Report of Victory Valley Camp to BFC Conference: 1990

Report of the Board of Victory Valley Camp

                  The Board of Victory Valley Camp held four regularly scheduled business meetings during the year. In addition to the meetings of the full board many additional hours were spent by individuals of the board in service on committees and in the fulfillment of other camp related responsibilities. The board membership is divided into four standing committees: Program & Staff, Building & Grounds, Development and Finance.


                  The camp functions under the leadership of Phil Atkins, director, and Donna Bauer as assistant director. Their expertise in oversight of the camp grounds, program and staff, facilitated a camping experience that was Christ centered and fun for hundreds of boys and girls. We rejoice with the many young people who have come into a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through the ministry of Victory Valley this year. There were 26 professions of faith throughout the summer season. This year inaugurated a follow-up program that will send devotional sheets to be done by all the campers during the off season.

                  The summer staff was tremendous. This year’s staff totaled 51, 32% of which were Bible Fellowship young people. Of the 51 staff members, 30 were returnees from previous years. This provided the camp with a qualified and experienced group of dedicated workers. The wonderful influence of the camp upon the lives of campers can be seen in that 35 of the 51 staff members were former Victory Valley Campers. They ministered to 565 campers with the camp operating at 93% of capacity for the summer.


                  This year continued the concentrated effort to restore the beauty and soundness of the camp’s facilities. Cabins were painted and refurbished. A new foundation was completed on one cabin with an additional foundation scheduled for another. More bathrooms were remodeled along with exterior beautifications. A concentrated effort is being made to bring the existing facilities up to par. We are grateful that a large portion of budgeted expenditures this year will be for the maintenance of the properties.


                  The “Second Wind” project was concluded this year with a total giving of $19,159. The “Valley Interested People” program continues to grow as more people become committed to the ministry. A “Cans for Camp” program allowed various churches, individuals and youth groups to contribute in a very tangible way. An exciting new plan was implemented which provided an opportunity for family and friends of the staff to become involved in their summer support. The Board is grateful for the continued support of churches and individuals.


                  A detailed financial statement accompanies this report. Although Victory Valley is operated very frugally, cash flow continues to be a concern. Desiring to provide youngsters with an affordable Christian Camping experience, we will be raising prices minimally this year by increasing the camper fee $5.00. We cordially request the churches to evaluate their giving to the camp each year. Any increase in support will be gratefully received and put to good use. Just a reminder that church contributions given in the winter months help the cash flow tremendously. Most of the camp income is generated in the summer months. We appreciate all those churches who can contribute earlier than the March deadline.


                  The dates for the Fall and Winter program 1990-91 are as follows:

                                                 Nov. 2-4    Jr. High Fall Retreat

                                                    Dec. 1    V.I.P. Banquet

                                             Dec. 14-16    Sno Valley – ages 7-12

                                             Dec. 28-30    Teen Ski Retreat – ages 13-18

                                                  Dec. 31    Staff Reunion

                                               Feb. 8-10    Sno Valley – ages 7-12

                                                    May 4    Work Day

                                                    June 1    Open House

                                                   Sept 14    Work Day

                                                    June 9    V.I.P. Picnic

The dates for Summer Camp in 1991 are:

                               Camp                                                      Outpost Village

                     July 7-13   ages 8-12                                     Children ages  8-10

                   July 14-20   ages 8-12                                     Children ages  8-10

                   July 21-27   ages 8-12                                             Sr. High   14-18

             July 28-Aug 3   ages 8-12                                    Tri-A-Venture  14-18

                    Aug. 4-10   ages 8-12                                              Jr. High   12-14

                  Aug. 11-17   Jr. High 12-14                              Children ages  10-12

                  Aug. 18-24   Jr. High 12-14                              Children ages  10-12

Victory Valley Board: Dana E. Weller, Chairman; Calvin T. Reed Secretary; Bryan B. Bray, Treasurer; Phil Atkins, Director; Clyde D. Bomgardner Jr., Bright N. Heist, William G. Schlonecker, John Stengele, John C. Vandegriff and David L. Weller

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