Report of the Board of Church Extension to BFC Conference: 1989

Report of the Board of Church Extension

“Witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria,

and the remotest part of the earth.”

Acts 1:8

                  The Board of Church Extension continues to endeavor to do its part in extending the Church as our Lord said His followers should do. Our responsibility is limited. Although we are not the only people involved in extending the Church, we are responsible for extending the Bible Fellowship Church. Although we are not directly involved in planting churches in the remotest part of the earth, we gladly assume our responsibility in extending the Bible Fellowship Church in our Judea and Samaria.

                  During the year the Board met five times. Numerous committee meetings were also held.

                  Expansion, sadly but realistically, sometimes requires retreat. It was with grief that the Board concluded that the church in New Fairfield, Connecticut be closed. This was especially difficult as New Fairfield literally represented extending the borders of the Bible Fellowship Church into Connecticut. Several years of ministry were invested, which did result in conversion of unbelievers and growth of Christians. At one time there was expectation of this small church becoming a strong, self-sustaining body. As this did not happen and the church became weaker, it was deemed best to terminate the ministry.

                  There are, however, evidences of the borders of the Bible Fellowship Church being extended in our Samaria. Most recently, on September 10, the first public worship service was held at the new mission in Ocean County, New Jersey.

                  Additionally, expansion has happened in Edison New Jersey. An extensive telephone campaign was held during which many volunteers from several Bible Fellowship churches along with people from Edison placed over 40,000 calls. The purpose was to find people interested in a new church and to invite them to the first service on April 16. The result was approximately 200 in attendance. Presently, as anticipated, 80-90 people attend regularly. A baptismal service was held Sept. 24.

                  Last year we reported the beginning of a ministry in Massachusetts, thus extending the border of the Bible Fellowship Church into a new state. At that time, the specific site had yet to be selected. Since then, Spencer Massachusetts was chosen. An extensive telephone and mailing campaign was conducted. The first public worship service has been scheduled for October 22.

                  The Poughquag NY church has started a daughter church in Pleasant Valley, NY. How exciting to see one church in the department begin another!

                  Closer to home, in our Judea, God has provided a pastor for the mission in Walnutport PA. Larry M. Smith accepted the call, and progress has been made in the few months since.

                  These are examples of retreat and advance during the past year as the Church Extension Department continues in its endeavor to extend the Bible Fellowship Church in our Judea and Samaria. Similar experiences are happening in the other missions and churches. We are grateful that God has been pleased to use Church Extension ministries to bring people to Christ, to foster growth in the lives of believers, and to establish and develop Bible Fellowship churches.

                  The experience at Edison reflects two aspects of methodology the department has found helpful. One is the use of the telephone campaign to make initial contact with people. Similar campaigns are planned in other areas.

                  The second, and more important, is to have a goodly number of people committed to attend the first public worship service. Good attendance and a complete worship service provide an enthusiastic base from which to sustain and build weekly services. Similar strategy will be used to start new missions in the future.

                  Extending the Bible Fellowship Church costs. By definition extension means increase: increased effort, increased human resources, and increased financial resources. The monetary price is high. We in the Church Extension Department rejoice at the level of financial support contributed by Bible Fellowship Churches.

                  Although this report indicates an operational deficit for Church Extension in 1988-1989, we are confident this can be rectified in the coming year. The board is seeking ways to increase its effectiveness in obtaining income. This, along with continued tight budget control and faithful giving by the churches, should enable us to continue this ministry with financial responsibility.

                  Each year the Board in its report expresses appreciation for the dedication, diligence, and vision of its Executive Director, Daniel G. Ziegler. We do so again. Additionally the Board firmly believes that if the Bible Fellowship Church is to continue to extend its borders, an additional full-time administrator is needed for the Department of Church Extension. The Board, therefore, is seeking one who can serve as either Associate Director or Director of Business and Development.

                  The following missions, churches, and pastors are currently under the jurisdiction of the Board of Church Extension:

Eastern Union County

Edison NJ                   Dennis M Cahill

Mays Landing NJ

Newark DE   William G. Schlonecker

Newark NJ             Delbert R. Baker II

Spencer MA   Christopher J. Morrison

Dennis W. Spinney

Ocean County NJ           Dean A. Stortz

Philadelphia PA          David H. C. Sng

Pocono Mt PA                 Ronald C. Erb

Poughquag NY    James A. Wickstead

Somers Point NJ             Roger L. Reitz

Walnutport PA              Larry M. Smith

Wappingers Falls            Byron Widger

Holmes NY     Robert S. Commerford

                  We express thankfulness to the Lord for the faithfulness of these men. We are grateful for the prayer support and financial contributions of the Bible Fellowship Church throughout the year along with the many from the churches who provided volunteer services for the department.

                  The Board of Church Extension recommends that the following resolution be adopted by the 106th Annual Conference:

                  RESOLVED, that the 1990-91 budget for the Board of Church Extension be adopted.

Board of Church Extension: LeRoy S. Heller, Chairman; Dana E. Weller, Vice-Chairman; Bruce A. Ellingson, Secretary; William R. Singletary, Treasurer; Daniel G. Ziegler, Executive Director; Alfred Roberts, Clyde W. Snyder, Robert W. Smock, Richard E. Taylor, Robert Zentz.

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