Steering Committee on Executive Board [2007]

Steering Committee on Executive Board [2007]

EDITOR’S NOTE: This committee was formed to explore the addition of an Executive Branch of the Bible Fellowship Church. The committee introduced this new structure at an Adjourned Session of Conference in 2007. Conference approved the proposed changes to the Principles of Order at the regular meeting in 2008.

FOUNDATIONAL PARAGRAPH 512-1 “Bible Fellowship Church Executive Board”
FIRST READING – 2008 Yes – 130; No – 17; Abstain – 1.  Minutes
SECOND READING – 2009 Yes – 134; No – 17. Minutes

The Bible Fellowship Church

“An Expanding Fellowship of Churches


            A number of years ago (more than ten) Annual Conference approved a Strategic Planning Committee, which has been active through last year. The reason was a growing sense that we as a denomination are stuck. A few years ago following Annual Conference there was an email circulated expressing concerns about the relatively low number of baptisms, an opinion that does get expressed periodically. Recently, in a similar vein there was another email about conversions. All in all these and many other similar observations express a growing frustration that we are not more effective than we are.

            A few years ago Annual Conference adopted a new vision statement that we would become (or are) an “… an expanding fellowship of churches united to make disciples of Jesus Christ.” While this more directive vision more clearly states our purpose, as discussions were held in various places to implement the statement, it became clear to many that structural changes were needed denominationally. Changes that would help us as agencies and churches to move more strategically in a common direction. Changes that would enable us to be more efficient in doing our business but also more effective in expanding the kingdom. Changes that would enable us to adapt our aging infrastructures and collectively regroup for future opportunities. Changes that would enhance our ability to come alongside those churches and agencies that are in need of help. Changes that would allow us to be good stewards of the resources the Lord has provided and of the legacy He has given us.

As the Steering Committee met, prayed and discussed implementing the decision of Annual Conference to move toward an Executive Board and an Executive Director, we always kept in the forefront the necessity of the autonomy of the local church. We kept in mind the desire we all have to be consistent with the Word of God and with our Faith and Order. And, although we are sensitive to the traditions of our past, we also kept in mind that there are some things that need to change and that any change can be difficult. In soliciting opinions from a large percentage of the churches, one of the prevailing responses was that we have to do some-thing and probably have to do it soon. We believe that the changes that are being proposed are consistent with the Scriptures and the Faith and Order, that they are financially possible though requiring sacrifice by all; that they are driven by our vision and are absolutely necessary.


            Part of the committee’s work was to look at how our brothers in other church bodies have organized themselves. We looked at various denominations: the Conservative Baptist Association, the Evangelical Congregational Church, the Presbyterian Church in America, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, the Fellowship Bible Churches, the Christian Reformed Church, Brethren in Christ, the Evangelical Free Church, Sovereign Grace Ministries, and others. The duties and authority of each body’s executive/administrative board vary. The body that seems most similar to ours is the Evangelical Congregational Church (ECC) based in Myerstown, Pa. Though the ECC has a nominally Episcopal government, practically speaking its structure is similar to what we envision for the BFC: an executive and executive committee giving guidance to the larger body, with boards/commissions under the executive committee, and with the churches retaining much autonomy. That said, our intention is not to pattern our structure after any one body, but to learn from what our brothers are doing and trust the Lord to guide us into the structure that best suits the BFC’s needs.


            1. In seeking to be founded on the Word of God in practice as well as doctrine, the BFC sets forth this form of government as that which is in its judgment most clearly in keeping with the Holy Scriptures (201-1).

            2. The formulation of faith and practice must be in submission to the Holy Scriptures because God has not bound the conscience to the doctrines and commandments of men when they exceed or contradict His Word (201-2).

            3. Every union of particular churches shall have the right, in harmony with the preceding principles, to formulate a faith and order that shall seek to provide a basis of fellowship always in submission to the written word of God (201-3).

            4. This form of government shall seek to make this body a church that operates by written standards, which is not, however, to be understood as being opposed to love or spirit, but rather opposed to disorder and injustices that can so easily pervert right human relationships when authority is personal or when there is not accepted way of deciding issues that inevitably arise among men, however deeply they may be committed to Jesus Christ and to one another (201-4).

            5. Jesus Christ has established His rule on earth in the church. The universal church consists of all those persons, in every nation, who make profession of faith in Christ and yield submission to Him and His rule. Because this multitude cannot meet in one place for worship and fellowship, the Scripture indicates that these believers shall be divided into many particular churches (202-1.1).

