Report of the Ministerial Candidate Committee to BFC Conference: 1986


            `Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, Who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant’ (II Corinthians 3:5-6a, NASB).

            The Ministerial Candidate Committee met 9 times during the year to accomplish the work entrusted to its care. Many additional hours were spent by individuals of the committee in private consultation and counsel with men under our care.

            The Committee interviewed 12 men and 17 examinations were administered and graded.

            The 12th Annual Orientation Program for men under the care of the Committee was held at Pinebrook Junior College on June 3-5, 1986. Twenty-nine men participated in the program. The 13th Annual Orientation Program is scheduled for June 2-4, 1987.

            Kenneth F. Barber, Raymond G. Burnett, David Carver, Robert S. Commerford, Thomas S. MacMillan, Carl T. Martin, Dean A. Stortz, and Steven L. Trommler were recommended to the Credentials Committee for Ordination Examination.

            William C. Aukamp, David Chappell, David Riddell, William Schlonecker, Ralph Soper, and Byron Widger have been licensed as probationers during the year.

            Dennis Cahill, David Gundrum, and Ronald Hagy have been approved as probationers who are eligible to receive a call as a Pastor of a Bible Fellowship Church.

            The Ministerial Candidate Committee recommends the acceptance of the following men under its care:

PROBATIONERS (year of licensing in parenthesis)

            David W. Armstrong              Zionsville, PA (1985)

            William C. Aukamp               Rapid City, SD (1985)

            Kenneth F. Barber                  Oley, PA (1985)

            James L. Beaver                     St. Petersburg, FL

            Douglas D. Bowne                 Spring City, PA

            Raymond G. Burnett              Englishtown, NJ (1984)

            Dennis M. Cahill                    Phoenixville, PA

            David A. Carver                     Selinsgrove, PA (1983)

            David W. Chappell                 Walnutport, PA (1985)

            Robert S. Commerford           Holmes, NY (1984)

            Arthur J. Frisbie                     Newark, DE (1976)

            David E. Gundrum                 Reading, PA

            Ronald C. Hagy                      West Reading, PA

            Neil W. Harding, Jr.               Philadelphia, PA (1983)

            Thomas S. MacMillan            Nazareth, PA (1983)

            Carl T. Martin                        Spring City, PA (1983)

            James E. Neher                       Sellersville, PA

            David W. Riddell                   Ambler, PA (1985)

            William G. Schlonecker         Newark, DE (1985)

            David Schoen                         Wernersville, PA (1982)

            Ralph M. Soper                      Paradise, PA (1985)

            Dennis W. Spinney                 Hillside, NJ (1984)

            Dean A. Stortz                        New Fairfield, CT (1983)

            Steven L. Trommler               Terre Hill, PA (1984)

            Byron Widger                         Wappingers Falls, NY (1985)


            Gary F. Bentley                      Hatfield, PA

            Clifford B. Boone                   Allentown, PA

            Harold B. Fravell III               Emmaus, PA

            Donald E. Heacock                 Orwigsburg, PA

            Ronald A. Honeywell             Montrose, PA

            Gary L. McElroy                    Shoemakersville, PA

            Philip J. Mitchell                    Allentown, PA

            Scott A. Neiswender               Bloomsburg, PA

            Richard T. Paashaus               Coopersburg, PA

            Charles M. Snyder                  Chambersburg, PA

            Jeffrey C. Stickler                   Behtlehem, PA

            Richard J. Vroman                 Lansdale, PA


            David T. Allen                        Akron, PA

            Walter M. Johnston                Wyomissing, PA

            Richard P. Jones, Sr.               Wescoville, PA

            Daniel A. Mabus                    Emmaus, PA

            Richard W. Meyer                  Bethlehem, PA

            Duane Moyer                          Perkasie, PA

            Mark E. Mull                          Wharton, NJ

            Kevin P. Roberts                    Lehighton, PA

            David Sng                               Hatfield, PA

            Thomas P. Voorhees              W. Trenton, NJ

Committee:     Carl C. Cassel, Chairman; John H. Herb, Secretary; Alva C. Cassel; Richard E. Taylor; Daniel G. Ziegler

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