Report of the Study Committee on Credentials & Multi-Staff Churches [2005]

Study Committee on Multi-Staff Churches [2005]

EDITOR’S NOTE: As a growing number of our churches were adding additional staff (and particularly pastoral staff), Conference appointed this study committee in 1998 to examine how our Principles of Order address staff that are not the senior pastor. The Committee made various proposals in subsequent years and concluded their work in 2007.

The Study Committee on Credentials and Multi-Staff Churches brings the following legislation to Annual Conference:

Resolved, that the following material be adopted as Second Reading:

204-4 Pastoral Staff

The pastoral staff of a particular church is composed of, and limited to, those men who are serving as ministers in the BFC. For an individual to serve as a minister in the BFC, he must be ordained by or have had his previous ordination recognized by the BFC or he must be under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee.

204-5 Church Staff

The church staff of a particular church is composed of individuals who are employed by that particular church. The church staff shall include the pastoral staff, but is not limited to the pastoral staff. Others included in the church staff would be secretaries, sexton, director of women’s ministries, director of children and youth, choir director, etc. The title pastor, when it is used in association with a person that is occupying a position on a church staff is to be reserved for those who are members of the pastoral staff.

Resolved, that the following numerical changes, with their corresponding explanation in the Faith and Order, be amended as follows and adopted as Second Reading:

204-1.1 – The minister and pastor are interchangeable terms.

204-1.2 – A “minister” or “pastor” in the Bible Fellowship Church must be holding or seeking credentials in the Bible Fellowship Church.

204-1.3 – The Office of Minister [presently in the F&O as 204-1.1]

204-1.4 – The Qualifications for the Ministry [presently in the F&O as 204-1.2]

Resolved, that the following be adopted as First Reading for inclusion into the Faith and Order:

204-1.4 The Qualifications for the Ministry

Personal Qualifications

(1) The minister must have a love for the study of Scripture inasmuch as his primary function is to be pastor-teacher.

(2) The minister must possess qualities of leadership and administration, together with a willingness to assume responsibility inasmuch as he is an elder who numbers ruling among his duties.

(3) The minister, being accountable to God, must have a genuine love for people, exercise patience in dealing with them, be receptive to criticism and correction, and remain steadfast in his duties inasmuch as he is an under-shepherd of the flock of God.

(4) The minister must not be a lover of money inasmuch as he is to be a lover of God.

(5) The minister must be willing to forgo personal rights and privileges for the sake of ministering to others inasmuch as he is to be an example of a servant.

Resolved, that the changes made to Article 204-1.4 – Educational Requirements be adopted as Second Reading to read as follows: (Italicized and bold words to be normalized when included in Faith and Order)

Article 204-1.4 – The Qualifications for the Ministry

(1) All men desiring to be ordained to the ministry of the BFC shall have been graduated from college/university and are encouraged to pursue a seminary degree. The minimum requirement is 3 years of theological training or its approved equivalent. A man may be an applicant or candidate during the period of his training, but the 3 years of theological study shall be completed before he becomes a probationer. Exceptions to these rules may be made for some mature men; however, in no case will a man be recommended for ordination examination before completing the equivalent of 3 years of theological training.

(2) Candidates for the ministry should be men of broad-reading interests, giving evidence of understanding and practical wisdom.


Our work is not completed and we will be making an additional report to the 123rd Annual Conference.


The outline to “Article 204 – The Officers of the Church” will look like this:

Article 24 – The Officers of the Church

* 204-1.1 The minister and pastor are interchangeable terms.

* 204-1.2 A minister or pastor in the Bible Fellowship Church must be holding or seeking credentials in the Bible Fellowship Church.

* 204-1.3 The Office of Minister

{the same statement as previously stated in 204-1.1}

* 204 1.4 The Qualifications for the Ministry

Spiritual Qualifications

(@) Personal Qualifications

Physical Qualifications

(#) Educational Qualifications

* signifies the numerical readings that we are voting on for Second Reading

# signifies the changes we are voting on for this section are for Second Reading

@ signifies the changes we are voting on for this section are for First Reading

Study Committee on Credentials and Multi-Staff Churches: LeRoy S. Heller, Chairman; Jacob J. Susek, Jr., Secretary; Calvin T. Reed, L. James Roberts, Jr., Ralph M. Soper.

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