            6. A particular church consists of professing believers voluntarily associated in submission to the Holy Scriptures, for divine worship, godly living, and evangelism. The particular churches seek to demonstrate their participation in the church universal by forming union with other particular churches that have a similar understanding of doctrine and organization (202-1.2).

            7. By providing spiritually qualified overseers, called Elders, Christ enables each particular church to govern itself (203-1).

            8. But although the churches are autonomous, they are not independent, because they are a part of a fellowship of churches. The basis of this fellowship is mutual conviction of the body of truth set forth in the Scriptures (203-2).

            9. The authority of the fellowship is secondary, being derived from the Particular Churches, and is limited to matters that pertain to the church in fellowship or to common concerns that church agree to take care of together (203-3).

            10. All authority in the Church, whether in particular churches or in the denomination, is moral and spiritual, ministerial and declarative. It is moral and spiritual, negatively, in that the church is unable to use civil force to compel obedience, and positively, in that obedience is incomplete unless it is inward and real as well as outward and apparent. All authority in the church is ministerial and declarative in that the Holy Scriptures are the only rule of faith and conduct, and all decisions and laws must therefore be understood as being servants of the Word, announcing what the body believes the Scripture to teach with the constant recognition that “councils may err” through frailty inseparable from humanity (203-4).

            11. The church consists of many congregations, which need mutual counsel and assistance to preserve soundness of doctrine and discipline, to enter into joint effort for the advancement of the work of Christ, and to prevent infidelity, error and immorality. From this arises the importance and usefulness of assemblies of Particular Churches (203-5).

            12. The following materials are designed to define how the assembly of particular churches proposes to accomplish its work in a manner in keeping with the biblical principles previously stated.


            The Steering Committee is sensitive to the desire for progress and also the need for caution concerning such large changes. Accordingly in making the “detailed presentation” called for in the proposed timeline on p.18 of the 2007 Yearbook at the Adjourned Session, the Steering Committee will not call for any votes on legislation unless requested by the body. Likewise, transitional legislation relating to the election of an Executive Board and the implementation of a unified assessment will be presented only at the request of the conference.

            The Steering Committee calls upon the members of Annual Conference to join them in prayer that the Lord would guide us into His will for us in His time.


            This restructuring of Bible Fellowship Church on the fellowship wide level is consistent with our understanding of the church and its governance expressed in the Faith and Order.

            This material below from the Faith and Order claims to give a biblical basis for fellowship wide church government, but it directly quotes little Scripture. However the claim is valid because of the biblical evidence for church government was studied intensely by the Annual Conference with reports preserved in Yearbooks 1963 (pages 47-61, 74B and 74C), 1965 (pages 37-47), 1967 (pages 14-41). The Annual Conference expressed approval of the material and directed that legislation be written on the basis of these studies (Yearbook 1967, p. 41). The legislation included in this report is quoted from the material developed on that directive.

            The Steering Committee reviewed the biblical basis and the legislation to determine if in the intervening years a better understanding of Scripture has developed. The only place where the Committee decided improvement was needed is where a change is proposed.


            The following recommended changes to the BFC Principles of Order are to implement the creation of an Executive Board. They are presented in logical order, not the order of their appearance in the Faith & Order.

1. The first block of material has to do with the Annual Conference. The current Annual Conference will be replaced with the BFC Conference. The proposed legislation defines the BFC Conference, explains its authority, and describes its work.

       a.   Replace current 501-2, 501-3, 501-4, and 501-5 with:

            501-2  The BFC Conference is the legislative branch of our government. As such it alone has the power to amend and authoritatively interpret the Faith and Order. By this means it governs the affairs of the particular churches on a denominational level, serves the health of the particular churches, and receives requests and petitions from the particular churches. Although it has these powers, it shall not subvert the autonomy of the particular churches.

            501-3             The BFC Conference also exercises final oversight of the judicial branch of our government. In this capacity it examines, licenses and ordains candidates for pastoral ministry, provides counsel in the calling of pastors to particular churches, supervises the resignation and removal of pastors, examines and approves or censures the records of particular churches, elects judicatories and serves as a final court of appeal in matters of discipline.

            501-4  The BFC Conference also provides for the executive branch of our government. As such it elects a President and BFC Executive Board, ratifies the Executive Director, and approves the direction and planning proposed by the BFC Executive Board. To provide for this executive and administrative leadership, the BFC Conference has the authority to assess the particular churches a percentage of their offerings.

