Report of the Board of Church Extension to BFC Conference: 1986


`And when they had arrived and gathered the

church together, they began to report all

things that God had done with them.’

Acts 14:27

    As it was with the church in Acts, so it is with us. The Bible Fellowship Church is gathered at Annual Conference and we, the Board of Church Extension, report what God has done in Church Extension ministries.

    One exciting and encouraging highlight is the launching of Project Beachhead. The project of planting new churches in the area of Atlantic City, New Jersey was begun in 1978. After several years of planning, praying raising funds and seeking pastors, we can now report that Sunday services are being held in Somers Point and Bible studies are being conducted in Mays Landing. Roger L. Reitz and Harold C. Weaber, respectively, lead these missions. We are thankful for the 150 people from several Bible Fellowship Churches who participated in Launch Day on Saturday, June 7. God used their efforts to help establish these ministries.

    Dennis Cahill has been added to the Church Extension Department this year. He assumed the pastorate of the Edison, NJ Mission.

    At the 102nd Annual Conference the Wider Horizons program was adopted for the Bible Fellowship Church. Several churches have responded in various ways as goals have been set and plans to meet these goals have been implemented.

    The Board has responded, in part, by creating the position of Associate Director of Church Extension and Coordinator of Wider Horizons. Robert W. Smock has accepted the call to this position on a part-time basis.

    Wider Horizons also means cross-cultural ministries. God is giving us this opportunity in the Cambodian community of Philadelphia. Presently a committee of the board is planning with an Asiatic brother to establish such a Bible Fellowship ministry.

    Project Beachhead, Wider Horizons, a Cambodian ministry are some of what God is doing. This, however, results in a greater workload for the Board. To carry this load the Board has done some internal reorganization. Committees have been formed which will be responsible for particular aspects of the Church Extension Department. It is anticipated that this will streamline the functioning of the Board.

    The 1986-87 Revised Budget is being presented in a different form than that of previous years. The first section lists the anticipated income and expenditures needed to maintain present Church Extension ministries. This alone will stretch financial resources.

    The Board cannot be content with maintenance alone. Growth must also be in the plan. Not to plan to grow is to plan not to grow. This would not only curtail Church Extension ministries, but would also have serious adverse effects on the life of the Bible Fellowship Church.

    The second section lists income from which the Board will pray and endeavour to raise so that the outreach projects listed as expenditures can become reality. Money will be expended for growth only as funds are received. Members of Annual Conference ar asked to join the Board in praying that offerings received in the coming year will be adequate to support growth.

    The following churches, missions, and pastors are presently under the direction of the Board of Church Extension:

    Camden, DE                   James G. Koch

    Eastern Union County, NJ     Dennis W. Spinney

    Edison, NJ                   Dennis M. Cahill

    Finesville, NJ               D. Thomas Phillips

    Irvington, NJ                Ronald C. Erb

    Kutztown, PA                 Randall A. Grossman

    Mays Landing, NJ             Harold C. Weaber

    Mt. Pocono, PA               A. L. Seifert

    Newark, DE                   William G. Schlonecker

    Newark, NJ                   Delbert R. Baker, II

    New Fairfield, CT            Dean A. Stortz

    Poughquag, NY                James A. Wickstead

    Somers Point, NJ             Roger L. Reitz

    Walnutport, PA               David W. Chappell

    Wappingers Falls, NY         Byron Widger

    Whaley Lake (Pawling), NY    Robert S. Commerford

    We express our thankfulness to the Lord for the faithful ministry of these brethren along with the leadership of the Director of Church Extension, Daniel G. Ziegler. We are grateful for the prayer support and financial contributions of the Bible Fellowship Church throughout the year. We praise God for what He has done with the ministries of the Church Extension Department so that it can contribute to the growth of the Bible Fellowship Church.

    The Board of Church Extension recommends that the 103rd Annual Conference adopt the following resolutions:

RESOLVED that the following be added to the Duties of the Board of Church Extension:

11.The Board shall promote the program of Church Extension and develop a broadening financial base for its ministry. (SECOND READING)

RESOLVED, that the material entitled `Board of Church Extension’, pages 115-16, Faith and Order be amended to read:

    A.  Purpose

The Church Extension Department exists for the purpose of building the body of Christ through extending the Bible Fellowship Church in the United States of America and its territories and jurisdictions and on the rest of the North American continent. It does this by evangelizing in areas, communities and neighborhoods and among peoples where Bible Fellowship Churches do not exist and by forming, fostering and nurturing to maturity new congregations.

