Report of the Stewardship Council to BFC Conference: 1993

Report of the Stewardship Council

                  The Council met three times during this past conference year to conduct Bible Fellowship Church Stewardship business. The fourth meeting was canceled due to lack of a quorum. The focus of the Council for the next five years will continue to be on Stewardship Education at the Local Church level.

                  At the recommendation of the Council, a presentation was made at the 1992 Annual Conference by Mennonite Mutual Aid (MMA). MMA’s services have become available to members of the BFC, and the Council felt that our pastors and churches should be aware of the stewardship services that MMA offers. Available services include life insurance, medical insurance, and investment opportunities. Three regional seminars have been scheduled for the month of September, 1993 to provide further information for those interested.

                  STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY was observed on January 24, 1993 by many churches in our fellowship.

                  The Council continues to oversee the Deferred Gift Annuity Fund managed by Mennonite Foundation. These programs were created to financially assist Fellowship Manor and some of our local churches. The combined value of the funds as of July 31, 1993 was $73,560.92.

                  The Council was able to meet its financial obligations during this past fiscal year, and has ended the year with a strong cash reserve of $3,832.95. The financial reports are included with this report.

                  The Council will not be able to continue the LIVING STONES NEWSLETTER, due to a lack of human resources.

                  THE “BFC STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY FOR LOCAL CHURCHES” has not been released to the three additional churches during 1992-1993, as originally planned. The Director accepts responsibility for this postponement, which was due to a number of unanticipated personal, church, and business commitments.

                  The following is a list of recommendations from the Stewardship Council to Annual Conference:

Recommendation #1:

                  Council recommends that January 23, 1994 be designated by the Annual Conference as Stewardship Sunday, and that our pastors be encouraged to present a message focused on Psalm 24:1 – The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world, and all those who dwell in it.

Recommendation #2:

                  Council recommends that the Annual Conference Administration Budget support be suspended for the remainder of 1993 and for all of 1994. If Administrative Budget resources are required for 1995, we will request them at Annual Conference.

Recommendation #3:

                  Council recommends that Agency Fees be suspended for the remainder of 1993, and for all of 1994.

Stewardship Council Members: James G. Koch, Chairman (Member at Large); Richard J. Volpe, Secretary, Treasurer (Director); Ralph D. Cole (Historical Committee Rep.); Phil Atkins (Victory Valley Rep.), James A. Beil (Fellowship Homes Rep.), Bert N. Brosius (Pinebrook Bible Conference Rep.), Jay H. Fasnacht (Board of Directors Rep.), Roy A. Hertzog (Board of Missions Rep.), Russell M. Ruch (Member at Large), Carol Z. Snyder (Church Extension Rep.)

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