Report of the Board of Directors of BFC Homes to BFC Conference: 1993

Report of the Board of Directors, Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.

                  The Prophet Isaiah declared, “O Lord, You are my God: I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.” (Isaiah 25:1 – NIV). For the work of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc., praise to our God is given for His wonderful faithfulness and our prayer continues to be: “May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hand for us…” Psalm 90:17. Will you pray with us?

                  The Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. held four regular business meetings and numerous committee meetings during the year. James A. Beil, President, served as Chairman; Robert W. Smock as Vice-Chairman, Robert H. Zentz as Secretary, and Charles F. Hersh as Treasurer. Five committees functioned throughout the year. The President, James A. Beil, also functions as Administrator of Fellowship Manor and James Roth is the Assistant Administrator of Fellowship Manor. James Ernst is the Director of Personal Care at Fellowship Home.

The Courts

                  The construction of the first phase of Fellowship Courts has been on hold throughout this past year. However, it now appears that the last “roadblock” – that of financing – has been cleared. It is expected that construction can begin within this calendar year.

The Home

                  God has provided an excellent Personal Care Director in the person of James Ernst. His commitment to make Fellowship Home a genuine Christian ministry is most commendable. He is assisted by a faithful caring staff.

                  Regulations by governmental agencies are being imposed more and more upon Personal Care facilities. Jim Ernst has been able to implement these new requirements at minimal cost by utilizing staff trainers from Fellowship Manor and by his own ability to modify the building.

                  The building is being well maintained and is very clean. Program changes are being instituted and implemented by the staff for the betterment and well-being of the residents. The contributions in time and energy by an excellent corp of volunteers is most heartening.

The Manor

                  The work of Fellowship Manor is under the administration of Rev. James A. Beil. God has provided good health and strength to enable him to establish Fellowship Manor as a ministry to God’s glory. Rev. Beil is competently assisted by James Roth, Assistant Administrator. The department heads, assisted by a capable staff, provide for a clean, well-maintained environment, a diversified activities program, a well-run business, excellent meals, and professional and concerned nursing care.

                  The myriad of regulations now imposed on nursing care facilities are most intrusive and confining. None-the-less our gracious God has granted the ability to implement them at a minimum of expense while continuing to manifest a Christian testimony and program.

                  Occupancy has been maintained at good levels throughout the year. Many of the admissions throughout this year have come directly from their own homes. This is an indication that Fellowship Manor is gaining an excellent reputation throughout the community.

                  The two facilities have several things in common. The financial stability has shown definite improvement; occupancy has improved to very good levels; the staffs are committed and caring; both have improved rental apartments; and both have gained excellent reputations of loving and caring facilities.

                  It appears that a refinancing program can be accomplished through a bond-issue. This would provide several advantages – low interest rates for the term of the issue, financing for the first phase of Fellowship Courts would be included and greater flexibility for future development would be present.

                  The Board members are to be commended for their faithful participation. A special note of commendation is given to Charles F. Hersh who served on the Board for many years as Treasurer. Charles will be retiring from the Board at the conclusion of this year. Our thanks to Charles, and our prayers are for God to grant him many more successful years.

Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.: James A. Beil, President & Chairman; Robert W. Smock, Vice President & Vice Chairman; Robert H. Zentz, Secretary; Charles F. Hersh, Treasurer; William H. Bartron, LeRoy S. Heller, James G. Koch, Robin Musselman, Glenn D. Ruoss, William G. Schlonecker, Dean A. Stortz, John W. Trauch, Doris A. Wire

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