Study Committee on Multi-Staff Church [1999]

Report of the

Study Committee – Multi-Staff Churches

EDITOR’S NOTE: As a growing number of our churches were adding additional staff (and particularly pastoral staff), Conference appointed this study committee in 1998 to examine how our Principles of Order address staff that are not the senior pastor. The Committee made various proposals in subsequent years and concluded their work in 2007.

      The Committee met four times in the fulfillment of its duties. As a result of a joint resolution by the Credentials Committees, the Ministerial Relations Committee and the Ministerial Candidate Committee, a resolution passed at the 115th Annual Conference this committee was established.

Resolved, that the Chairman of Annual Conference appoint a committee of five to prepare revisions of the Faith & Order that recognize the presence of multiple staff churches. (See resolution 5 on page 54 of the 1998 Yearbook).

      The main issue we studied was the necessity of defining the terms for pastoral positions of multi-staffed churches and their relationships to Annual Conference and the local church.

      The following resolutions are being presented to the Annual Conference so that the Committee may complete its work. Some of the resolutions may be brought back to the 117th Annual Conference for first reading and for final inclusion in the Faith & Order.

      The Committee to Study the Presence of Multi-Staff Churches recommends:

Whereas, the term “minister” is often used of any saint who is in service to the Lord, and

Whereas, the general term of one who serves vocationally used by most churches today is “pastor”, and

Whereas, the Faith & Order uses the terms “minister” and “pastor” indiscriminately, and

Whereas, the term “pastor” most properly designates men gifted and called to the Gospel ministry, therefore be it

Resolved, that we seek to designate in the Faith & Order those called to the Gospel ministry by the term “pastor”.

Resolved, that the lead pastor of a particular church is designated the “Senior Pastor”, called under the rules of pulpit supply of the BFC. He shall serve as Chairman of the Board of Elders and shall assume other pastoral responsibilities as assigned him by the Board of Elders.

Resolved, that a pastoral staff is composed of men recognized by a particular church who have attained to credentialed, probationer, or candidate status and who serve in various pastoral functions.

Resolved, that, as regards to the Faith & Order, the term “pastor” be limited to probationers serving as Senior Pastor and credentialed men and not staff people who do not fall into one of those categories. (Examples of this would be Minister of Music, Staff Counselor, Youth Director, etc.) Local churches may apply the title of pastor as they choose.

Resolved, that a probationer serving in a position other than the Senior Pastor may mot be dismissed from a local church without the Ministerial Candidate Committee being consulted.

Resolved, that all members of a pastoral staff, who have been credentialed by the BFC shall be members of the Board of Elders of a particular church by virtue of their credentials, and be it further

Resolved, that noncredentialed men by be considered for election to the Board of Elders of a particular church.

This committee also recommends that:

— any church seeking to hire a man who is under the care of the Ministerial Candidate Committee first consult with that Committee.

— upon recommendation by Annual Conference, those committees affected by these changes review and make appropriate changes.

Resolved, that in the event that Annual Conference adopts our recommendations, the Committee should function for another year and come back to the 117th Annual Conference with recommendations to implement these changes to the Faith & Order.

      Appendices are available to various committees in order to implement these changes.

Committee to Study the Presence of Multi-Staff Churches: L. James Robert, Jr., Chairman; Brain H. Cooper, Secretary; John C. Elias, Dennis M. Cahill, David A. Thomann

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