Report of the Strategic Planning Committee to BFC Conference: 1993

Report of the Strategic Planning Committee

                  The committee met five times during this past year. At the first meeting Dr. Robert Overgaard, President of the Church of the Lutheran Brethren, met with the committee. He has served his denomination in the area of strategic planning for the past seven years. Very helpful information was presented regarding the need for such planning and some steps necessary for its realization. His input was very much appreciated and resulted in the committee determining three areas to work on during the year.

1] Define a mission statement;

2] propose legislation regarding a continuing strategic planning committee and

3] develop some year-long projects to begin working on.

                  Twenty pastors from varying regions and church sizes were contacted and asked a series of questions regarding needs of their church and its relationship to the denomination. Similar questions were posed to the Board of Church Extension, Board of Missions, Pinebrook Bible Conference, Victory Valley Camp and Bible Fellowship Church Homes. Their assessment of strengths and weaknesses were used to formulate the following projects which are planned for the 1993-1994 year, should a Strategic Planning Committee be appointed again:

                  A. Meaningful pastors’ communication

                  The “Pastor to Pastor” newsletter will continue to be sent out on a regular basis.

                  B. Assisting struggling churches

                  A support team or teams of consultants made up of pastors and elders from BFC churches will be recruited with the following goals toward assisting individual churches.

                  1.               To meet quarterly with the pastors and elders of the church.

                  2.               To pray for the ministry of the church.

                  3.               To review the procedures and ministries of the church.

                  4.               To make non-binding recommendations to the pastor and elders of the church.

                  5.               To offer continued support and encouragement to the pastor and elders of the church.

                  Tentative Plans

                  One church has agreed to be on the receiving end of this project for 1994. Upon approval of Annual Conference, a team of up to 3 pastors and 3 elders will be recruited to carry out the above goals. At least one member of the Strategic Planning Committee will be on this consulting/care team.

                  If additional churches would like to be included in this project, additional teams will be formed.

                  C.              Youth Ministry Project


                                    1.               To assist two different Bible Fellowship churches in a 5-day Vacation Bible School type program.

                                    2.               To assist these same two Bible Fellowship churches in outreach by means of puppet evangelism, street presentations, films, etc.

                                    3.               To provide a meaningful opportunity of summer ministry for Bible Fellowship Church teenagers.

Tentative Plans

                                    1.               Form the team of six to eight teenagers from four to five different Bible Fellowship churches – preferably not the same churches that will host the team.

                                    2.               The ministry would be three weeks in duration. The first for training and preparation, the last two at the hosting churches.

                                    3.               Churches wishing to be one of the two ministry locations can let the Strategic Planning Committee know of their desires at the Annual Conference, October                      1993

                                    4.               Interested teens should apply by January, 1994. Applications will be available at Annual Conference, October, 1993.

                                    5.               Training for the leaders will be given by a member of the Strategic Planning Committee.

                                    6.               Funding:                     gifts from individuals

home church support

personal contribution

circulate letters requesting support to family and friends

                                    7.               Estimated costs

housing – provided by the host church, either at the church or in homes.

food, transportation – $8 – $10 / day / person [21 days = $168.00 – $210.00]

materials – much will depend on which outreach ministry option is chosen

                  The committee makes the following recommendations:

1.               RESOLVED, that the following be adopted as a mission statement for the Bible, Fellowship Church:

The mission of the Bible Fellowship Church is to declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the message of God’s Word, the Bible to worship God, to equip believers for service and to evangelize the world. This, by the enabling of God, is to be accomplished by each Bible Fellowship church, served and assisted by the agencies established by Annual Conference, and in accordance with the FAITH & ORDER of the Bible Fellowship Church.

2.               RESOLVED, that a Strategic Planning Committee be established with the following, composition election procedure, purpose and duties, and further,

RESOLVED, that the following be placed in the FAITH & ORDER under the section, entitled, Boards and Committees elected by ballot on page 139:

                  The Strategic Planning Committee

                  A.              Composition and Election:

The Committee shall be composed of four ordained ministers who are serving particular churches and three laymen who are elders. No member of the Committee may serve more than two (2) successive terms of office. They shall be elected in three classes to three year terms of service as follows:

                                    Class I       Two ministers and one layman

                                    Class II     One minister and one layman

                                    Class III    One minister and one layman

                  B.              Purpose:

The purpose of the Strategic Planning Committee is to propose and provide for the implementation of a coordinated plan of action for the Bible Fellowship Church consistent with the mission statement of the Denomination.

                  C.              Duties:

                                    1.               The committee shall evaluate and propose revisions in the mission statement.

                                    2.               The committee shall annually propose a one, three, and five-year plan for the Denomination.

                                    3.               The committee shall receive and communicate the information, concerns and recommendations of the particular churches.

                                    4.               The committee shall receive and synthesize the one, three, and five-year plans of the agencies, boards, and committees.

                                    5.               The committee shall help coordinate endeavors which provide opportunities for groups of churches to participate in projects too large for an individual church.

                                    6.               The committee shall be a resource to encourage and assist struggling churches in their planning ministries.


Strategic Planning Committee: Ronald W. Reed, Chairman; David N. Schoen, Secretary; Carl C. Cassel, Raymond R. Dotts, Neil E. Montgomery, Richard T. Paashaus, Robert A. Sloan, Jr.

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