            501-5             The BFC Conference shall meet annually in performance of its responsibilities outlined above. Officers and committees shall be elected and appointed each year in order to conduct its business in an efficient manner. The purpose of the annual gathering is to govern the BFC though the Faith and Order, promote unity and fellowship between the churches, and to focus our vision on unified goals for our churches and its joint endeavors.

            501-6 The proceedings of the BFC Conference shall be conducted according to the Business Rules of BFC Conference (see 508) It shall keep and publish a record of its proceedings and make it available to the membership of the churches

     b. 203-6 replace “Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church” with “Bible Fellowship Church Conference.”

     c. Replace “Annual Conference” with BFC Conference”.

            302-3.2, 302-4.1, 302-4.2, 401-1.7, 403-1.4, 403-1.5, 405, 405-1, 405-2, 407-4, 500, 501, 501-1, 501-2, 501-3, 501-4, 501-5, 502-3.5, 502-4.1, 504, 504-1, 504-2.2, 504-2.3, 504-3.1, 504-3.3, 504-3.4, 505, 505-1, 505-2, 506, 506-1, 506-2, 506-3, 506-4, 506-5, 506-6, 506-8, 507, 507-1, 507-2, 507-3, 508, 508-4, 508-6, 508-7, 508-8, 510-2, 510-4, 510-5, 510-6, 510-7, 511-1, 511-1.1, 511-1.2, 511-1.3, 511-1.4, 511-2, 511-2.1, 511-2.2, 511-2.3, 511-2.4, 511-2.5, 511-2.6, 513, 513-1, 513-3, 801-1, 801-4, 802-1, 802-3, 802-4.

2. The officers of the BFC Conference are to be viewed as servants of the business meeting, not leaders of the denomination. The Chairman and Vice Chairman will be changed to the Moderator and Assistant Moderator.

     a. Replace 407-5 “Chairman of Annual Conference” with “Conference Moderator.” 405-2, 505-2, 506-1, 506-2, 506-5, 507-1, 508-4, 508-6, 511, 511-2.4, 511-2.6.

     b. 507-1 Duties – omit Duties (4) (5) (6) & add to election (3) The BFC Executive Director is ineligible to serve as the Conference Moderator.

     c. 507-2 replace “ Vice Chairman” with “Assistant Moderator”

3. The Board of Directors of the BFC is replaced with the BFC Executive Board. The Board of Directors was strictly limited to the role of legal representative and trustee. The Executive Board will be empowered to make decisions involving the direction of the church, the deployment of its resources and the development of its potential. The Executive Board would be headed by a President elected by the BFC Conference and served by an Executive Director appointed by the BFC Executive Board.

     a. Replace 407-5 “Board of Directors of BFC” with “BFC Executive Board”

     b. 512-1: “Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church” shall be replaced with:

            512-1: Bible Fellowship Church Executive Board

            The Bible Fellowship Church Executive Board (BFC Executive Board) is the elected executive board of our government. It shall provide leadership for the BFC by proposing strategic direction to the BFC Conference, implementing direction through the oversight of the BFC divisions and agencies, and monitoring progress in the direction approved by the BFC Conference. It shall have the authority between the meetings of the BFC Conference to execute the decisions made by that body.

            512-1.1:          Composition, Election, and Terms of Office:

            (1)       The BFC Executive Board shall have thirteen members: A President (who is elected directly by the BFC Conference), The Executive Director (by virtue of his office), and eleven members (five ordained ministers and six elders.) 

           (2)         The elected Classes shall be as follows:

                        Class I  President, one ordained minister and two elders.

                        Class II Two ordained ministers and two elders

                        Class III Two ordained ministers and two elders

            (3)       Each member shall be elected for a term of three years.

            (4)       Each agency shall be represented by one non-voting member selected by the agency board.

            512-1.2:          Meetings and Quorum:

            (a) Meetings:  The BFC Executive Board shall establish a schedule of stated meetings, at which any business of the board may be conducted. Special meetings may be convened by the President on his own initiative , or at the call of the Secretary when requested by five members. Any special meetings must be held with at least a seven day notice, and business must be limited to the announced purpose unless all thirteen members of the board are present and consent to transact other  business.

            (b) Quorum    Nine members must be present to transact business of the BFC Executive Board. If unanimous consent is required by our rules, the vote of an absent member shall be recorded on that matter.

