Report of the Committee on Credentials: 1985


    The Committee on Credentials held three meetings during the year in performance of its duties.

    The Faith and Order Questionnaire was sent to each of the ministers holding Ordination Credentials with the Bible Fellowship Church.  Each of the brethren

returned their Questionnaire and gave acceptable answers to the questions.

    We give thanks to God for the dedicated, gifted and Biblically sound Ministers He has given to the Bible Fellowship Church.

    The Committee met with three men for ordination examination.  The Credentials Committee recommends the following:

    WHEREAS: The Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended Kenneth D. Keeler and Louis Prontnicki for examination for ordination, and,

    WHEREAS: These brethren have served acceptably as ministers in the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time, and,

    WHEREAS: After examination, the Committee on Credentials believe them to be called of God to the Gospel Ministry and to be in accord with the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore,

    RESOLVED: That Kenneth D. Keeler and Louis Prontnicki be ordained to the Gospel Ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church, and, further,

    RESOLVED: That the service of ordination be held on Thursday, December 5, 1985, at the Harleysville Bible Fellowship Church at 7:30 PM.  Kenneth D. Keeler shall be ordained at this service and Louis Prontnicki shall be ordained in absentia at this service since he is presently on the mission field.  The Credentials Committee shall be in charge of the ordination service.

    The Credentials Committee urges all Ordained Ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church to regard participation in ordination services a high priority responsibility.

    The Credentials Committee requests the Chairman of Annual Conference to call for a straw vote on the question of whether ordination services should be conducted at Annual Conference or at another time and place.

    Larry Carpenter has been dropped from our roll of Ordained Ministers.

    The Credentials Committee has placed our Ordained Ministers in the following categories: (These men are

eligible to serve in the Bible Fellowship Church).

I.  Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Bible Fellowship Church

    Allen, Daniel P.  Hertzog, Roy A.

Baker, Delbert II Johnson, Robert F. Batchler, James R. Jr. *Keeler, Kenneth D.

    Beil, James A.           Koch, James G.

     Brosius, Bert N.         Mahurin, Ronald G.

Bryson, George R. McConnell, Charles J. Byrd, Terris L. Morrison, Philip E.

    Cassel, Alva C.          Phillips, D. Thomas

    Cassel, Carl C.          Plows, Keith E.

     Clapier, G. Wayne Reed, Calvin T.

    Coble, Bernard N.        Reitz, Roger

     Coulbourn, Hugh C. Jr.  Seifert, A.L.

    Dommel, Albert J.        Shorb, Thomas P.

    Ellingson, Bruce A.  Smock, Robert W.

     Erb, Ronald C.  Spackman, Carl K.

     Fritz, Harvey J. Jr.  Taylor, Richard E.

     Good, Kenneth L.  Thomann, David A.

     Graybill, William L. II Upton, Bryan G.

     Grossman, Randall A.  Vandegriff,John C Jr.

     Harris, Richard D.  Van Eck, Stephan R.

     Hartman, Jansen E.   Weller, Dana C.

     Heller, LeRoy S.  Wickstead, James A.

     Herb, Frank L. Jr.  Ziegler, Daniel G.

     Herb, George E.  Zimmerman, Paul G.

    Herb, John H.

II. Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Board of Missions of the Bible Fellowship Church

    Buck, Leonard E.         Manney, David L.

    Butler, Brian H.         Moyer, Edward

    Draper, Robert L.        Mull, William W.

     Gehman, Richard, J.       *Prontnick, Louis

    Harley, J. Barclay Stengele, Laird F.

     Hoyle, Ronald W.  Yerrington, Philip E.

     Lea, Herbert K.

III.Ordained Ministers Working In the Military Chaplaincy under the Sponsorship of the Bible Fellowship Church

    Jones, David H.  Minsky, Barry J.

IV. Ordained Ministers in Retirement

    Baer, Paul E.            Kirkwood, Donald T.

     Bean, E.W.               Miller, C. Leslie

    Dunn, John               Reichenbach, R.C.

    Hartman, W.W.            Riggall, John H.

     Kirkwood, C.E.            Thomann, David E.

V.   Ordained Ministers Working in Other Christian Ministries

    Bartron, William H. Heffner, William A.

     Bigley, T. James Schaeffer, Donald B.

    Cassel, Willard E. Schell, Henry A.

     Frable, Arthur H. Jr.  Shelly, Austin G.

    Frank, Walter H.    Watkins, David J.

    Gordon, Robert N. Yarrington, Harold D.

VI.  Ordained Ministers on Leave of Absence

    Dotts, Raymond R.  Wilcox, LeRoy C.

     Weaber, Harold C.

* Contingent upon approval of recommendation of their ordination in this report.


John H. Riggall, Chairman; Frank L. Herb, Jr., Secretary; James W. Beil, Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Keith E. Plows

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