Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee to BFC Conference: 1990

Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee

                  The annual Ministerial Convention of the Bible Fellowship Church was held Tuesday, May 1 through Wednesday, May 2, 1990, at Pinebrook Bible Conference, Stroudsburg, PA. The Ministers’ Wives’ Fellowship coordinated its meetings with the convention.

                  The theme of the 1990 Ministerial Convention was “Pastoral Care In The Hospital.” The speaker was Chaplain Lynwood Swanson, Director for Pastoral Care Service at Fox Chase Cancer Center and Director of the Department of Pastoral Care at the Alfred I. Dupont Institute.

                  At the close of the convention, Robert F. Johnson gave a scripture meditation from Genesis 22 and David A. Thomann led the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

                  At the annual business meeting of the Ministerial Convention, the following men were elected to a two-year term of service: Daniel DeLozier and Brent F. Robinson.

                  Next year’s Ministerial Convention will be held May 7-8, 1991 at Pinebrook Bible Conference. The purpose of the Ministerial Convention of the Bible Fellowship Church includes providing an annual educational experience for the improvement of the ministerial skills of pastors; providing a time of spiritual renewal and physical and emotional refreshment; and promoting fellowship and unity among the pastors and wives.

                               1990 Committee                               1991 Committee

                      Dennis M. Cahill, Chairman            Daniel F. DeLozier, Secretary

                        David H. Jones, Treasurer                 David H. Jones, Treasurer

                 Kenneth D. Keeler, Vice-Chairman              Brent E. Robinson

                                 Dean A. Stortz                     Dean A. Stortz, Vice-Chairman

                         Byron Widger, Secretary                  Byron Widger, Chairman

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