Report of the Board of Directors of BFC Homes to BFC Conference: 1992

Report of the Board of Directors, Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.

                  The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. held four regular business meetings and numerous committee meetings during the year. James A. Beil, President, served as Chairman; Robert W. Smock as Vice-Chairman, Robert H. Zentz as Secretary, and Charles F. Hersh as Treasurer. Five committees functioned throughout the year. The President, James A. Beil, also functions as Administrator of Fellowship Manor; James Ernst is the Director of Personal Care at Fellowship Home, and James Roth was appointed Assistant Administrator of Fellowship Manor.

                  Both Fellowship Home and Fellowship Manor continue to manifest small but significant stability gains.

The Courts

                  Construction has not started on the courts. One more unit must be signed-up before the financing will be consummated and construction would begin.

                  Mach Schoneveld of “Settle Inn” and who attends Nazareth Bible Fellowship Church, has completed a pre-concept evaluation for apartments. He is continuing to investigate, explore, and make contacts regarding building apartments. The contacts include design and construction people, finance people and feasibility/marketing consultants. Nothing is solidified at this time, but much of it appears to be promising.

The Home

                  James Ernst continues to perform commendably as Director of Personal Care Services at Fellowship Home. Staffing, program, maintenance, and resident care are being kept at very acceptable levels. The struggle to obtain full occupancy continues to persist.

                  In October of 1992, ACT 185 for Personal Care Homes took effect. Due to the new regulations the administrator is required to obtain 40 hours of training. This has been done and James Ernst has received his Certificate of Training. He is required to keep an ongoing training schedule in Fire Safety, Gerontology, Food Preparation and Sanitation. Also, certain staff members have received training in CPR and First Aid. The personal care aides and their supervisor also need training in Medical Terminology.

                  The building is well maintained and constantly upgraded so that safety, comfort, and efficiency are upheld. In January of this year the cooking source was changed from electric to natural gas.

                  The staff of 20 over the past year has been consistent. They have donated a lot of their time in organizing and participating in the yard sale, craft and bake sale.

The Manor

                  Since late Spring high occupancy has been maintained at Fellowship Manor, and at times there have been several names on the waiting list. The finances have been holding steady, but at times there is a cash flow crunch. Medical Assistance payments have been received on a rather timely basis, but Medicare payments sometimes back up. Staff members of Fellowship Manor have been receiving Hepatitis-B inoculations. The second cycle is completed. The third cycle will be given in February or March to complete the vaccination. About 80% of the employees are receiving the inoculations at an estimated cost of $15,000. It can be estimated that the total cost of job descriptions and other policy materials are being upgraded to comply with OSHA and ADA (disabled persons) regulations.

                  The Department Heads are doing excellent work and a fair degree of stability is beginning to be manifested in the entire staff for which we are thankful and praise God.

                  Through the President, this Board maintains contact with attorneys relative to tax laws, labor laws, and new laws and regulations imposed upon both facilities by State and Federal governments.

                  Both facilities have fine activities programs which are supplemented well by volunteers from Bible Fellowship Churches and the communities. These volunteers are to be thanked and God is to be praised for their excellent and valuable contributions of time and talent for the well-being of the residents. The volunteers and the staffs provide care at both facilities which is of the highest quality.

                  The Board members are also to be thanked for their time and commitment to this form of ministry.


WHEREAS, the Federal and State government have adopted legislation entitling any person to draw up legal documents known as Advance Directives in which a person can declare his desires relative to future health care, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. believes that Christians should declare such directives based on Biblical principles, and

WHEREAS, the Bible Fellowship Church is in a position to offer guidance to its members relative to preparing Advance Directives; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Annual Conference appoint a Committee on Advance Directives consisting of seven (7) members, three (3) of which shall come from the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. and four(4) from the denomination at large. This Committee shall prepare a position paper on the utilization of Advance Directives relative to heroic medical measures and recent trends on euthanasia and shall submit a report to the next Annual Conference.

Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc: James A. Beil, President & Chairman; Robert W. Smock, Vice President & Vice Chairman; Robert H. Zentz, Secretary; Charles F. Hersh, Treasurer; William H. Bartron, LeRoy S. Heller, James G. Koch, Robin Musselman, Glenn D. Ruoss, William G. Schlonecker, Dean A. Stortz, John W. Trauch.

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