Report of the Board of Mission to BFC Conference: 1989

Report of the Board of Missions

“No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you. Be strong and courageous, for you shall give this people possession of the land which I swore to their fathers to give them.”Joshua 1:5-6

 Joshua had some wonderful promises given to him as he assumed the work that God was preparing for him. Someone has well said, “Tomorrow is as bright as the promises of God.” As Joshua challenged the people to obey the Lord and possess the land, the people responded by committing themselves by saying,

“All that you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go.”Joshua 1:16

 Their spirit, at the time, was indeed willing but the flesh became very weak. They started well, but did not do very well in persevering to fully possess the land. Today we are more fortunate than those in Joshua’s day because we have many more promises from God on which to stand! The future is bright if we follow in complete obedience to God’s priority program of world evangelization.

“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation.”

 We trust that we will stimulate each other to good works and persevere in the power of the Spirit, as we respond to our God–

“All that you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go.”

 We want to thank the many Pastors, Missions Committees, Women’s Missionary Societies, and others who have demonstrated their commitment and cooperation with the Board of Missions in so many ways. We also want to thank each one who has given so generously to the missionary outreach of your church through the Board of Missions. Many have done so sacrificially.

 The Board of Missions met eight times this year and the following update indicates some of the highlights of the year primarily between September 1, 1988 and August 31, 1989.

Missionary Candidates

 This year it has been our privilege to work with what might be a record number of applicants and still others who have expressed interest in God’s priority work of missions. We have worked with 21 family units consisting of 14 couples and 7 singles adding up to 35 adults. They progressed through the process as follows (number of adults):

 Applicants at September 1, 1988 (5 family units) 8

 Applicants withdrew 4

 Applicants accepted by this Board 12

(Andersons, Buchanans, Chappell, MacArthurs, Nicelys, Pattersons, Stuebner)

 Applicants who became missionaries on their field of ministry 7

(Buchanans, MacArthurs, Nicelys, Stuebner)

 Appointees who became missionaries on their field of ministry 2


 Applicants at August 31, 1989 (12 family units) 19

General Statistical Report on August 31, 1989

1. Number of Sending Boards under which our missionaries are working 32

2. Number of countries in which our missionaries are working 22

3. Number of Missionaries:

 Family Total

 Units Couples Singles Adults

Active Missionaries 49 40 9 89

Leave of Absence 2 2 0 4

Appointees 5 3 2 8

Active Applicants 12 6 6 18

Totals 68 51 17 119

4. Geographical Areas where our missionaries are assigned and their number

 Area Families Adults Countries

 U.S. 16 28 U.S.

 Central America 7 13 Bonaire, Costa Rica, Guadeloupe, Mexico, St.Vincents

 South America 7 13 Bolivia, Ecuador, Suriname, Venezuela

 Europe 5 9 U.K., France, Austria, Spain

 Africa 10 19 C.A.R., Egypt, Kenya, Morocco

 Asia 1 2 United Arab Emirates

 Southeast Asia 3 5 Malaysia, Philippines, Hong Kong

Totals 49 89 22 Countries

Summer Missionary Financial Aid

 Financial assistance was given to thirteen applicants from eleven Bible Fellowship Churches to serve with recognized organizations in twelve different areas of the world.

Missions Emphasis Events of the Board of Missions

 The Board of Missions conducted its Thirteenth Missions Seminar for Pastors, Missionaries, and Key Lay Missions Leaders on March 7, 1989 at our Pinebrook Bible Conference Center. The theme was: “How To Get People More Involved In World Outreach.” Professor J. Ronald Blue from Dallas Theological Seminary was the speaker. Unfortunately, because of snow and inclement weather, only about 85 of the 175 pre-registered people were able to be present.

 World Missions Week at Pinebrook Bible Conference was held from August 5 – 11, 1989. The general theme was: “Serving: Across the Street — Across the Seas.” The evening speaker was Dr. John W. Cawood from Philadelphia College of Bible. His evening theme was “The God We Serve.”

Recommendations of the Board of Missions to the Annual Conference

WHEREAS, the term of office for Financial Secretary for the Board of Missions served by David E. Thomann for twenty three (23) years has been completed; and

WHEREAS, he has not seen fit to permit his name to appear for election of another three year term; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Missions has elected Charles Albert at its March 28, 1989 Board meeting to a three year term according to by-laws approved by Annual Conference; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we ratify the Board of Missions’ election of Charles Albert as Financial Secretary; and further

RESOLVED, that we express our deepest appreciation by way of this resolution to David E. Thomann for the many years that he has served so faithfully in various capacities such as, Chairman, General Secretary, and Financial Secretary.

RESOLVED, that the Annual Reports received from our Bible Fellowship Church Missionaries be placed in the 1989 and subsequent Yearbooks.

Board of Missions: R. C. Reichenbach, Chairman; Roy A. Hertzog, Executive Secretary; David E. Thomann, Financial Secretary; Daniel P. Allen; Robert Breitegam; Leroy O. Herb; Gerald Schlonecker; Thomas P. Shorb; Ralph M. Soper; and James Sunday

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