Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee
The annual Ministerial Convention of the Bible Fellowship Church was held on Tuesday, May 5 through Wednesday, May 6, 1992. The Convention was held at Pinebrook Bible Conference. The Ministers’ Wives’ Fellowship coordinated its meeting with the convention. The convention was attended by 79 of our pastors and wives.
The theme of the 1992 Conference was “Living By Grace”. The speaker was Mr. Jerry Bridges, Vice President for Corporate Affairs with the Navigators in Colorado Springs, Colorado. A communion service was conducted at the close of the conference. Jansen E. Hartman presided.
The following men were elected for two year terms of office: Thomas P. Shorb and David J. Watkins. The committee serves as follows:
1992 Convention 1993 Convention
Daniel F. Delozier, Chairman Carl C. Cassel, Chairman
Gilbert J. Vining, Vice-Chairman David J. Watkins, Vice-Chairman
Randall A. Grossman, Secretary Randall A. Grossman, Secretary
Gregory A. Uhrich, Treasurer Thomas P. Shorb, Treasurer
Carl C. Cassel Gilbert J. Vining
The purpose of the Ministerial Convention is to provide an annual educational experience for the improvement of the ministerial skills of our pastors; to provide a time of spiritual renewal and physical and emotional refreshment; to promote fellowship and unity among the pastors and their wives.
The 1993 Convention is scheduled for May 4 and 5, 1993 at Pinebrook Bible Conference. The theme is “Youth Ministry”, and the main speaker will be Duffy Robbins of Eastern College.
The Committee is planning a self-study of the BFC for the 1994 Convention. The goal is for us to evaluate what does and should unite us in the Bible Fellowship Church. A broad-based survey will be conducted in the coming year to assist us for this convention.
The Committee requests prayer for the planning of the 1993 Convention and urges all pastors and their wives to plan to attend.
The Ministerial Convention Committee recommends the following:
RESOLVED, that we recommend that each church pay for its pastor(s) and his wife to attend the 1993 Ministerial Convention of the Bible Fellowship Church.
Ministerial Convention Committee: Daniel F. Delozier, Chairman; Randall A. Grossman, Secretary; Carl C. Cassel, Thomas P. Shorb, Gregory A. Uhrich, Gilbert J. Vining, David J. Watkins.