            512-1.3:          Organization:

            (1)       President: The President shall be elected by the BFC Conference for a term of three years. He may be an ordained pastor or an elder. The Executive Director is ineligible to serve as President.

            (2)       Other Officers: The BFC Executive Board shall elect annually from their  number a Vice President, Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer and any other officers as the business of the board may require. The Executive Director is ineligible to serve in these offices.

            (3)       Vacancies: Vacancies in these offices shall be filled as soon as possible. In the event that the office of President is vacant, the Vice President shall serve until the next meeting of the BFC Conference.

            (4)       Removal from Office: The President may be removed from office at any time by a majority vote of the BFC Conference. The other officers elected by the BFC Executive Board may be removed from office at any time by the majority of the whole BFC Executive Board.

            512-1.4           Duties of Officers:


            (1)       He shall chair the meetings of the BFC Executive Board.

            (2)       He shall serve as legal representation for the corporation, empowered to execute all contracts, deeds, mortgages, and other documents, as the business of the corporation may require. He may designate another officer of the BFC Executive Board to exercise this power in his place. He shall report all such executions to the board.

            (3)       He shall carry out all other responsibilities as are usually conducted by the  president of the corporation.

            Vice President:

            (1)       He shall chair the meetings of the BFC Executive Board in the absence of the President.

            (2)       If the President is unable to serve, he shall serve as President until the next meeting of the BFC Conference.


            (1)       He shall record and maintain minutes of the BFC Executive Board.

            (2)       He shall provide for the safe preservation of the records and legal documents of the corporation.

            Financial Secretary:

            (1)       He shall maintain accurate records of all assets held by the and all financial transactions of the corporation.

            (2)       He shall issue payment of all duly authorized financial obligations.


            (1)       He shall deposit all funds for which the BFC Executive Board is responsible in depositories approved by the Board.

            (2)       He shall provide for an annual audit of all money held by the BFC Executive Board.

            512-1.5:          Duties of the BFC Executive Board

            (1)       It shall provide leadership for the BFC by presenting strategic direction to the BFC Conference. It shall seek approval of the BFC Conference to pursue this direction through the implementation of strategic plans.

            (2)       It shall appoint the Executive Director, subject to ratification of the BFC  Conference, and oversee his performance in carrying out the work of the BFC Executive Board.

            (3)       It shall appoint the directors of the agencies and establish the terms of their employment, subject to ratification of the agency boards. 

            (4)       It shall by counsel, advice and direction, oversee the work of the agencies in furthering the overall ministry of the BFC and shall ratify the elections of each agency      board.

            (5)       It shall administrate the BFC Annual Budget, and make annual recommendations to the BFC Conference concerning the Budget and Church Assessment Rate.

            (6)       It shall provide for and oversee the administrative aspects of the BFC including (but not limited to ) education, accounting, auditing, pensions, publications, publicity, stewardship, and development.

            (7)       It shall hold title to and have charge of all property, both real and personal, belonging to the corporation. It shall buy or sell property for the corporation only by the approval of all members of the board or by direction of the BFC Conference. It shall have the authority to borrow money, contract mortgages, or make loans against any property of the corporation by approval of all members of the board or by direction of the BFC Conference.

            (8)       It shall have oversight over all funds entrusted to it by the BFC Conference.

            (9)       It shall have oversight of all insurance programs offered by the BFC.

            (10)     It shall act as the legal representative in the name of and on behalf of the corporation known as the Bible Fellowship Church (a non profit corporation in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ). It shall have all the rights and privileges, as well as responsibilities and liabilities, conferred by the charter creating the corporation.

            (11)     It shall report annually to the BFC Conference.

            512-1.6:          Executive Director of the Bible Fellowship Church:

            The Executive Director shall be an ordained pastor or elder appointed by the BFC Executive Board to carry out the direction approved by the BFC Conference. He shall be appointed, with the terms of employment, for a term of three years, subject to ratification by the BFC Conference. He shall serve as a member of the BFC Executive Board.


            (1)       He shall implement the direction and strategic plans of the BFC Conference.

            (2)       He shall represent the BFC in public ministry.

            (3)       He shall encourage churches and pastors toward achieving the plans of the BFC Conference.

            (4)       He shall encourage and coordinate BFC committees in achieving the plans of the BFC Conference.

            (5)       He shall encourage and coordinate BFC agency directors in achieving the plans of the BFC Conference.

            (6)       He shall oversee the daily operations of the BFC administration.

