Report of the Committee on Credentials to BFC Conference: 1989

Report of the Committee on Credentials

                  The Committee on Credentials held four meetings during the year in performance of its duties. The Committee met with the Ministerial Candidate Committee on two occasions to discuss modifications to procedures for ordination.

                  The Faith and Order questionnaire was sent to each of the ministers holding Ordination Credentials with the Bible Fellowship Church. All of the brethren returned their questionnaire and gave affirmative answers to all the questions.

                  We praise God for the dedicated, gifted and Biblically sound ministers He has given to the Bible Fellowship Church.

                  David A. Carver has requested that his name be withdrawn from the list of men holding ministerial credentials with the Bible Fellowship Church. The request was granted.

                  During the year Pastor Paul E. Baer went home to be with the Lord. His death came after many years of physical suffering and ministry limitations. We thank God for his years of ministry among us and express our deepest sympathy to his dear wife and family.

                  RESOLVED, that the Chairman appoint a committee to prepare a tribute to Paul E. Baer to appear in the 1989 Yearbook.

The Committee met with two men for ordination examination.

                  WHEREAS, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended James E. Neher for ordination and

                  WHEREAS, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended prior ordination recognition for Robert A. Sloan, Jr., and

                  WHEREAS, these brethren have served acceptably as ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time, and

                  WHEREAS, after examination the Credentials Committee believes these men to be called of God to the Gospel Ministry and to be in accord with the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

                  RESOLVED, that James E. Neher be ordained to the Gospel Ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church and further,

                  RESOLVED, the prior ordination of Robert A. Sloan, Jr. to the Gospel Ministry be recognized by the Bible Fellowship Church and further,

                  RESOLVED, that the Service of Ordination shall be held Thursday, November 2, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. at the Graterford Bible Fellowship Church, Graterford, PA.

                  The Credentials Committee shall be in charge of the Service. The Credentials Committee urges all Ordained Ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church to regard participation in the Service of Ordination a high priority.

The Credentials Committee has placed our Ordained Ministers in the following categories. (These men are eligible to serve a Bible Fellowship Church):

I.               Ordained Ministers Working under the Direction of the Bible Fellowship Church

 Allen, Daniel P.

 Armstrong, W. David

 Baker, Delbert R. II

 Barber, Kenneth F.

 Bartron, William H.

 Batchler, James R. Jr.

 Beil, James A.

 Brosius, Bert N.

 Bryson, George R.

 Burnett, Raymond G.

 Byrd, Terris L.

 Cahill, Dennis M.

 Cassel, Alva C.

 Cassel, Carl C.

 Clapier, G. Wayne

 Coble, Bernard N.

 Commerford, Robert S.

 Coulbourn, Hugh C. Jr.

 Dommel, Albert J.

 Ellingson, Bruce A.

 Erb, Ronald C.

 Fritz, Harvey J. Jr.

 Good, Kenneth L.

 Grossman, Randall A.

 Gundrum, David E.

 Harris, Richard D.

 Hartman, Jansen E.

 Heller, LeRoy S.

 Herb, Frank L. Jr.

 Herb, John H.

 Hertzog, Roy A.

 Jones, David H.

 Johnson, Robert F.

 Koch, James G.

 MacMillan, Thomas S.                 

Mahurin, Ronald C.

Martin, Carl T.

 McConnell, Charles J.

 Morrison, Philip E.

*Neher, James E.

 Plows, Keith E.

 Reed, Calvin T.

 Reitz, Roger L.

 Seifert, A. L.

 Schlonecker, William G.

 Schoen, David N.

 Shorb, Thomas P.

*Sloan, Robert A. Jr.

 Smock, Robert W.

 Soper, Ralph M.

 Stortz, Dean A.

 Taylor, Richard E.

 Thomann, David A.

 Trommler, Steven L.

 Upton, Bryan G.

 Vandegriff, John C. Jr.

 Watkins, David J.

 Weaber, Harold C.

 Weller, Dana E.

 Wickstead, James A.

 Widger, Bryon

 Ziegler, Daniel G.

II.              Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Board of Missions of the Bible Fellowship Church

 Aukamp, William C.

 Buck, Leonard E.

 Butler, Brian G.

 Draper, Robert L.

 Gehman, Richard J.

Harley, J. Barclay

Hoyle, Ronald W.

Lea, Herbert K.

Moyer, Edward

Mull, William W.

Prontnicki, Louis

Riddell, David

Yerrington, Philip E.

Zimmerman, Paul G.

III.             Ordained Ministers Working in the Military Chaplaincy Under the Sponsorship of the Bible Fellowship Church.

                  Minsky, Barry J.

IV.            Ordained Ministers in Retirement

 Cassel, Willard E.

 Dunn, John

 Frank, Walter H.

 Hartman, Wilbur W.

 Herb, George E.

Kirkwood, C. E.

Kirkwood, Donald T.

Miller, C. Leslie

Reichenbach, R. C.

Riggall, John H.

Stengele, Laird F.

Thomann, David E.

Yarrington, Harold D.

V.              Ordained Ministers Working in Other Christian Ministries

 Bigley, T. James

 Frable, Arthur H. Jr.

 Gordon, Robert N.

Hagy, Ronald C.

Keeler, Kenneth D.

Manney, David L.

Schaeffer, Donald B.

Shell, Henry A.

Shelly, Austin G.

VI.            Ordained Ministers on Leave of Absence

                  Dotts, Raymond R.

                  Phillips, D. Thomas

                  Spackman, Carl K.

*Contingent upon approval of recommendation of their ordination in this report.

Committee on Credentials: John H. Riggall, Chairman; Harvey J. Fritz, Jr., Secretary; James A. Beil, Frank L. Herb, Jr., Keith E. Plows

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