Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee
The Annual Ministerial Convention of the Bible Fellowship Church was held Tuesday, May 2 through Wednesday, May 3, 1989, at Pinebrook Bible Conference, Stroudsburg PA.
The theme of the 1989 Ministerial Convention was “The Pastor and His Family.” Rev. Thomas Koch of Christian Counseling Associates was the speaker. The Ministers’ Wives’ Fellowship coordinated their meetings with the convention.
The Ministerial Convention closed with the celebration of the Lord’s Supper that included a scripture meditation given by brother Bert Baker.
At the annual business meeting of the Ministerial Convention Committee the following men were elected to a two-year term of service: David Jones, Byron Widger and Dean Stortz. Retiring as members of the committee are: Ralph Soper, David Schoen, and Steven Trommler.
Next year’s Ministerial Convention will be held May 1-2, 1990 at Pinebrook Bible Conference. The speaker will be Chaplain Lynwood Swanson, Director for Pastoral Care Service at Fox Chase Cancer Center and Director of the Department of Pastoral Care at the Alfred I. Dupont Institute. His topic will be “Ministering in the Hospital Setting.”
Dennis M. Cahill, Secretary, 1989 Committee
1989 Committee 1990 Committee
Ralph M. Soper, Chairman Dennis M. Cahill, Chairman
Kenneth D. Keeler, Vice Chairman Kenneth D. Keeler, Vice Chairman
Dennis M. Cahill, Secretary Byron Widger, Secretary
David N. Schoen, Treasurer David H. Jones, Treasurer
Steven L. Trommler Dean A. Stortz
Ministerial Convention Committee: Ralph M. Soper, Dennis M. Cahill, Kenneth D. Keeler, David N. Shoen, Steven L. Trommler, Byron Widger, David H. Jones, Dean A. Stortz