Report of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College to BFC Conference: 1985





    The Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College held five business meetings during the year.  The Executive Committee of the Board also met periodically to transact business between the scheduled Board meetings.

    The Board organized for the year as follows: Raymond R. Dotts, Chairman; John H. Herb, Secretary; and Jay Fasnacht, Treasurer.  The Board of Directors wishes to take this oppor- tunity to express appreciation to L. James Roberts for the able leadership and faithful service that he rendered to the Board and the College community during the eight years he served as Chairman of the Board.

    The Board amended its Bylaws to increase the number of standing committees from four to five.  In order to increase the effectiveness of the Board a new standing committee on Marketing and Admissions was organized.  The other four standing committees Development, Faculty and Instruction, Finance and Student Life.  During the year, Donald Bresinger resigned from the Board of Directors due to business responsibilities and Rodney Muthard was elected to fill the unexpired term.  Rodney Muthard had previously served on the Board for five years.

    The past year of the College was a year of transition filled with blessings and victories on one hand and difficult problems to be face on the other.

    President Carl C. Cassel, who was elected by the Board on June 9, 1984 and ratified by the 101st Annual Conference last October was formally installed as President of Pinebrook Junior College at an Inauguration Service on May 17, 1985.  Dr. John Sanderson was the Inaugural Speaker and representatives from various educational institutions were special guests for the occasion.

    Sixteen students were graduates in May 1984.  Of these, eleven received the Associate in Arts degree and five received the Associate in Applied Science degree.

    The enrollment for the 1985 Fall Semester of 158 F.T.E. students exceeded our goal for the year and is the largest in the history of the college.  The incoming class of 96 students is the largest entering class in Pinebrook history.  This record enrollment represents a 43% of growth over last year.

    The incoming class included students from 7 states, 5 nations and 25 different church groups.  11 of these students are from Bible Fellowship Churches.

    We are thankful for each Bible Fellowship Church student, but have a continuing desire and concern to serve a greater number of Bible Fellowship Church young people.  The College is seeking to improve its effectiveness in making our own constituency aware and appreciative of the excellent quality of the educational program of Pinebrook Junior College.

    In order to enhance the effectiveness of the College in meeting the needs of the Bible Fellowship Church and in present- ing the kind of program that all Bible Fellowship Churches can fully support, President Cassel has made a concentrated effort this past year to meet personally with as many Bible Fellowship Church Pastors as possible to share the ministry of the College and to gain insight and input from the Pastors.

    Elaine Phillips served ably as the interim Academic Dean for the 1984-85 term.  Dr. Metro Yurchak was appointed as the new Academic Dean by the Board on June 15, 1985.  Clyde Snyder has been appointed as the Director of Community Relations and Instructor in Art.  Richard Drosnock has been appointed Super- visor of Physical Plant and Purchasing and Sharon Bachman has joined the staff as Secretary/Receptionist.  A full-time Director of Development will be hired in the near future.  The College Faculty has been strengthened with the following adjunct faculty additions:

    Raymond Andrejczyk, Instructor of Greek; Todd J. Barlow, Instructor of Psychology; Sarah Ellingson, Instructor of Mathematics; David Fryling, Instructor of Music; Janet Fryling, Instructor of Music; Joanne Gerken, Instructor of English; Gilbert Kitchen, Instructor of History Economics; Rev. Ronald Matlack, Instructor of Sociology; and Lois B. Stauffer, Instructor of Physical Education.

    Jerry Hartman resigned from his full time position divided between music instruction and maintenance after one year of service to pursue further education.  Bob Dunkle has resigned as an instructor to accept another position.

    Two major concerns that continue to face the College are the continuing financial challenge and the need to achieve the status of full accreditation.  The need for financial stability has been the major problem faced in acquiring full accreditation.

    The six year time span in which a school must acquire full accreditation with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education after achieving Candidate status expired for Pinebrook Junior College in February of 1985.  After considering the possibility of pursuing accreditation with some other accrediting agency, the Board of Directors has decided to reapply for candidate status with Middle States after the mandatory 2 year waiting period.  During the interim the College has applied and anticipates approval during the Fall Semester to receive Title IV, Federal Financial Aid through the Three Institutional Method and has received full Pa. State approval for financial aid for the 1985-86 year.

    Increased giving to the College, including two significant gifts, and the increase in enrollment have been major factors in enabling the College to put together a Balanced Budget for the 1985-86 year that will enable the College to significantly reduce the deficit by $64,000.  The elimination of the remaining tentative deficit of $78,000 is still a formidable challenge, but can be achieved through continued progress in giving and enroll- ment. During this past year the College has paid off the second mortgage on the property.

    A “Fellows Program” was instituted this year which currently has 58 members and which will bring $58,000 of revenue to the College, further helping to meet the financial challenge.

    The three consultants hired by the College, Dr. Glen E. Heck for planning and academic development, Mr. Paul Crippan for marketing and student recruitment and Dr. Lon Randall for development and finance, have made significant contributions in helping the College to move toward achievement of its goals.

    The College is continuing to work on completing its object- ive to produce a five-year plan (July 1, 1986-June 30, 1991).  A draft of this plan will be presented to the Board at its March 1986 meeting with final approval anticipated at the meeting in June 1986.  The Board will present this plan to the Annual Conference.

    We thank the Bible Fellowship Churches for the $47,157 given in financial support to the College this past year.  Our goal is to be an effective instrument in meeting the education needs of the Bible Fellowship Church and its young people.  We covet your prayers to this end.

Raymond R. Dotts, Chairman

John H. Herb, Secretary

Jay H. Fasnacht, Treasurer

W. Wayne Batten

Bert N. Brosius

Alva C. Cassel

Carl C. Cassel

LeRoy S. Heller

Rodney Muthard

Robert C. Newman

George Priestly

L. James Roberts, Jr.

Russel Ruch

Alan Russell

Dana Weller

Robert H. Zentz

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