Study on Use of “Laypersons” [1996]

Report of the

Study Committee to

Clarify the Use of “Laymen” and “Laypersons”

              The study committee met three times in the fulfillment of its assignment. The committee was charged with the responsibility of studying the eligibility of women to serve on Annual Conference Boards and Committees as well as to recommend ways to bring consistent terminology to the Faith & Order (see resolution on p.20, 1995 Yearbook). The committee presents the following study and recommendations after consultation with the seventeen boards and committees potentially affected by any change.

The Eligibility of Women

To Serve on Annual Conference Boards and Committees

              The Bible Fellowship Church is committed to the authority of the Scriptures and to being biblical in conviction and practice. The exegetical understanding of the Bible Fellowship Church regarding the teaching of Scripture on “The Role of Women in the Church” is communicated in a Denominational Position Paper in the 1977 Yearbook, p. 157ff. The application of the Scriptures leads to these affirmations in seeking to clarify the eligibility of women to serve on Annual Conference boards and committees.

Creative Equality

              The Scriptures teach that men and women have equal worth and dignity, because each has been created in the image of God. 

Equality in Christ

              The Scriptures affirm the equality and unity of all Christian believers, male and female, as members of God’s family and of Christ’s body, the church. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal.3:28

              There is a oneness and equality in the church of Jesus Christ that transcends earthly distinctions and cultural divisions. Men and women who are regenerated by God’s Spirit and who put their faith for salvation in Jesus Christ alone are “in Christ” and have equal acceptance and status with God because of their relationship to Jesus Christ. Although a Christian woman does not cease to be female and a Christian man does not cease to be male, the sexuality of a believer in Christ is not a barrier to Christian fellowship, and any sexual prejudice that previously existed is to be transcended in Christ. 

The Priesthood of Believers

              The priesthood of every New Testament believer in Christ is affirmed in Scripture.  Each believer, both male and female, has been endowed by the Holy Spirit with spiritual gifts and is enabled by God’s Spirit to render ministry that is acceptable to God and beneficial to Christ’s Church.  Ministry by both men and women is to be valued and utilized to maximum potential and effectiveness in Christ’s Church. 

Office of Elder and Minister

              The Bible teaches that the offices of elder and minister (pastor-teacher) in Christ’s Church are to be filled by men.  This is God’s design and not human or cultural in origin. The divine order established by God directs that authoritative teaching and ruling in Christ’s Church is to be exercised by spiritually qualified and gifted men serving in the office of elder. 

Eligibility for Service on Annual Conference Boards and Committees

Bible Fellowship Church Boards and Committees which perform the responsibilities of an elder, which oversee ministers or elders, or which oversee the ministry of congregations or Particular Churches shall be composed of ministers and elders. These include: Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church, Board of Church Extension, Board of Missions*, Credentials Committee, Ministerial Candidate Committee, Ministerial Relations Committee and Strategic Planning Committee.

*The Board of Missions is revising its bylaws and will present legislation which will address this issue.

Bible Fellowship Church boards and committees whose duties do not engage their members in the responsibilities of eldership may be composed of both men and women exercising their collective wisdom, creativity, experience, and expertise to the glory of God and the enhancement of the ministry of the Bible Fellowship Church.  These include: Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church Homes, Inc., Board of Christian Education, Board of Higher Education, Historical Committee, Nominating Committee, Board of Pensions, Pinebrook Bible Conference, Board of Publication and Printing, Stewardship Council, and Board of Victory Valley. These boards and committees exercise their ministry under the delegated authority and responsibility of the elders of Annual Conference to whom they are accountable.

              The committee proposes the following legislation to be adopted at first reading: The proposed changes are on pp. 132-133 of the Faith & Order (1986 edition). New legislation is bold.

General Rules of Elections and Resignations

There are three categories of nominees for election to boards and committees. They are ordained ministers, elders, and lay persons.

Ordained ministers who have been called to minister by the rules of Pulpit Supply or who are laboring in any agency of the Bible Fellowship Church shall be eligible for election or appointment to Conference offices, boards, or committees.

An ordained minister who is without a call to a church is eligible to serve in an elective office and on Conference boards and committees as long as he remains on the list of Ordained Ministers Working Under the Direction of the Bible Fellowship Church.

A minister who is granted a leave of absence may serve as a minister in any elected or appointed position only until the next Annual Conference, when a successor will be elected or appointed to fill the unexpired term.

All retired ministers willing to serve are eligible for election to Boards and Committees.

(The next paragraph is replaced by the following)

Elders are men who are serving or who have served and remain eligible for service on the Board of Elders.

Lay persons are men or women who are members in good standing of a Bible Fellowship Church. Lay persons are eligible to serve on a board or committee unless the bylaws of the board or committee limit eligibility to ministers and/or elders. Laypersons need not be members of the Annual Conference in order to serve. The Nominating Committee shall seek assistance from the pastors and boards of elders in obtaining capable candidates for these positions.

(The remainder of the article is unchanged)


This article is Article 510 in the 1996 edition of the Faith & Order

The committee also proposes the following Legislation at first reading in order to bring consistency of language and conformity of the principle articulated in this report to the Faith & Order. The citations are from the 1986 (page) and 1996 (section) editions of the Faith & Order.

1. Ministerial Relations Committee (p. 140, section 512-14)

                            Delete “laymen who are” from the first sentence

Change “layman” to “elder” in the three Classes.

2. Board of Directors of Bible Fellowship Church (p.141, section 512-1)

Section 1. Composition – Change “laymen” to “elders”.

Change “layman” and “laymen” to “elder” and “elders” in the three Classes.

3. Board of Church Extension (p.157, section 512-4)

Change “five laymen” to “five elders” in the first sentence of Composition and Election.

Change “layman” and “laymen” to “elder” and “elders” in the three Classes.

4. Board of Victory Valley (p.165, section 512-10)

Change “laymen” to “laypersons” in the first sentence.

Change “laymen” to “laypersons” in the three classes.

5. Board of Publication and Printing (p.166, section 512-9)

Change “laymen” to “laypersons” in the Composition and Election paragraph.

Change “layman” to “layperson” in the three Classes.

6. Board of Pensions (1992 Yearbook, section 512-7)

Change “four laymen in good standing with their local churches” to “four laypersons” in the paragraph on Composition and Election.

Change laymen and laymen to laypersons and layperson

7. Historical Committee (p.174, section 512-12)

Change “men” to “laypersons” in the opening sentence.

Change “men” and “man” to “laypersons” and “layperson” in the three Classes.

8. Nominating Committee (p.175, section 512-15)

Change “layman” to “layperson” in the three Classes.

9. Stewardship Council (p.177, section 512-16)

Change “men” to “laypersons” in paragraph 2 of the Membership section.

10. Strategic Planning Committee (section 512-17)

Delete “layman who are” from the first sentence of Composition and Election. Change “layman” to “elder” in the three Classes.


Study Committee to Clarify the Use of “Laymen” and “Laypersons”: Thomas P. Shorb, Chairman; Randall A. Grossman, Secretary; Richard T. Paashaus, Calvin T. Reed, L. James Roberts, Jr., David J. Watkins

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