Report of the Historical Committee to BFC Conference: 1990

Report of the Historical Committee

                  The Historical Committee meets two times each year to conduct its business.

                  The Committee continues to pursue projects that will allow us to maintain and appreciate our heritage.

                  Dr. Harold Shelly continues work on a history that will be published. This project has stretched out over a number of years because of limited time, energy and finances. He continues to make progress though it is impossible to predict a completion to the project.

                  Work is being done to prepare the minutes of the General Conferences prior to 1990 for publication. These minutes are printed in a periodical known as The Gospel Banner. To our knowledge, they have never been compiled under one cover.

                  The Committee would like to prepare and publish a series of Sunday School lessons which would introduce members of our church to our history and the issues which have helped to shape us. This project will be pursued in conjunction with the Board of Christian Education and the Board of Publication and Printing.

                  Our two publications, Verhandlungen 1859-1895 and What Mean These Stones, continue to attract buyers. We have sold approximately 275 copies of Verhandlungen in the past year. We are grateful for the interest of many in these publications.

                  Two projects of the Historical Committee were well received. Tours of locations of importance in our history were conducted for Freedom Festival at Pinebrook Junior College. An audio visual presentation entitled, “Hershey’s Mantle,” was prepared for the Board of Missions.

                  The Historical Committee thanks those who have contributed important records, documents, photographs, and other items to the archives. Continue to be looking for important material that can be added to our collection.

Historical Committee: Bright N. Heist, Chairman; Richard E. Taylor, Archivist Secretary; Ralph D. Cole, Treasurer; Willard E. Cassel, Harold P. Shelly, Daniel G. Ziegler

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