Report of the Board of the Directors to BFC Conference: 1992

Report of the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church

                  The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church met at four regular meetings throughout the year. Additional meetings included Annual Conference and Adjourned Session of Conference. The Board attended to corporate business related to the Annual Conference, agencies and the churches.

                  The Board provided oversight and advice in areas of fiscal, legal, property acquisition and disposition for the following:

Annual Conference:

Blue Cross, Blue Shield Medical Plan, Ministers’ Retirement Fund, Administering the Administrative Budget.


Pinebrook Junior College, Pinebrook Bible Conference, Bible Fellowship Home, Inc., and Church Extension.


Nazareth PA, Poughquag NY, Edison NJ, Ocean County, NJ, Finesville, NJ, Red Hill, PA (Upper Perkiomen)

                  The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church purchased from the Resolution Trust Corp., receiver for Red Hill Financial Savings Association, at option June 25, 1992, Philadelphia, PA, the property located on 426 Main Street, Red Hill, PA, for the newly formed Red Hill congregation [Upper Perkiomen], a Church Extension ministry.

                  The appraised value of the property was $475,000 and was purchased for a total cost of $179,371.99 [Property – $ 165,800; Taxes – $13,571.99]. Settlement was completed July 28, 1992.

                  The new address for the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church is: 3100 Hecktown Road, Bethlehem, PA 18017.

                  We recommend that the 109th Annual Conference adopt the following:

                  1)              That payments from the Ministers’ Retirement Fund beginning October 1, 1992 be made at the rate of $174.00 per year of service up to 40 years of service for which the retiree is eligible.

                  2)              That the rate of mileage reimbursement remain at $0.20 per mile.

                  3)              That the Administrative Budget for October 1, 1992 to September 30, 1993 be adopted.

                  4)              That the proposed Administrative Budget for October 1, 1993 to September 30, 1994 be approved for consideration by the churches and agencies for their pledge support, to be made by April 15, 1993.

                  5)              That the Conference fiscal year be changed to the calendar year and that churches and agencies comply if possible. (Note: This could be done effective January 1, 1993 for the Administrative Budget by adding one quarter to the proposed 1993, 1994 Budget, including fifteen months in the changeover year.)

                  The Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church received the assignment from the 108th Annual Conference to oversee the liquidation of the assets of Pinebrook Junior College and to meet all liabilities that remain after the closing of the college. A joint committee was formed by the members of the Board of Directors and members of the Board of Directors of Pinebrook Junior College to have oversight of the maintenance of the building and completing the business of the college.

                  Several prospective buyers have inspected the property, but to date no buyer has been found for the property.

                  The funds held by the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church are deposited with the Farmer’s First Bank of Lititz, PA. The accounts were audited by Walter A. Davis.

Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church: Jansen E. Hartman, President; Carl C. Cassel, Vice-President; Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Secretary; Horace A. Kauffman, Financial Secretary; Robert W. Gehret, Treasurer; James A. Beil, Hospitalization Secretary; Bert N. Brosius, Jay H. Fasnacht, L. James Roberts, Jr.

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