Report of the Credentials Committee to BFC Conference: 1993

Report of the Credentials Committee

                  The Credentials Committee held three meetings during the year in the performance of its duties.

                  During the year the Credentials Committee met with several of the Pastors and counseled with them.

                  The following action was taken: Carl K. Spackman has been serving with a Brethren In Christ Church and has requested that his credentials be transferred to the Brethren In Christ Church. This has been done. We received a communication from the senior rater of Chaplain Barry J. Minsky which contained a high commendation including the recommendation that he be promoted immediately and assigned as a division chaplain. We give thanks to God for Barry Minsky’s continued progress and effectiveness in the military chaplaincy. James R. Batchler’s category was changed to “Ordained Ministers Between Calls” and Raymond G. Burnett, Albert J. Dommel, and Larry M. Smith had their categories changed to “Ordained Ministers on Leave of Absence”. Edgar H. Munyan and Robert W. Smock had their categories changed to “Ordained Ministers in Retirement.”

                  The Committee is continuing to work on the assignment given to it at the 109th Annual Conference (page 41, 1992 YEARBOOK) to prepare a form for the recognition of the ordination of a pastor for the local church.

                  The FAITH & ORDER questionnaire was sent to each of the ministers holding Ordination Credentials with the Bible Fellowship Church. All of the brethren returned their questionnaires and all gave affirmative answers except one. Charles J. McConnell returned his questionnaire indicating his desire to be dropped from the list of Ordained Ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church. The Credentials Committee has removed his credentials and has dropped his name from the list of Ordained Ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church.

                  The Committee met with several men for ordination examination. The Credentials Committee gives thanks to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Who has given these gifted men to the ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church.

WHEREAS, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended W. Neil Harding, Jr., Dennis W. Spinney and David R. Way for ordinations; and

WHEREAS, the Ministerial Candidate Committee has recommended prior ordination recognition for Gene W. Smith and Alan R. Vivona, and

WHEREAS, these brethren have served acceptably as ministers of the Bible Fellowship Church for the required period of time or the equivalent thereof; and

WHEREAS, after examination, the Credentials Committee believes these men to be, called of God to the gospel ministry and to be in accord with the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that W. Neil Harding, Jr., Dennis W. Spinney and David R. Way be ordained to the gospel ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church, and further

RESOLVED, that the prior ordination of Gene W. Smith and Alan R. Vivona to the gospel ministry be recognized by the Bible Fellowship Church and further

RESOLVED, that the service of ordination shall be held Tuesday, October 19, 1993, at 7:30 p.m. at Berean Bible Fellowship Church, Stroudsburg, PA.

                  The Credentials Committee has placed our Ordained Ministers in the following categories (These men are eligible to serve a Bible Fellowship Church):

I. Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Bible Fellowship Church:

Allen, Daniel P.

Armstrong, W. David

Baker, Delbert R, II

Barber, Kenneth F.

Bartron, William H.

Beil, James A.

Brosius, Bert N.

Brush, R. Jerome

Cahill, Dennis M.

Cassel, Alva C.

Cassel, Carl C.

Clapier, G. Wayne

Coble, Bernard N.

Commerford, Robert S.

Coulbourn, Hugh C, Jr.

Erb, Ronald C.

Fischer, Carl J, Jr.

Fritz, Harvey J, Jr.

Good, Kenneth L.

Grossman, Randall A.

Gundrum, David E.

Harris, Richard D.

Heller, LeRoy S.

Hertzog, Roy A.

Jones, David H.

Johnson, Robert F.

Koch, James G.

Mahurin, Ronald C.

Martin, Carl T.

Neher, James E.

Paashaus, Richard T.

Phillips, D. Thomas

Plows, Keith E.

Prontnicki, Louis

Ravis, Richard B.

Reed, Calvin T.

Reitz, Roger L.

Schlonecker, William G.

Schoen, David N.

Shorb, Thomas P.

Sloan, Robert A, Jr.

* Smith, Gene W.

Soper, Ralph M.

* Spinney, Dennis W.

Stortz, Dean A.

Studenroth, John C.

Taylor, Richard E.

Thomann, David A.

Trommler, Steven L.

Uhrich, Gregory A.

Vandergriff, John C, Jr.

Vining, Gilbert J.

*Vivona, Alan R.

Watkins, David J.

*Way, David R.

Weller, Dana E.

Wells, Howard N.

Wickstead, James A.

Widger, Byron

Ziegler, Daniel G.

II. Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Board of Missions of the Bible Fellowship Church:

Aukamp, William A.

Boone, Clifford B.

Buck, Leonard E.

Butler, Brian H.

Draper, Robert L.

Gehman, Richard J.

* Harding, W. Neil, Jr.

Harley, J. Barclay

Hoyle, Ronald W.

Johnston, Walter M.

Morrison, Philip E.

Moyer, Edward

Mull, William W.

Riddell, David

Yerrington, Philip E.

Zimmerman, Paul G.

III. Ordained Minister Working in the Military Chaplaincy Under the Sponsorship of the Bible Fellowship Church:

Minsky, Barry J.

IV. Ordained Ministers Working in Other Christian Ministries:

Bigley, T. James, Jr.

Ellingson, Bruce A.

Frable, Arthur H. Jr.

Gordon, Robert N.

Hagy, Ronald C.

Keeler, Kenneth D.

Manney, David L.

Schell, Henry A.

V. Ordained Ministers Between Calls:

Batchler, James R, Jr.

Byrd, Terris L.

Herb, John H.

Shelly, Austin G.

Weaber, Harold C.

VI. Ordained Ministers on Leave of Absence:

Burnett, Raymond G.

Dommel, Albert J.

Dotts, Raymond R.

Lea, Herbert K.

MacMillan, Thomas S.

Smith, Larry M.

VII. Ordained Ministers in Retirement:

Cassel, Willard E.

Dunn, John

Frank, Walter H.

Hartman, Jansen E.

Herb, Frank L. Jr.

Herb, George E.

Kirkwood, C. E.

Kirkwood, Donald T.

Miller, C. Leslie

Munyan, Edgar H.

Reichenbach, R. C.

Riggall, John H.

Seifert, A. L.

Smock, Robert W.

Stengele, Laird F.

Thomann, David E.

Yarrington, Harold D.

                  Credentials Committee makes the following recommendations:

1.               That the Ordination Service be held Tuesday, October 18 1994, during the 111th Annual Conference at the Stroudsburg Bible Fellowship Church.

2.               That a particular church be encouraged to have a service acknowledging the Ordination of its Pastor and that it be encouraged to invite the Credentials Committee to send representation to be present at the service.

3.               That the Chairman of the 110th Annual Conference appoint a study committee of five (5) men to further define the duties and responsibilities of the Pastoral Relations Committee and its accountability to Annual Conference.

* Contingent upon approval of recommendation of their ordination in this report.

Committee on Credentials: Keith E. Plows, Chairman; David A. Thomann, Secretary; James A. Beil; LeRoy S. Heller; James A. Wickstead

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