            (7)       He shall report to the BFC Executive Board and the BFC Conference.

4. The new structure also involves a major change in the way we fund our denominational administration. The following legislation provides for this:

            a. Omit 407-2 offering (6) Administrative Budget

            b. New 502 “ BFC Annual Budget


502-1  The BFC Annual Budget is administered by the BFC Executive Board. The Board prepares the budget and presents it to the BFC Conference for adoption. The budget provides for the executive administration of the BFC and includes (but is not limited to) salaries of the Executive Director and other employees, expenses of committees, pension obligations, administrative departments, and any other obligations or projects approved by the BFC Conference.

            502-2  Funding: The BFC Annual Budget is funded by the Church Assessment Rate. At the time that the BFC Executive Board presents the budget, a rate shall be recommended which provides for the funding of the budget. The rate shall be a percentage of the regular offerings received by the particular churches in the previous calendar year. The BFC Executive Board must present a balanced budget which is adequately funded by the assessment.

            502-3  Adoption: The BFC Annual Budget shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the BFC Conference. The budget shall include the Church Assessment Rate necessary to fund it, so that a vote for the budget is also a vote for the assessment. The BFC Conference shall not adopt an Annual Budget without approving the Church Assessment Rate which balances it.

            Move the current Article 502 – Procedure for the Resignation of a Minister and Article 503 – Retirement from the Ministry

            To a new Article 509 – “Ministry in the Bible Fellowship Church” 

     c. New 407-2: Church Assessment The particular churches through their representatives to the BFC Conference adopt the BFC Annual Budget with a Church Assessment Rate each year. This rate is a percentage of the regular offering from the previous calendar year. (For instance, The BFC Annual Budget for 2006 is adopted at the BFC Conference in 2005. It includes the adoption of a Church Assessment Rate of 1.5% of the regular offerings reported for 2004. The amount is provided in the particular church budget for 2006 to fund the BFC Annual Budget for that year.)

            407-3: Offerings, renumber subsequent articles.

5. BFC Conference business rules will be updated.

            Replace 508-1, 508-2, 508-3, 508-5 with

            508-1 Regular Order of Business Each meeting of the BFC Conference shall be opened and closed with prayer. Times for worship shall be provided in each day’s agenda. The parliamentary procedure shall follow the rules of the BFC and Robert’s Rules of Order. Business shall generally proceed according to an approved agenda. Minutes shall be recorded and approved for each meeting. (subsequent articles in 508 shall be numbered accordingly)

6. If the BFC Executive Board is adopted and elected, considerable change may come to other agencies, boards and committees upon its recommendation to the BFC Conference. This would effect articles 509 Agencies of Annual Conference and 512 Boards and Committees Elected by Ballot including 512-2 through 512-18.

            This may lead to a restructuring such as follows: 

            509 Divisions of Annual Conference – This article may be revised to reflect the new relationship between the agencies and the BFC Executive Board.

            512 Board and Committees Elected by BFC Conference

            512-1 Bible Fellowship Church Executive Board

            512-2 Nominating Committee

                        512-3 Church Health Committee

            512- 4 Ministerial Candidate Committee

            512-5 Ministerial Relations Committee

            512-6 Credentials Committee

            513 Boards Elected from within and Ratified by the BFC Executive Board This section is where the agencies will be found.

            514 Departments of the BFC Executive Board This section might include the functions of the current Board of Christian Education, Board of Youth and Young Adults, Board of Higher Education, Board of Pensions, Historical Committee, Board of Communications. It may also add functions such as Accounting, Auditing, Publicity, and Development.

7. In reviewing the Scriptural basis and the Bible Fellowship Church background for these proposed changes, the steering committee became convinced that Article 203-5 should be strengthened to reflect our commitment to mutual accountability. The proposed revision will not in itself increase its usefulness among us, but mutual commitment of each of us to our brethren and each congregation to all others and the body as a whole will increase its usefulness.

Substitute the following for 203-5 as it now stands:

                        The church consists of many congregations each in need of mutual counsel and assistance. Because this counsel and assistance is needed by each congregation, each member is responsible for and accountable to other members and to the body as a whole. However this counsel and assistance must neither violate the autonomy of congregations in the body nor negate the accountability of each member to all other members of the body. The goals of this mutual counsel and assistance are to encourage and maintain spiritual health, to preserve soundness of doctrine and discipline, to enter into joint effort for the advancement of the work of Christ, and to prevent infidelity, error and immortality. From this arises the importance and usefulness of assemblies of particular churches.


