Report of the Board of Victory Valley Camp to BFC Conference: 1986


            While remaining true to our purpose as a Christian Youth Camp, Victory Valley Camp is an ever changing and growing ministry. The physical changes such as new buildings and expanded facilities enhance the camp’s capabilities to minister and to provide new programs. The camp purchased approximately 18 acres in the fall of 1985. A new pavilion was built this year. These kinds of improvements can only take place as God’s people work together so that Victory Valley can more effectively serve Christ.

            The growth of the ministry in the area of discipleship continues as God’s Word is taught and applied to lives. Young men and women come to know God personally and learn how to live as followers of Christ. You, as members of the Bible Fellowship Church, can also become a part of this ministry through prayer and in giving time and money. Your interest and support of Victory Valley will help your church grow as your youth return from camp with renewed interest in the things of God.

            Some summers are filled with many evidences of visible success such as lots of campers, many decisions of salvation, etc. The 1986 season was not such a summer. However, the 19 decisions to accept Christ and our 3 rededication decisions were only a small evidence of the blessing of God this past summer. Much of God’s blessing was in the area of the returning campers’ growth. As we see campers return year after year, we are encouraged by the changes God is making in their lives. One parent reported that she was glad that her son’s counselor write several times to him during the year. The counselor told her son to continue having devotions, which he did. The mother saw real growth in her son’s life. Other parents have told us how glad they are to send their children to camp, not because they get a week’s vacation, but because of Christ-like changes that are produced in their children’s lives. It is exciting to see how God uses His Word through camp counselors to accomplish change in the lives of young people.

            This summer’s staff was an outstanding group. Their desire to serve the Lord as well as the unity of the group was very evident. Their love for God and His Word made them effective ministers thus making the summer successful.

            Being part of the staff is not only to minister to others, but also to have the opportunity to grow individually and as part of the Body of Christ. We are not only concerned for what the staff member can do for the camp, but also what the camp can do for the staff member. Our Junior Staff (under 18) were challenged to a real maturing experience with Miss Reggie. She has been involved in Valley’s ministry for four years. This summer, she took the new and exciting responsibility of Junior Staff Coordinator. Through Bible Study and discussion, her goal was to help our under 18 staff to mature in Christ. For most of the summer, she lead them through a book entitled The Practice of Godliness. Results were seen in the desire of our Junior Staff to serve the Lord without wavering and in His strength.

            The following are the 1986 camp statistics:

                        533      Total Camper Population

                        49%    BFC Campers

                        19        Salvation Decisions

                        43        Staff Members

                        60%    BFC Staff Members

                        63%    Past Camper Staff

                        60%    Returning Staff Members

            A highlight of the summer was our Thirtieth Anniversary celebration. When the Henninger Farm was first bought by the Conference, the name of Victory Valley Camp was selected. Those first years saw an average of 120 campers come for three weeks of camp. Now after 30 years, the camping season is seven weeks long and averages over 500 campers. Each summer brings new exciting changes to Victory Valley.

            Victory Valley’s rental program has served the State Police. The State Police rent the camp for one week for their Girl’s Camp Cadet Program. The State Police exposed the girls to the different facets of law enforcement. The State and local Police, the F.B.I., game wardens, Department of Environmental Resources, Medi-Vac and others were involved in the intense training program. This coming year the Boys’ and Girls’ Camp Cadet Programs will be held at the Valley on separate weeks.

            Rentals, like the Police Camp, church and Christian groups, help us in two ways. First, it helps us financially by putting the camp to use for the whole year. This is exercising better stewardship of the use of the property. Secondly, it gives Victory Valley more exposure. Several of the Camp Cadet girls came to camp for a week because they had been here with the police. We also glean staff members and campers from the many Christian groups that use our facilities for retreats.

            We challenge you to share in our vision for young people. We all know that they are the future. How often are you talking to the young people around you about their spiritual condition? Do you take the time to encourage them to live Godly lives? The only generation gap is really a communication gap. Your involvement in their lives can be the key in raising Christ-like leaders for the future church. So, `Catch the Wave’ and support your youth. Pray for them. Talk to them. Support Victory Valley by sending your young people to us.


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