Study Committee on Secret Societies [2002]

Report of the

Secret Society Study Committee

             The Secret Society Study Committee met four times since the 118th Annual Conference. We were assigned the task of examining our position on Secret Oath-Bound Societies. We studied the nature of oaths in the Scripture and the implications of those principles to both membership in the Bible Fellowship Church and the responsibilities of living a life that is consistent with our faith and testimony.

             The committee has identified two issues in relation to the current Article 112 in the Standards of Worship and Life which we believe require inclusion in the Biblical Principles of Living. The two issues are: 1. Allegiance to Christ, and 2. Oaths.

1. Allegiance to Christ

             The committee believes that the most significant issue raised in the present article (Art. 112, Standards of Worship and Life) is the violation of our allegiance to Christ. In order to address that issue, we recommend a statement (below) to be included in the BPL Article 102-1 “Holiness.”

2. Oaths

             Historically, our communion has taken seriously the various Biblical injunctions against the use of oaths.1 A proposed article on “Oaths” was rejected in the formation of our Faith and Order (79th Annual Conference ((1962)). It addressed matters of profanity as well as oath-taking in a formal sense.2 It concluded that “swearing of oaths is forbidden” while recommending the legal option of affirmation in court settings.

             Our current article does not contain an absolute prohibition against oaths, rather it declares, “The Scriptures admonish against oaths.” Our concern for the teaching of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount relative to integrity of speech (and its affirmation by the apostle James) should not be lightly dismissed. We see no reason to abandon the seriousness of this matter for Christian living.

             Nevertheless, this particular principle of New Testament teaching would not appear to require an independent statement in the Faith and Order above other principles not given such treatment.

             After some discussion, the committee determined that BPL Article 102-5, “Truth and Integrity,” should include a statement relative to the issues raised by the taking of oaths.


                1 The Complete Writings of Menno Simons (Scottsdale, PA: Herald Press, 1956), p. 517-521. The Doctrines and Discipline of the Evangelical United Mennonites of Canada and the United States (1880), p. 44. The Doctrines and Discipline of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ (1897), p. 45. The Doctrines and Discipline of the United Missionary Church (1951), p. 32. Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church (1964), Article 112, Standards of Worship and Life.

                2 Minutes of the 79th Annual Conference of the Bible Fellowship Church (1962)

The committee presents the following resolutions:

Whereas, the committee believes that the present article on Secret Oath-Bound Societies (Article 112 of the Standards of Worship and Life) is not transcultural, and

Whereas, the committee believes the present article on Secret Oath-Bound Societies, as traditionally understood in the BFC, does not appear to be a large-enough issue to warrant a separate BPL, and

Whereas, it seems most appropriate to deal with the legitimate concerns raised in the present Article 112 under the BPL’s “Holiness” (Article 102-1) and “Truth and Integrity” (Article 102-5), therefore, be it

Resolved, that the following statement be inserted in the BPL Article 102-1.3, “Holiness” between sentence ending “Lord” and that which begins “Believers”:

“Believers should avoid participation in any group which demands behavior or the affirmation of beliefs that are opposed to our allegiance to Christ.”(fn)

fn: Acts 4:19; Romans 12:1-2; 1 Cor 7:23; 2 Cor 6:14-7:1; Eph. 5:11; Matt. 6:24

Resolved, that BPL Article 102-5.5 “Truth and Integrity” be amended by the addition to the end of the paragraph of the following statement:

“Integrity of speech requires purity and truth. Such speech does not require confirmation by oath.” (fn)

fn: Matt. 5:34-37; Jam. 5:12

Secret Society Study Committee: Ralph E. Ritter, Chairman; Richard D. Harris, Secretary; Jonathon W. Arnold, Dennis M. Cahill, Jonathan P. Tait.

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