Report of the Board of Publication and Printing to BFC Conference: 1991

Report of the Board of Publication & Printing

” … in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Romans 12:5

                  The publications of the Bible Fellowship Church help promote our sense of oneness. Our Faith and Order promotes our oneness in Biblical doctrine. Our Yearbook identifies those ministries and ideas on which we express oneness at Annual Conference. And our Fellowship News promotes that oneness through keeping us informed of each other’s ideas and activities. The Board of Publication and Printing takes these responsibilities seriously because unity in the church of Jesus Christ is so important.

                  Fellowship News completed its second year in the new format established under the editorship of Dan Allen and we have received very favorable comments on that format. The credit for that change belongs to our brother. We know many of you were not satisfied with the irregular publication of Fellowship News and neither were we. Definitive changes by the board have been made to better assure that by this time next year you will have received ten (10) issues during the conference year.

                  The Yearbook was printed this past year by Thompson-Shore who gave us excellent service at an unbeatable price. Because of this we are recommending the same price ($5.25) as last year. (See below.) The delay in yearbooks getting out was on our end and not the cause of the printer. Again the board took action to help improve the timing on the publication of the yearbook.

                  The following resolution was passed at our September 3, 1991 meeting: RESOLVED, that all funds given to the Board of Publication and Printing by churches and agencies for Fellowship News in conference year 1991 be credited against designated contributions for Fellowship News for the coming year.”

                  In the coming year the board will be working on printing Conference amendments and/or revisions to our Faith and Order on replacement pages rather than as supplemental appendices as assigned it by Annual Conference.

                  The board has accepted with regret the resignation of Daniel P. Allen as Editor of Fellowship News and expresses its gratitude to him for the improvement in the appearance of Fellowship News under his editorship, and thanks the Lord for Dan’s efforts on the board’s behalf.

                  The board recommends the adoption of the following:

RESOLVED, that a contribution of $250.00 be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each of the following boards and committees: Victory Valley, Missions, Christian Education, Church Extension, Pinebrook Junior College, Pinebrook Bible Conference and Homes.

RESOLVED, that $1.00 per member be given to the Board of Publication and Printing from each church to help underwrite the cost of printing the Fellowship News. Payments to be made to the Business Manager by December 31, 1991.

RESOLVED, that the cost of the 1991 Yearbook be $5.25.

WHEREAS, the Nominating Committee of Annual Conference has recommended to the Board of Publications and Printing that it give consideration to preparing legislation for Annual Conference whereby the Editor and Business Manager of Fellowship News would no longer be elected by Annual Conference but be appointed by the Board of Publication and Printing and ratified by Annual Conference, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Publication and Printing concurs with the recommendation of the Nominating Committee since it is imperative that these individuals be qualified, willing, and persons with whom the board can work, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the By-Laws of the Board of Publication and Printing, Faith and Order Update 1987, page 8, entitled “Election,” paragraph 2, be amended to read:

The Editor of Fellowship News and the Business Manager of Fellowship News shall be appointed by the Board of Publication and Printing for a three-year term subject to ratification by Annual Conference. The election of these officers shall be in such a manner that their respective terms shall not expire at the same time.


Board of Publication and Printing: William H. Bartron, (Chairman); James E. Neher, (Secretary); Paul T. Rutman (Business Manager); Daniel P. Allen, (Fellowship News Editor); James R. Batchler, Jr.; Paul E. Reinhard, Jr.; Clyde W. Snyder.

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