Report of the Committee to Formulate the Board of Higher Education and Pinebrook Educational Foundation to BFC Conference: 1993

Report of the Committee to Formulate the Board of Higher Education and Pinebrook Educational Foundation

                  The 109th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church approved two resolutions calling for the appointment of a committee to prepare legislation for an ongoing Board of Higher Education and to negotiate a draft document for an affiliation with Biblical Theological Seminary (1992 YEARBOOK, pp. 51-52). The Board of Higher Education is to provide support of higher education through the establishment of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation. The affiliation was to include representation on the Seminary’s board of trustees, course offerings featuring the Bible Fellowship Church, and a chaplaincy program. Another resolution specified that any assets remaining after the settlement of the property of Pinebrook Junior College be reserved for the Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

                  Following the mandates of the resolution, Chairman James A. Beil appointed a five-man committee of Raymond R. Dotts, Carl C. Cassel, and Robert H. Zentz, representing the Pinebrook Foundation Committee, and George K. Monroe and Calvin T. Reed, representing the Higher Education Committee. We have met four times as a committee and several other times as subcommittees. After due deliberation, we offer the following report and legislation:

Establishment of a Board of Higher Education

                  In place of a denominational institution of higher education such as Berean Bible School or Pinebrook Junior College, the Committee is proposing a Board of Higher Education to oversee the efforts of the Bible Fellowship Church in higher education. It is designed to seek and administer funds for higher education, to create and award scholarships, to establish and administer affiliation agreements with suitable undergraduate or graduate institutions, and to consider and make decisions in any other higher education issues. The members of the Board are to be elected by Annual Conference, to which the Board would report and be accountable. All financial matters would be the responsibility of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation, a subsidiary body under the direction of the Board.

Establishment of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation

                  The Pinebrook Educational Foundation, under the proposed legislation, is to serve as the financial arm of the Board of Higher Education. If the legislation is approved, the Foundation will be responsible for the collection of funds and their investment. It will keep the books and disburse the funds of the Foundation, and it will administer loans. All actions of the Foundation will be subject to the review of the Board.

                  The day-to-day business of the Foundation will be managed by an Executive Director. This individual and the members of the board overseeing the Foundation will be selected by the Board of Higher Education. The selection and responsibilities of the Executive Director can be seen in the proposed legislation.

Affiliation with Biblical Theological Seminary

                  Consultations with Dr. David Dunbar, President of Biblical Seminary, have led to an expectation that no more formal affiliation agreement could be attained than one which recognizes the current pattern of representation on the board of trustees, allows for the teaching of a course concerned with the history and distinctives of the Bible Fellowship Church, and enables the establishment of a Bible Fellowship chaplaincy. Further levels of formality could only be attained with a mutually-acceptable level of financial backing.

                  The Committee, in deliberating these prospects, considered an additional means of cooperation between the Denomination and the Seminary. It is proposing the establishment of seminary student internships within the particular churches and agencies of the Bible Fellowship Church. These arrangements would generate credit at the Seminary and be administered by it, but would take place with the encouragement and cooperation of the Denomination, its Churches, and Agencies.


RESOLVED, that the following legislation to establish the Board of Higher Education and the Pinebrook Educational Foundation be approved:


Legislation for the Establishment of the Board of Higher Education of the Bible Fellowship Church

Article I: PURPOSE

The Purpose of the Board of Higher Education (Board) shall be to promote and support Christian post-secondary education on behalf of the Bible Fellowship Church.


Section 1 – Composition.

The Board shall be composed of three ministers and four laypersons who are members of the Bible Fellowship Church.

Section 2 – Election and term of office.

The members of the Board shall be elected in three successive classes by the Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church (Annual Conference) to three-year terms of service. Each member shall serve until his successor is duly elected.

The three classes shall be composed as follows:

Class I: One minister and two laypersons;

Class II: One minister and one layperson;

Class III: One minister and one layperson.

Section 3 – Vacancies.

Any vacancies of the Board occurring between Annual Conferences may be filled by a simple majority vote of the remaining Board members. The vacancies shall be filled as early as practicable. Each member elected in this way shall serve only until the next Annual Conference.


Section 1 – Officers.

