Report of the Strategic Planning Committee to BFC Conference: 1992

Report of the Strategic Planning Committee

                  The Committee to Study Annual Conference included the following recommendation in their report to the 108th Annual Conference:

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the 108th Annual Conference appoint a committee of seven men (four pastors and three laymen) to prepare legislation for the formation of a strategic planning committee for the Bible Fellowship Church. This legislation, including bylaws (purpose, composition, duties, etc.) for the proposed committee, shall be reported to the 109th Annual Conference. [1991 Year Book, page 165]

                  Discussion on the floor resulted in the following resolution being approved:

RESOLVED, that the Chairman appoint a strategic planning group that shall consist of seven members of the Bible Fellowship Church. [1991 Year Book, page 37]

                  The committee met five times during this past year with it’s initial meeting focused on determining exactly what the committee had been asked to do. It was determined that the conference passed resolution could not be adequately met without also accomplishing the need outlined by the study committee recommendation. Both issues were therefore addressed.

                  The efforts of the committee largely centered on the development of a mission statement for the denomination. Discussions touched on many areas but focused primarily on the need for an emphasis to be made on the particular churches while at the same time incorporating the denominational agencies, boards and committees. The initial statement drafted was as follows:

“The purpose of the Bible Fellowship Church is to strengthen individual congregations as they worship God, edify the saints and evangelize the world.”

                  On February 24, 1992, a questionnaire was circulated to ninety-seven ordained, active unordained and retired pastors along with those who are on leave of absence. Agreement, disagreement along with comments were sought regarding the above statement. A total of sixty five responses were received indicating the following:

Yes – 49 (75%)No – 14 (22%)No indication – 2 (3%)

                  Continued discussions in following meetings sought to address the suggestions and concerns indicated by the responses. The resulting statement has been presented as a recommendation at the end of the report.

                  Numerous objectives were presented and discussed as a result of the mission statement. The following were thought to be of primary importance at this time.

– To nurture and support struggling congregations

                  – To increase agency support in both loyalty and a financial way

– To see growth: in both the number of yearly baptisms and number of churches

                  Further work is needed to refine these as well as others and develop goals for achieving them.

                  Willard E. Cassel resigned from the committee due to personal reasons on February 13. Chairman James A. Beil appointed Carl C. Cassel to fill this vacancy in April.


1.               RESOLVED, that a Strategic Planning Committee be established with the following purpose, duties and election procedure and placed in the FAITH & ORDER under the section entitled, “Boards and Committee Elected by Ballot”, page 139 and following:

The Strategic Planning Committee


To make recommendations to the Annual Conference regarding a strategic plan for the overall direction of the Bible Fellowship Church.


                  1.               Propose, evaluate and revise the mission statement, objectives and goals of the Bible Fellowship Church.

                  2.               Evaluate the progress of the Bible Fellowship Church in fulfilling the present mission statement, objectives and goals set by the denomination.


The committee shall be composed of four ordained ministers and three lay elder who are members of Annual Conference. They shall be elected in three classes to three-year terms as follows:

                                    Class I       Two ministers and one lay elder

Class IIOne minister and one lay elder

                                    Class III    One minister and one lay elder


2.               [Dependent upon the approval of the first recommendation or another one similar to it.]

WHEREAS, the formation of the Strategic Planning Committee will be delayed due to the need for approval at second reading, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the 109th Annual Conference appoint a committee of four pastors and three laymen who are members of Annual Conference in order to continue the work of the Strategic Planning Committee until the 110th Annual Conference.

3.               RESOLVED, that the following mission statement be adopted:

The Bible Fellowship Church as a denomination is the organized body of cooperating churches along with the agencies, boards, and committees established by the Annual Conference.

The mission of the Bible Fellowship Church as a denomination is to strengthen and extend the ministries of the particular churches as they ever seek to more effectively fulfill their Biblical mandate, as understood in the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church, to worship God, teach and equip the saints for ministry, and evangelize the world. This is fulfilled by the Particular Churches, in union with other congregations and in cooperation with the supporting agencies, boards and committees established by Annual Conference.

Strategic Planning Committee: Ronald W. Reed, Chairman; David N. Schoen, Secretary; Carl C. Cassel, Timothy D. Cole, Neil E. Montgomery, Richard T. Paashaus, Robert A. Sloan, Jr.

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