Study Committee on Women as Deacons [2006]

Report of the

Study Committee: Woman as Deacons

EDITOR’S NOTE: With Conference having approved women as deacons at First Reading the previous year (2005), the committee’s new assignment by Conference Resolution was “to provide legislation covering the entire Article 204 making clear distinction between the qualifications for the offices of elders and deacons and a clarification of the word ‘minister.'” This report captures their findings. This, together with their previous work and proposals from their 2005 report, culminated in Conference allowing churches to elect women as Deacons in the following year, 2007.

FIRST READING – 2006 Yes – 101; No – 43 Minutes 
SECOND READING – 2007 Yes – 109; No – 26 Minutes 

            The committee continued its work this year. The committee did not complete the work of defining more precisely the use of the term “minister” in our legislation, but it proposes to complete that work in this coming year.


Whereas, the Faith & Order uses “minister” as a technical term and Scripture does not; and

Whereas, the 122nd Annual Conference approved equating “minister” and “pastor”; and

Whereas, the Study Committee on Women Serving as Deacons has been asked to clarify the use of the term “minister” in the Faith & Order (see page 33 and 34 of the 2005 Yearbook); and

Whereas, the Scripture teaches that only males shall serve as elders (whether teaching or ruling elders); and

Whereas, the issue of women serving as deacons is distinct from defining “minister” more clearly; and

Whereas, the Study Committee has not completed the work defining “minister” more precisely with the intent of providing “legislation covering the entire Article 204” (p. 34, 2005 Yearbook); and

Whereas, the 122nd Annual Conference approved recommendation #1 at First Reading; therefore be it

Resolved, that we recommend to the Annual Conference approval of recommendations #2 and #3 at First Reading; and further

Resolved, that the Committee continue its study of “minister” in the coming year.

NOTE: The study committee sees recommendations # 1, 2 and potentially 3 coming up for Second Reading all at once at Annual Conference next year, if First Reading for #2 and 3 is approved this year.


204-3. Deacons

204-3.1 The office of deacon is presented in the Scriptures as an office not of ruling, but of service. A deacon should be a person (replaces man) of deep spiritual life, exemplary conduct, and sound judgment (1 Tim. 3; Acts 6:1-8). This (replaces His) office is one of sympathetic service to the Church and to the distressed, friendless, or sick, after the example of our Lord Jesus Christ.


401-2. The Board of Deacons

401-2.1 The Board of Deacons shall be composed of all deacons duly elected by and from the congregation who meet the qualifications of the Scriptures. They shall be mature believers (replaces men) who demonstrate a spiritual wisdom and compassion so that they might serve the needy in a Christlike, merciful way.

401-2.5 Election and Installation of Deacons. Each congregation may elect deacons in keeping with the qualifications set forth in Scripture. Deacons must be (delete male) members in full communion in the church in which they are to exercise their office.

The term of office shall be determined by the Particular Church by congregational vote, but shall not be less than three years, except when a Particular Church desires a probationary term of service for newly-chosen deacons. When possible the Board of Deacons shall be divided into not fewer than three classes as determined by congregational vote in each of the Particular Churches.

In the event of a vacancy by death, resignation, or removal, a member (replaces man) may be elected to fill the unexpired term of office….

Questions to the congregation – end of 401-2.5

(1) Do you, the members of this church, acknowledge and receive this brother (or sister) as a deacon?

(2) Do you promise to give him (or her) all the honor, encouragement, and support in the Lord to which this (replaces his) office entitles him (or her)?

After the members of the church have answered these questions in the affirmative by holding up their right hands, the minister shall proceed to set apart the candidate by prayer to the office of deacon and shall give to him (or her) and to the congregation an exhortation suited to the occasion.


Article 18 – The Church

Article 18-4.

A properly constituted local Church must include the ministry of God’s Word, the observance of the ordinances, the oversight by elders (replaces officers), and the exercise of discipline. The overseers of the Church are to be prayed for, obeyed and honored.

Women Serving as Deacons Study Committee: Carl C. Cassel, Chairman; Michael J. Tannous, Secretary; Clifford B. Boone, David W. Eisenhower, Richard A. Moyer, [Dr. Robert C. Newman, 2005 only] and Ralph E. Ritter.

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