The Board shall elect annually from its number a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, and a Secretary. The board may, at its discretion, elect such other officers and agents as the business of the Board may require. Two or more offices may be held by the same person.

Section 2 – Removal from office.

Officers elected by the Board shall be subject to removal from office at any time by majority vote of the whole Board.


Section 1 – Promotion of Christian Higher Education.

The Board shall promote the cause of Christian post-secondary education on both the undergraduate and graduate levels. This may be done in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, providing information about Christian institutions and encouraging members and other participants of our churches to attend them.

Section 2 – Support of Christian Higher Education.

The Board shall provide financial assistance, as available, to Christian individuals involved in higher education and to Christian institutions of higher education. This may be on both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Such financial assistance shall be provided through the Pinebrook Educational Foundation as addressed in Article VI. Funding will be solicited through the Foundation.

Section 3 – Affiliations.

The Board shall be responsible for the creation and administration of affiliations with specific educational institutions. It shall recommend for approval such affiliations to the Annual Conference.

Section 4 – General Administration.

The Board shall provide for the orderly conduct of its business. It may employ any personnel considered necessary, as funds are available.

Section 5 – Reporting.

The Board shall submit a written report and audited financial statement to the Annual Conference. It shall also submit other reports which may be requested by the Annual Conference.


Section 1 – Chairperson (Chair).

The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Board. Except as otherwise authorized by resolution of the Board, the Chair shall sign all documents authorized by the Board.

Section 2 – Vice-Chairperson (Vice-Chair).

The Vice-Chair shall preside at any duly-called meetings of the Board not attended by the Chair. Should the Board find that the Chair is incapacitated or unable to perform the duties of the Chair, those duties shall be transferred to the Vice-Chair.

Section 3 – Secretary.

The Secretary shall record the proceedings of the Board and shall insure their preservation. The Secretary shall furnish a copy of the minutes of each Board meeting to each Board member, and shall notify members of all regular meetings at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting. The Secretary shall perform other duties related to this office.

Section 4 – Other Officers.

The duties of other officers elected by the Board for continuing duration shall be added to its bylaws through an amendment process.


Section 1 – Purpose.

The purpose of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation is to continue the ministry of Pinebrook Junior College/Berean Bible School through an organized approach to aid Christian individuals involved in higher education and Christian post-secondary institutions.

Section 2 – Overview.

The Pinebrook Educational Foundation shall receive, invest, administer, and disburse funds in conformity with its purpose. Emphasis and priority will be given to individuals attending Christian institutions and to higher education endeavors closely related to the Bible Fellowship Church. Special consideration shall be given to organizations with which the Board of Higher Education has affiliations. Its structure will be broad enough to include a wide spectrum of aid projects involving Christian post-secondary education.

Section 3 – Control.

                  A.              Election and Composition of the Board of Directors of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation (Foundation Board).

The Foundation shall be directed by a board of six (6) members elected by the Board of Higher Education subject to ratification by Annual Conference. Board members shall be elected in three classes and shall serve three-year terms of service. Each member shall serve until a successor is duly elected. the three classes shall be composed of two (2) members each.

                  B.              Accountability.

The Foundation Board shall be accountable to the Board of Higher Education, serving as the financial arm of that Board. The Foundation Board shall achieve and maintain all legal and Internal Revenue Service requirements pertaining to its status as a foundation. It may be separately incorporated.

The Foundation Board shall report at least annually to the Board of Higher Education and shall report annually to the Annual Conference through the report of the Board of Higher Education.

                  C.              Officers of the Foundation Board.

The Foundation Board shall elect annually from its number: a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, and a Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 4 – Administration.

                  A.              Executive Director of the Pinebrook Educational Foundation.

                                    1.               The Executive Director shall be selected by the Foundation Board and ratified by the Board of Higher Education. The position may be paid or unpaid as determined by the Board of Higher Education.

                                    2.               The Executive Director shall not, by virtue of the office, be a member of the Foundation Board or the Board of Higher Education. Membership on one of these boards does not, however, disqualify an individual from serving as Executive Director.

