Report of the Stewardship Council to BFC Conference: 1991

Report of the Stewardship Council

                  The Council met four times during this past conference year to conduct Bible Fellowship Church Stewardship business.

                  STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY – was observed on January 27, 1991 by many churches in our fellowship. Council recommends that January 26, 1992 be designated by the Annual Conference as Stewardship Sunday. We believe that this Sunday has great potential to promote the wise use of our resources to God’s glory in the Bible Fellowship Church.

                  LIVING STONES NEWSLETTER – was sent out twice during the year.

                  A strategy for providing services to local churches on a volunteer basis has been established. A pilot program for next year would involve four churches. We would like to monitor these four churches and report the results to the 109th Annual Conference.

                  FINANCIAL REPORT and BUDGET are attached.

                  We recommend that the Annual Conference Administrative budget for 1991-1992 be set at $2,500 and that each Agency pay a fee of $300.

                  Rick Volpe and Hank and Jenny Snyder have worked diligently as volunteers during the year. We praise God for their efforts.

Stewardship Council Members: James G. Koch, Chairman (Member at Large); Harold E. Snyder, Secretary (Director); Ralph D. Cole, Treasurer (Historical Committee Rep.); Phil Atkins (Victory Valley Camp Rep.); James A. Beil (Fellowship Homes Rep.); Bert N. Brosius (Pinebrook Bible Conference Rep.); Jay H. Fasnacht (Board of Directors Rep.); Robert W. Gehret (Member at Large); Roy A. Hertzog (Board of Missions Rep.); Russell M. Ruch (Member at Large); Carol Z. Snyder (Church Extension Rep.); T. Robert Wilcox (Pinebrook Junior College Rep.)

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