Report of the Stewardship Council to BFC Conference: 1990

Report of the Stewardship Council

                  The Council met four times this past conference year to conduct the business of BFC Stewardship Services.

                  We give praise and thanks to the Lord for His help in providing the following services to the Bible Fellowship Church.

                  Stewardship Sunday – was observed on May 20, 1990, by twenty Bible Fellowship Churches. Bulletin inserts were produced for those who ordered them. A new wills brochure, “Willing For Those You Love”, was produced and distributed as well. The council has the following recommendation: “That January 27, 1991, be designated by the Annual Conference as Stewardship Sunday.”

                  Mennonite Foundation – the Council has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Mennonite Foundation to use their expertise for management and investment of funds. All monies will be managed as a separate Bible Fellowship Fund. This arrangement will be in effect until such time as our own Bible Fellowship Foundation can become a reality.

                  Fellowship Manor – the Council helped the Manor to introduce a Deferred Gift Annuity program for its friends and supporters. A brochure was produced and the program was presented to those who attended the Manor’s banquets. To date around $50,000 in D.G.A. income has been received.

                  Living Stones Newsletter – is being sent to the pastor of each church and to the Living Stone Associates.

                  Financial Report – submitted by Ralph D. Cole, Treasurer


                  Deuteronomy 8:11-18, “Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God…Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied, when you build fine houses and settle down, and when your herds and flocks grow large and your silver and gold increase and all that you have is multiplied…You may say to yourself, `My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.’ But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.”

                  We are living in an era of unprecedented abundance. We are citizens of a land where overweight people are one tiny indication that we have overindulged ourselves on that abundance. Stewardship education from the perspective that all is the Lord’s and must be used wisely for His glory must have top billing in our “flowery beds of ease” culture.

                  What has the Stewardship Council been doing about this during 1989-90? We have, because of the lack of funding, been using volunteers to do as much as possible.

                  Rick Volpe has been an invaluable asset to the Council. As a certified financial planning professional, he has helped to set up the Deferred Payment Gift Annuities program for Fellowship Manor. The Council has been using the investment services of the Mennonite Foundation to manage the income from this annuity program.

                  My services as Director of Stewardship Services have been voluntary as well.

                  Council indebtedness has been reduced from last year. We praise the Lord for helping us to make the necessary adjustments to do that.

                  We look forward to doing greater things to promote good Christian stewardship during this next year.

Stewardship Council: Hank Snyder, Director; Robert W. Gehret; James G. Koch; Richard E. LeFever, Ralph D. Cole, Daniel G. Ziegler, Roy Hertzog, James A. Beil, Robert Wilcox, Philip Atkins, Bert N. Brosius

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