                                    3.               The Executive Director shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of the business of the Foundation. Such duties as administration of the application process, oversight of all financial procedures, and communication shall be the responsibility of the Executive Director. The Executive Director shall consult with the Foundation Board’s Chair for general administration matters and with both the Chair and Secretary-Treasurer for financial matters.

B.              Foundation Secretary.

                  1.               The Foundation Secretary shall be engaged by the Foundation Board subject to approval by the Board of Higher Education.

                  2.               The amount of compensation shall be established by the Foundation Board and approved by the Board of Higher Education.

                  3.               The Secretary shall be a volunteer or a part-time employee until Foundation activity requires more assistance and additional funding is available for full-time compensation.

                  4.               The Secretary shall report to and assist the Executive Director.

C.              Auxiliary Groups.

Pinebrook Junior College support groups such as the Fellows, the Ladies Auxiliary, and the Alumni Association shall be encouraged to continue in existence. Their help will be sought in raising funds and in providing other assistance to the Foundation.

D.              Administration of Funds.

                  1.               A professional investment firm or counselor shall be chosen by the Foundation Board to carry out the investment of available funds. Risk levels and investment criteria shall be determined by the Foundation Board and approved by the Board of Higher Education.

                  2.               Funds shall be obtained or solicited from existing Pinebrook Junior College endowment funds, donors, bequests, annuity arrangements, grants from other foundations, proceeds from general and endowment investments, and other acceptable sources.

                  3.               Funds shall be used to disburse grants and loans and to pay administrative costs.

                                    a.               Administrative costs shall not exceed 25% of General Fund money (unrestricted, unendowed) during the first two (2) years and may be adjusted to any different percentage thereafter by action of the Foundation Board and approval of the Board of Higher Education.

                                    b.               The Foundation Board shall formulate rules for the administration of all funds. These shall be subject to review by the Board of Higher Education and communicated to the churches and to potential sources of funding.

Section 5 – Aid Projects.

The Foundation shall be structured to include many types of aid to Christian higher education. The various programs of aid shall be delineated as ‘funds’ or accounts within the Foundation. Donors are encouraged to contribute to funds set up as endowments in order to insure a continuous stream of proceeds for the future. However, donations to funds which expend current gifts are also encouraged. Undesignated gifts shall go to a General Fund from which administrative costs and Board-directed grants/loans shall be made. Sizable initial gifts may create an endowment or current fund of the donor’s choosing, subject to Foundation Board approval.


Section 1 – Bylaws.

The Board may adopt bylaws, as required, in addition to this legislation. The Bylaws of the Board may be amended by majority vote of the total membership of the Board at a regular or special meeting.

Section 2 – General.

The Board shall be empowered to adopt policies and regulations in addition to its bylaws. Such policies and regulations must be in conformity with the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church and within the rules, decisions, and directives of the Annual Conference.

Section 3 – Quorum.

Four members attending a duly announced meeting shall constitute a quorum. Unless otherwise specified, a majority vote shall mean a simple majority of those attending any meeting of the Board in which there is a quorum.

First Reading

RESOLVED, that the Board of Higher Education of the Bible Fellowship Church pursue an agreement of affiliation with Biblical Theological Seminary which includes the following provisions:

                                    1.               It shall include a course on the distinctives and history of the Bible Fellowship Church (BFC) which will be offered at mutually-acceptable intervals. Biblical Theological Seminary (BTS) will provide the facility, will offer the course, and will administer it. The Board of Higher Education (BHE) will bear the financial responsibility for the staffing.

                                    2.               It shall include a BFC chaplaincy. The BFC will provide a mutually-acceptable chaplain, as available. BTS will provide an adequate site for meeting with students. Other details will be resolved by the BHE and BTS.

                                    3.               It shall include an internship program in which the BFC would make churches, agencies, and pastors available to enter into formal (and informal) internship arrangements of many types. BTS will encourage and recommend students for the program. In addition, the Seminary will be responsible for the administration of the course. Any attendant financial arrangements will be negotiated between the church/agency, BTS, and the student.

Committee to Propose a Board of Higher Education and the Pinebrook Educational Foundation: Raymond R. Dotts, Chairman; George K. Monroe, Secretary; Carl C. Cassel, Calvin T. Reed, and Robert H. Zentz

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