The Department consists of the Board of Church Extension, the Executive Director of Church Extension, all other employees of the Board, the churches and missions under jurisdiction of the Board and the pastors of those churches and organizing pastors of those missions. (Note: New Material, FIRST READING)

    B.  Composition

The Board of Church Extension shall be composed of the Executive Director of Church Extension by virtue of his office and five ordained ministers and five laymen. Classes shall be formed as follows:

              Class I    –   two ministers and two laymen

              Class II    –   two ministers and two laymen

              Class III    –   one minister and one layman

    C.  Election

The Executive Director shall be elected by the Board of Church Extension, subject to ratification of Annual Conference, for a three-year term to begin when the incumbent has submitted his report to the next Annual Conference.

Each class shall be elected in turn annually by ballot by the Annual Conference for a term of three years.

    D.  Duties

As listed in the Faith and Order plus No. 11, if adopted for Second Reading.

(Note: Sections B,C, and D are existing in the Faith and Order. Their order has been changed.

    and further

RESOLVED, that the following be deleted from the section in the Faith and Order entitled `Church Extension Director’


He shall be elected by the Board of Church Extension subject to ratification by the Annual Conference, for a three year term to begin when the incumbent has submitted his report to the next Annual Conference.

RESOLVED, that the Charter Membership Form and ceremonies for recognition of churches be approved (ATTACHED).

WHEREAS, the Board of Church Extension is of the opinion that the Wappingers Falls New York Mission meets the qualifications of a church as specified in Article XVIII of the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church;therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Wappingers Falls New York Mission be recognized as a church and that its delegate be received into the membership of the 103rd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.

WHEREAS, the Board of Church Extension is of the opinion that the Mt. Pocono PA Mission meets the qualifications for a church as specified in Article XVIII of the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church;

    therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Mt. Pocono PA Mission be recognized as a church and that its delegate be received into the membership of the 103rd Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church.

RESOLVED, that the budget for the Board of Church Extension for 1987-88 be adopted.

Committee:    LeRoy S. Heller, Chairman; Bruce A. Ellingson, Secretary; Clayton E. Weber, Treasurer; Alfred G. Roberts, Robert W. Smock, Clyde W. Snyder, Richard E. Taylor, Dana E. Weller, Robert Zentz, Daniel G. Ziegler, Warren L. Zimmerman,



              city                 state

    Whereas, the Bible Fellowship Church of (city), (state) has been meeting as a congregation, has formed a membership roll comprised of disciples of Jesus Christ, who have been baptized as believers and give credible evidence of new life in Christ, has elected and installed elders who meet the biblical qualifications and subscribe to the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, and continues to engage in the worship of Almighty God, the preaching and teaching of the Word of God, the practice of the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper and the exercise of scriptural discipline, and

    Whereas, the th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, has recognized Bible Fellowship Church of (city), (state) and received it into membership of the Annual Conference, therefore,

    We, the undersigned officers of the th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church, do present this charter to Bible Fellowship Church of (city), (state) on this th day of in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred .

(SEAL) Secretary      Chairman

The undersigned are recognized as charter members of Bible Fellowship Church, (city), (state), as of (month), (day), (year).


by the Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church

    (This ceremony shall be used at the point in the Conference proceedings when the church is recognized and its delegate seated.)

1.  On behalf of the Board of Church Extension, the secretary of the board shall read the recommendation of the Board that the church be recognized and received into the membership of the conference.

2.  On behalf of the Annual Conference, the chairman of the conference shall announce the vote of the conference and declare that the new church has been received.

3.  The registrar of Annual Conference shall verify that the delegate from the church was duly elected and shall introduce him to the conference.

4.  On behalf of the Annual Conference, the chairman shall welcome the delegate and the pastor or organizing pastor of the church into Annual Conference membership.

5.  The delegate of the new church shall announce the names of all elders of the new church and recognize those who are present.

6.  At the discretion of the chairman, he or another person whom he designates may make brief remarks.

7.  The chairman shall direct the secretary of the Annual Conference to prepare a charter to be presented to the church at a subsequent ceremony in its own community.

8.  The pastor or organizing pastor of the new church may respond.

9.  The chairman, or someone whom he shall designate, shall lead in prayer for the new church.

10. The delegate and pastor of the new church, together with the alternate delegate and any other elders who are present, shall receive greetings from the rest of the members of the Annual Conference.


For a new church

This ceremony shall be a worship service held in the community of the church. It shall be planned by the particular church and may include the following:

Singing of hymns

Reading of Scripture

Ministry in Music


Presentation of the Charter by an Officer of Annual Conference

Reception of the Charter by an Officer of the Local Church

Signing of the Charter by All members who are present

Presentation of the Minutes of the Board of Surrogate Elders by an  Officer of the Board of Surrogate Elders

Reception of the Minutes by the Secretary of the Board of Elders

The Offering

The Sermon

Declaration of Commitment by the Congregation

Prayer of Commitment

Installation of the Pastor (if he has been called)

The Benediction

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