1996 Pastoral Relations Committee Study Report

Report of the

Study Committee to Define Duties of the

Pastoral Relations Committee

              The Study Committee to Define Duties of the Pastoral Relations Committee was created by the One Hundred and Tenth Annual Conference to fulfill the following petitions from the Ephrata, Lancaster and Paradise Churches:

WHEREAS, a meaningful ministry requires a good relationship between the Pastor and the congregation. This includes such things as: mutual respect, support, honor, love and accountability, and

WHEREAS, a breakdown in some churches is evidenced by decreasing membership, enrollment and troubled pastorates, and

WHEREAS, the FAITH & ORDER states that the primary duty of the Pastoral Relations Committee of a particular church is to “maintain good relationships between pastor and the congregation.” (page 85, para.4) and

WHEREAS, this is not happening in all cases. (i.e. one cause may be a lack of accountability between the Pastoral Relations Committee of a particular church and Annual Conference), and

WHEREAS, in other areas, such as, the submission of Congregational Meeting minutes and statistical information, there is mandated accountability between the particular church and Annual Conference, and there is also limited annual accountability between pastors and the Credentials Committee in the annual Ministers’ questionnaire, and

WHEREAS, The Pastoral Relations Committee has no such required accountability, and

WHEREAS, the Pastoral Relations Committee is considered important to the Annual Conference in that it is the only particular church committee required by the FAITH & ORDER, and therefore as such, it is believed that the duties and responsibilities of the Pastoral Relations Committee should be further defined which would include accountability to Annual Conference, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the 110th Annual Conference appoint a study committee of five (5) men to further define the duties and responsibilities of the Pastoral Relations Committee and its accountability to Annual Conference.

              The committee worked in conjunction with the Ministerial Relations Committee. It highly endorses the rewrite of the duties of the Ministerial Relations Committee (see their report). The following resolution was made:

RESOLVED, that the following material be presented to the 113th Annual Conference for adoption to replace material on page 85, Faith & Order.

Required Committees:

The Board of Elders of every church shall designate a Pastoral Relations Committee composed of Elders.



1. Encourage the Pastor in his endeavor to minister to the congregation.

2. Promote good relationships between the Pastor and the congregation.


1. Meet at least twice annually.

2. Conduct an annual review with the pastor. The annual review (1994 Yearbook, p.172-177) may be used as a guideline.

3. Receive communication and be a liaison between the pastor, his staff, and the congregation.

4. Annually review with each member of the pastoral staff the adequacy of his compensation and submit a proposed budget for salary and benefits.

Study Committee to Define Duties of the Pastoral Relations Committee: David J. Watkins, Chairman; Daniel P. Allen, Secretary; Lee E. Boyles, David A. Thomann, Ralph M. Soper.

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