Report of the Board of Directors to BFC Conference: 1993

Report of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church

                  The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church met at four regular meetings and a special meeting to attend to the corporate business related to Annual Conference Agencies and Churches.

                  The Board provided oversight and advice in areas of fiscal, legal, property acquisition and disposition in the following areas:

Annual Conference: Blue Cross, Blue Shield Medical Plan; Administrative Budget

Agencies: Church Extension, Pinebrook Junior College, Victory Valley

Churches: Edison, NJ; Englishtown, NJ; Thompson, CT; Scranton, PA

                  The Scranton, PA and Englishtown, NJ churches had become incapable of electing Elders and decided that they were unable to continue to function as a church. They requested the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church to assume responsibility for the work and properties according to the Rules of the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church, Article VII, Miscellaneous By-Laws, #1, para. 2. After assessment of both churches, the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church requested the Board of Church Extension to accept responsibility for the work and properties at Scranton, PA and Englishtown, NJ.

                  The Board of Directors joins with the Board of Church Extension in requesting the 110th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church to ratify the actions of the two Boards and that the status of the Scranton congregation and Englishtown congregation be Missions under Care of the Board of Church Extension.

                  During the year the Directors have settled complaints filed with the Pennsylvania Human Resources Commission related to Pinebrook Junior College in a satisfactory manner. The Linden Hall property, not integral to the sale of the Pinebrook Junior College Campus, was sold and proceeds were applied to debt reduction. The sale of the Pinebrook Junior College Campus continues to be an urgent matter of prayer.

                  We recommend that the 110th Annual Conference adopt the following:

                  1).             That the rate of mileage reimbursement remain at 20¢ per mile.

                  2).             That the Administrative Budget for October 1, 1993 to December 31, 1994 be adopted.

                  3).             That the Proposed Administrative Budget for January 1, 1995 to December 31, 1995 be approved for consideration by the churches and agencies for their pledge support to be made by April 15, 1994.

                  The funds held by the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church are deposited with the Farmer’s First Bank of Lititz, PA. The accounts were audited by Walter A. Davis.

                  At the request of the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. this Board is assisting in refinancing of the debt of the Fellowship Manor and Fellowship Home by means of a bond issue, the average interest rate is expected to be approximately 6½.

                  This Board will be assisting the Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc. Board in transfer of the titles of the properties of the Manor and Home which is in accordance with approval granted at the 107th Annual Conference.

Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church: Jansen E. Hartman, President; Carl C. Cassel, Vice-President; Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Secretary; Horace A. Kauffman, Financial Secretary; Robert W. Gehret, Treasurer; James A. Beil, Hospitalization Secretary; Bert N. Brosius, Jay H. Fasnacht, L. James Roberts, Jr.

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