Report of the Board of Directors of the BFC Homes to BFC Conference: 1991

Report of the Board of Directors, Bible Fellowship Church Homes

                  The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. held four regular business meetings and numerous committee meetings during the year. James A. Beil, President, served as Chairman, Robert W. Smock as Vice-Chairman, Robert H. Zentz as Secretary, and Charles F. Hersh as Treasurer. Five committees functioned throughout the year. The President, James A. Beil, also functions as Administrator of Fellowship Manor; James Ernst is the newly elected Director of Personal Care at Fellowship Home, and James Roth continues as Director of Research and Public Relations.

                  Both Fellowship Manor and Fellowship Home have manifested gains in financial stability. While these gains have not been “gigantic” they are none-the-less significant. Staff stability and loyalty have always been evident at Fellowship Home, but at Fellowship Manor a meaningful improvement in stability and loyalty has been manifested and continued improvement will most probably continue.

                  A bequest from a former resident of Fellowship Home was received. This bequest has been used for improvements, replacements, and alterations at Fellowship Home.

                  David Smock of Fellowship Manor submitted his resignation as Administrator. His resignation was accepted with regrets an became effective December 28, 1990. James A. Beil was appointed interim Administrator. Craig Porterfield submitted his resignation as Director of Personal Care at Fellowship Home which was accepted with regrets and became effective April 30, 1991. Mr. James Ernst, an elder from Ebenezer Bible Fellowship Church, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, was hired as Director of Personal Care at Fellowship Home, Nazareth, Pennsylvania. His duties began on April 22, 1991.

                  Mr. Craig Montgomery, a son of the Cedar Crest Church, has been hired as Assistant Administrator of Fellowship Manor. His duties, the Lord willing, will begin on November 4, 1991.

                  The ground floor area at Fellowship Manor has been basically completed so that in the future a finished chapel will become an addition to Fellowship Manor. A sample of a Fellowship Courts Townhouse has been constructed in one-half of this basement area. The Courts Townhouses have bene marketed since December. Interest in them has been quite good, but for various reasons, prospective residents have not signed resident agreements. It is hoped that with some adjustments, a minimum number can be signed up for construction to begin in the Spring of 1992.

                  A special note of commendation must be given to the Board members who volunteer their valuable time to oversee this important ministry. A special thank you to the administration and staff at both Fellowship Home and Fellowship Manor for their faithful care afforded to the residents. And, finally a word of praise and thanksgiving to our gracious God for all His benefits and blessing enabling the Church to engage in this ministry.


                  1.               That the First Reading material appearing on pages 36 and 37 of 1990 Yearbook be adopted at Second Reading.

                  2.                                 WHEREAS, the 107th Annual Conference approved increasing the size of the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. and

WHEREAS, increasing the size of the Board of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc., on a gradual basis permits a smoother transition, and

WHEREAS, by the rule of exception Class I was implemented in 1990, and

WHEREAS, Class II will be implemented in 1991, and

WHEREAS, it is considered best to change the composition of the Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. on a gradual basis, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that by the rule of exception the implementation of Class III be completed in 1992.

Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc.: James A. Beil, President & Chairman; Robert W. Smock, Vice President & Vice Chairman, Robert H. Zentz, Secretary; Charles F. Hersh, Treasurer, William H. Bartron, LeRoy S. Heller, James G. Koch, John F. Moran, Glenn D. Ruoss, William G. Schlonecker and John W. Trauch.

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