secretary (9/90-6/91); Scott Fetterolf, Secretary (6/91 – present); David N. Schoen, Treasurer; Robert Commerford, Daniel F. DeLozier, David H. Jones, Mark S. Matson, Jonathan D. Reynolds, Edward Ahlum, Jr., G. Wayne Clapier.

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