The Stewardship Council met three times this past Conference year. In addition to the three members elected at large by Annual Conference, the following agencies have named representatives to be members of the council:
Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church
Board of Missions
Board of Church Extension
Home for the Aging
Pinebrook Junior College
Pinebrook Bible Conference
Victory Valley Camp
Board of Publication and Printing
Historical Committee
The Stewardship Council has completed its organizational by-laws. Copies are available to members of Annual Conference. In addition to preparing for the general work of the Council, time was spent in preparing the program for the 103rd Annual Conference.
The Council is of the hope that the Bible Fellowship Church will take greater care in the various areas of stewardship under the church’s charge. We encourage all of our members, churches and agencies to regard good stewardship as a subject of study and endeavor.
The Council has received and disbursed no funds in 1985-86.
We continue to ask for the prayer of our brethren as we proceed with our duties.
COMMITTEE: Daniel G. Ziegler, Chairman; L. James Roberts, Secretary; Robert W. Gehret, Harold E. Snyder, James A. Beil, Ralph D. Cole, Jay Fasnacht, Kermit K. Gehman, Jansen E. Hartman, John J. Riggall