Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee to BFC Conference: 1993

Report of the Ministerial Convention Committee

                  The annual Ministerial Convention of the Bible Fellowship Church was held on Tuesday, May 4 through Wednesday, May 5, 1993 at Pinebrook Bible Conference. The Ministers’ Wives’ Fellowship coordinated its meetings with the convention. The two-day event was attended by 99 persons, including 54% of our active ordained pastors and probationers.

                  The theme of the conference was “Blueprint for Youth Ministry.” The speaker was David “Duffy” Robbins, Chairman of the Department of Youth Ministry at Eastern College. Mr. Robbins conducted four sessions on Tuesday, and a panel discussion on youth ministry was held on Wednesday morning.

                  At its business meeting the following men were elected to the Ministerial Convention Committee for two-year terms of office: R. Jerome Brush, Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Richard E. Taylor. The committee organized as follows:

1993 Convention

Carl C. Cassel, Chairman

David J. Watkins, Vice Chairman

Randall A. Grossman, Secretary

Thomas P. Shorb, Treasurer

Gilbert J. Vining, Publicity

1994 Convention

David J. Watkins, Chairman

R. Jerome Brush, Secretary

Thomas P. Shorb, Treasurer

Robert A. Sloan, Jr.

Richard E. Taylor

                  The purpose of the Ministerial Convention is to provide an annual educational experience for the improvement of the ministerial skills of our Pastors; to provide a time of spiritual renewal and physical and emotional refreshment; to promote fellowship and unity among the Pastors and their wives.

                  The 1994 Convention is scheduled for May 3-4, 1994 at Pinebrook Bible Conference. An extensive self-study survey of our church will be the basis of a conference dedicated to an evaluation of what does and what should unite the Bible Fellowship Church.

                  The Committee requests prayer for the planning of the 1994 Convention and urges all Pastors and their wives to attend.

                  The Ministerial Convention Committee recommends the following:

RESOLVED, that each church be encouraged to pay for its Pastor(s) and his wife to attend the 1994 Ministerial Convention of the Bible Fellowship Church.

Ministerial Convention Committee: Carl C. Cassel, Chairman; Randall A. Grossman, Secretary; R. Jerome Brush, Thomas P. Shorb, Robert A. Sloan, Richard E. Taylor, Gilbert J. Vining, David J. Watkins

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