1. The need for this new board and its cost.

            We believe that an Executive Board and Director will enable the Bible Fellowship Church to move ahead in a cooperative way well into the 21st century. This Executive Board will replace the Board of Directors of the Bible Fellowship Church and will consolidate the agencies as much as feasible, while providing leadership and direction in accomplishing the mission and goals of the denomination.

            Certainly, at this point, all of the costs are unknown. However, our estimates are around $150-180 thousand dollars annually. This includes salaries for an Executive Director and clerical help, for office equipment and supplies and for travel expenses. It is anticipated that office space will be donated initially. Start-up costs may be higher, but these extra costs should be eliminated after the Executive Board office is fully operational.

2. How will we pay for the Executive Board system?

            We believe that there should be one assessment made to the churches that includes the Administrative Budget, the Ministerial Retirement Fund (MRF) assessment, the Fellowship News charges and the new Executive Board expenses. One assessment per church and that is all.

            The assessment would be based on the reported income for the total operating budget of each church. To get an initial perspective of how this would work, the following spreadsheet shows how part of the costs could be raised with a 2% assessment on the 2006 income as reported to the Annual Conference in 2007, (BFC 2007 Yearbook, pp. 238-240). That 2% assessment is shown on Column E of the spreadsheet. This amount is based on a flat 2% of Column C; however, we are aware that some standardizing and refining of the “total offerings” amounts are needed. This aspect will be addressed later in a section called “Assessable Receipts – Churches.”

            Columns F-H show what is now being given and assessed for the Administrative Budget, the MRF assessment and the Fellowship News assessment. These columns are totaled in Column I and compared with the 2% assessment (Column E) in Column J. As one can see many of the smaller churches are already paying more than the 2% assessment would cost them.

3. Assessable Receipts – Churches.

            From our discussions with some of our church leaders we have concluded that the reported income definition should be expanded and refined from what now appears under “VII. Receipts” in the Yearbook, (BFC 2007 Yearbook, p. 244). We offer the following:

A.        Assessable receipts consist of the following: All amounts received in support of the church’s operating budget, including rent, appropriations from Church Extension, unrestricted bequests, donor-designated gifts for specific expenditures included in the operating budget and investment earnings on unrestricted funds.

            B.        Exclusions from assessable receipts include donor-designated gifts given for programs which are not part of the operating budget. Examples are amounts given for faith promises for missions, short-term missions trips, a memorial fund, a building fund, debt reduction, etc. Also excluded are loans proceeds, gifts-in-kind, gifts of real property, proceeds from the sale of real property and investment earnings on donor-restricted assets.

4. Additional Funding.

            The 2% assessment would raise about $86,000 additional funding (Spreadsheet, Column J total) to pay for the cost of the new Executive Board system. Where would the other funds come from as required in paragraph #1 above? The present funding from the Administrative Budget (Column F) would not be available since over $100,000 of that amount goes for additional MRF funding and the Conference Pastor costs, (BFC 2007 Yearbook, p. 96).

            We believe that if the denominational headquarters housed the various departments of the Bible Fellowship Church at one location with one receptionist/secretary, there would be a savings overall to the denomination. Since the agencies will make use of this aspect of consolidation more than the churches, the agencies may be called upon to contribute their savings to help fund the new system. Office savings could be realized in office equipment, secretarial duties, telephone and communications, consolidated accounting and other streamlining innovations.

Early estimates show the following:

            Pinebrook Bible Conference  $23,000

            Victory Valley                                     13,000

            Church Extension Ministries   15,000

            Board of Missions                   29,000


            If sufficient savings by consolidation cannot be achieved, other sources of funding would be sought by the Executive Board, including raising the church assessment rate over 2%. It is expected, however, that the assessment rate would not exceed 3%.

5. Conclusion.

            We believe that this is a “doable” project financially, without placing an unreasonable burden on the churches, the agencies or any aspect of the ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church. It will require, however, the cooperation and innovation of which we believe our dynamic fellowship of churches is capable.

[Committee Members:  Randall A Grossman, Chairman; David T Allen, Carl C. Cassel, Raymond R. Dotts, Robert T. Evans, Jay H. Fasnacht, Ronald W. Reed, Robert A. Sloan, Jr., Hans R. Waldvogel, J. Robert Vaughn, Timothy D. Weaber, Robert H. Zentz ]


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