Study Committee on Biblical Principles for Living [2012]

Study Committee Report

Biblical Principles for Living

and Declarations of Particular Issues

            In 1993, at the 110th Annual Conference, the preparation began of what were entitled, The Biblical Principles for Living. At that conference, the following was approved:

Whereas, the Bible Fellowship Church’s present STANDARDS OF WORSHIP AND LIFE do not address some very key areas of life, and

Whereas, the Bible Fellowship Church’s present STANDARDS OF WORSHIP AND LIFE are not transcultural, and

Whereas, the BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES FOR LIVING are intended to reflect a more comprehensive listing of life issues and a more accurate presentation of the biblical standards, therefore be it

Resolved, that the 110th Annual Conference direct the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee to continue its work on the production of BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES FOR LIVING, and further

Resolved, that the 110th Annual Conference direct the Inter-Cultural Ministries Study Committee to present these Principles to the 111th Annual Conference for consideration of adoption into our FAITH & ORDER, and further

Resolved, that any points of departure from the positions of our present STANDARDS OF WORSHIP AND LIFE be identified and that exegetical evidences be presented for any such proposed changes.

            In 2004, the 121st Annual Conference completed the work of preparation. Final approval of these statements included the assignment to review these statements each seven years.

Resolved, that every seven years the Chairman of Annual Conference appoint a Biblical Principles For Living Review Committee and further,

Resolved, that the Review Committee review the existing list of Biblical Principles For Living for any needed updates and consider the need for the production of new Principles.

            At the 128th Bible Fellowship Conference, a committee was appointed to make that review.

            The following are the recommendations of this committee to the 129th Bible Fellowship Conference:

Resolved, that the BFC Conference appoint a committee to consider whether Article 20, The Lord’s Day, and Article 23, Civil Government should be included among the “Articles of Faith” or listed with the “Biblical Principles for Living.”

Resolved: that the BFC Conference appoint a committee to re-examine its statements on Marriage and Singleness (103-3.1) and The Family (103-4):

1. Do our current statements offer adequate response to attempts to redefine the family?

2. What positions should we hold with regard to civil unions and same sex marriages?

Resolved: that the BFC Conference appoint a committee to review its statement on Homosexuality (154) by considering the following questions:

1. Is homosexual behavior the result of genetic pre-disposition, sinful behavior or both?

2. Is there a difference between experiencing homosexual temptation and indulging homosexual lust? Is someone who experiences sexual attraction to a person of the same sex to be considered a homosexual?

3. What should be the response of the church to active or non-active homosexuals who become part of a congregation?

Resolved: that the BFC Conference appoint a committee to review its statement on Stewardship (104-1) by considering the following questions:

1. What should be the church’s position with regard to climate change, its causes and cures?

2. Are current environmental concerns consistent with the biblical concept of human stewardship of the earth and its resources?

3. Should the church express environmental concerns? If so, to what extent?

Resolved: that the BFC Conference appoint a committee to re-examine its statements (Holiness (102-1) and Marriage and Singleness (103-3)) in light of changing sexual mores and biblical calls to sexual purity.

Resolved: that the BFC Conference appoint a committee to study the matter of immigration:

1. What ought to be the attitude of the church to immigrants in general?

2. How should the church respond to the presence of undocumented immigrants?

Resolved: that the BFC Conference appoint a committee to study the issue of gambling and, if it deems necessary and appropriate, to prepare a statement.

Resolved: that the BFC Conference appoint a committee to consider the matter of addictive behaviors and, if it deems necessary and appropriate, to prepare statements. Examples of addictive behaviors include but are not limited to pornography, other sexual addictions, computer gaming, gluttony, eating disorders, and gambling.

Resolved: that the BFC Conference appoint a committee to prepare a statement that will offer guidance to churches in ministering to sexual predators or those convicted of sexual crimes.

Resolved: that the BFC Conference appoint a committee to consider the growing marginalization of Christian culture and churches.

1. What should be the response of churches to the growth of secularism and materialism?

2. What should be the response of churches if anti-biblical or anti-church initiatives are proposed by local, state or national government?

Study Committee to Review the Biblical Principles for Living: Richard E. Taylor, Timothy M. Zuck, Harold P. Shelly.

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